--------------------------------------------------- Read Me for the HIVE_101.ZIP file: 11/27/95 --------------------------------------------------- By popular demand, here it is...a build of The Hive's executable that supports an "easy" level of difficulty. Usage Instructions: 1) Unzip the contents of HIVE_101.ZIP 2) Copy the two .exe files (HIVEPLYR.EXE & HIVEUI.EXE) into the directory where you installed the Hive. The default would have been C:\HIVE. 3) Start the game normally. 4) You now have a new level of difficulty switch: "Easy". 5) Off you go... Keep in mind, this new switch doesn't make the game a gift by any means. It might better be labeled: easier. The enemies all attack you with the same ferocity as "normal", but your health bar repair rate is higher.