On this pud Gul' Dan Cho'gall have seized great power though their portal of darkness. Gul'Dan has raised an army of undead and plague the forest to the north. These undead are stronger then previously known and Gul'Dan's new found power prevent your death knights from controlling the netherworld creatures. Perhaps the scientists can break the spell, but the resources will be great and in the mountains oil is scarce. You must defeat the traitor Gul'Dan and bring his forces down. Your small city has seen undead on the outskirts and reports of undead littering the forest nearby need to be confirmed. Your task will not be an easy one. The mountains are rich in gold, yet oil is practically nowhere to be found. This lack will prevent your researches from discovering important things. Your limits in power must be made up with intellegent strategies. You must not use high resources, or start with one peon, etc. Please play on all default settings. This pud was already designed with certain settings. You can overcome. Any question or comments mail me at cho@intersurf.com