HEXEN WADS If you're wondering what to do with a Hexen WAD once you copy it into your \HEXEN directory, here are a few tips. There's usually a TXT file for you to read, and some even include a batch file for loading the WAD. If you're left clueless, the standard procedure is to type: HEXEN -FILE WADNAME.WAD * where HEXEN = your Heretic executable command * where -FILE = would appear just as it is * where WADNAME.WAD = is the name of the WAD file you wish to load i.e. If the WAD name is DEMONHEX.WAD, you'd type: HEXEN -FILE DEMONHEX.WAD. This doesn't always work, they're just general guidelines. As with all WADS, updates, add-ons or patches make sure your original files are backed up. PC Gamer will not accept any responsibility for problems caused by these files.