================================================================ Title : Altar of Pain Filename : tef_aop.MAP (All my levels have TEF at the beginning.) Author : T. H. Johansen (TJ) Email Address : torjoh@alfa.avh.unit.no Description : A fairly large Quake map designed with single play in mind, including 60 monsters and an exit, but no difficulty settings. If playing with the Quake CD in drive, the level will be playing track no. 5. The story for this level is the following: The Interdimensional Intelligence Agency (IIA) has got information that an evil and devastating ceremony is about to take place in what is whispered to be the "Altar of Pain", a demonic chapel where hideous Shamblers are said to rule. Somebody has to stop the ceremony from being fullfilled, or else the world is doomed to be ruled by dark and evil forces for all eternity. But to get there will take a strong effort, the IIA has realized. Therefore, having saved the world once, the IIA has called upon you to take the task to penetrate these Shamblers' stronghold and get to their chapel before it's too late. The IIA transports you through their only remaining slipgate, and you find yourself in a dark and gloomy basement. Getting your dark vision quickly tuned in, the first thing you spot is enemy soldiers and their rottweilers. OK, you're alone, it's pretty dark, but you know that you're not going to disappoint the IIA or yourself. Firmly you pump some lead into that old thrustworthy shotgun of yours and get on with it... Additional Credits to : ID Software, for making such an unbelievable game (Quake) and letting us do what we want with it. Ben Williams for QuMa v.1.0 ("Good stuff, Ben!") Darren Stabler for vising the .map file. Thanks! ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : Altar of Pain Single Player : Yes, specifically designed for this. 60 monsters and an exit. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No. Deathmatch 1-4 Player : Not implemented as yet. Not designed for DM anyway. Difficulty Settings : No. Anything else new : No. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Build Time : 4 days (about 40 hours), if NOT including the time spent learning the basics. Editor(s) used : QuMa v1.0 (great editor!) and MS-DOS Editor. Known Bugs : This map is vised and should run quite perfectly. There may be a version of the .bsp file out there that's not vised, if you know of someone who has that (earlier) version, please inform them of this new vised .bsp file. Other than that, the level should be quite challenging (in certain places...) and will take approx. 20-25 minutes to complete (without cheating!). Cheating is NOT necessary and will ruin this level since it's designed specifically for single play!. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level and include it in any compilation etc., as long as you include my text file and give me credit. You may also use it as a base for new maps etc. * Other notes * Remember, this is my very first attempt at a Quake level. I like single play very much, and decided to design with that in mind. If you think this level sucks, please tell me why. If you think it's pretty good, at least not the worst one you've tried, feel free to tell me that too. If you wish to edit it to implement deathmatch starting points (I could've done this easily, but I'm too lazy...), feel free to do so. I don't think it will make a good DM level, however. * Where to get this MAP * ftp.cdrom.com ftp.stomped.com *Archive info* Archive filename: tef_aop.zip Including: tef_aop.map (must be compiled if used) tef_aop.bsp (use directly in Quake) tef_aop.txt (this file)