Checking Land Supply... Please wait... Select a red-outlined fleet to carry supply Choose a german unit to change supply status for Can't supply this many factors; Select another unsupplied (or a just resupplied) unit Choose a axis unit to change supply status for Select a friendly destination port, bridgehead, or one-hex island to supply Select its final-destination port Select its destination hex Move the fleet to its destination hex Aborting would violate stacking limits Choose a Supplied German-Controlled Mediterenean Port to Place Naval Unit Select a unit-type you wish to build, then Select a hex to place it in Select a Phasing-Player air unit to use for Ground Support, then its target hex Defender:Select an air unit for DAS or an enemy fleet to Intercept Select attacker air unit to intercept DAS, then Select its destination hex Select a hex to attack, or press Done Select the Phasing-Player ground unit(s) that will attack the marked hex Select another hex to attack, or press Done Select armor unit(s) to move to Breakthrough hex Select its destination Port Move the fleet to its destination hex Select a fleet to move Select a Phasing-Player fleet that will be intercepted Select a naval or air unit Select an Axis fleet to move Select an Allied fleet to move Select a Non-Phasing-Player fleet that will be intercepted Select a Phasing-Player fleet that will be intercepted Select the flag of a nation that wishes to make a BRP Grant Aborted, select a granting nation Select the flag of the nation that will receive the Grant No SRs left, select a granting nation One SR is required; Select a 9-factor fleet for Sea Escort, then press Done Two SRs are required; Select the first 9 fleet for Sea Escort Choose a naval unit to add to convoy or press done Select any desired Western-Front fleet(s) to help protect the Murmansk convoy Choose the next 9 factor fleet for sea escort Choose a valid German hex to move trapped Murmansk Red-Outlined Naval Unit Choose a valid German hex to move trapped Murmansk Red-Outlined Air Unit Move Submarine factors to Murmansk Convoy Box Select German fleet/air unit(s) to move between Norway and the Murmansk Convoy Box Select air/naval unit for Offensive Mission, then (if air) Select its target hex Select the Front(s) you wish to resolve Attrition Combat, or press Done Deselect each valid red-outlined unit that you wish to exempt from Attrition combat Defender: Select a marked ground unit to retreat Attacker: Select a red-outlined unit to advance into each marked hex You must choose a unit to advance into hex Pick a unit from the Phasing nation Defender: Select a hex adjacent to the marked unit to retreat it to Choose a marked hex to retreat from Choose destination port Select a destination hex in Britain or France, or a 9-factor fleet for Sea Escort Select a destination hex, or a 9-factor fleet for Sea Escort SR aborted. Select a Phasing Player's unit to SR Choose a friendly port That is not an eligible port hex Units must deploy to Britain Select a friendly, same-Front port hex(or island without port) to Sea Escort to Choose the next airbase to fly to Choose a port to SR to Choose a friendly port Choose hex to move unit to