----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PATCH WILL UPDATE MECHWARRIOR 2: MERCENARIES 1.0 TO VERSION 1.05 AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE WITH ANY OTHER MECHWARRIOR 2 PRODUCT. If you have any questions or problems, please visit our Web Page at http://www.activision.com The patch is a self-extracting archive PLUS a second program that needs to be run once. Here's how to do it: Before installing the patch: 1. You may want to run SCANDISK and DEFRAG on your hard drive before patching to improve game performance. 2. NOTE: it is safest to uninstall Mercenaries and reinstall it before patching. We expect that most people won't need to do this, but if you have trouble, uninstall and try again. 3. NOTE: The patch will cause customized 'Mechs in saved games to revert to standard 'Mechs. If you have any customized 'Mechs in saved games, please sell off all of your customized 'Mechs before patching. 4. Copy the patch to MERC105P.EXE in the same directory as Mercenaries is installed in. (If you used the DOS installer, this is usually C:\MERCS. If you used the Windows setup, this is usually C:\Program Files\Activision\Mercenaries.) To patch a DOS installation: 1. At the DOS prompt, change directories into the directory where Mercenaries is installed (usually, you'll type CD \MERCS and press ENTER), then run the patch by typing MERC105P.EXE at the command line. 2. It will ask you whether to extract to C:\MERCS. Type Y and press Enter if that's where you installed Mercenaries. (If you installed Mercenaries to a different location, type N. It will then ask you where to extract the patch to. If you downloaded the patch into the directory where Mercenaries is installed, you can just press ENTER at the prompt.) 3. At the DOS prompt, type PROJPAT and press Enter. To patch a Windows 95 installation: 1. Go to the folder where Mercenaries is installed (usually C:\Program Files\Activision\Mercenaries). Double click on the MERC105P.EXE icon. (If it isn't there, find where you downloaded it to, and move it into the Mercenaries folder before running it!) 2. It will ask you whether to extract to C:\MERCS. Type N and press Enter. It will then ask you where to extract the patch to. Since you are running the patch in the Mercenaries folder, you can just press ENTER at the prompt. 3. From the Mercenaries directory run PROJPAT.EXE by double-clicking on the PROJPAT icon. IMPORTANT: You must run PROJPAT.EXE in order for the V.1.05 patch to work correctly. This patch addresses problems in the following areas of MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries: 1. MechLab 2. Extra Damage or weapons after missions 3. Multi-CD Rom 4. Invisible Cockpit Configuration settings 5. MercNet 6. Prince Luthor and Pirate Dropship missions 7. Various Crash Bugs This patch also includes a few minor enhancements such as: 1. Statistics box in MechLab 2. Weapons info in MechLab 3. 'Mechs are now sorted by weight 4. /Ping in MercNet now allows players to measure lag and loss 5. MercNet Mech screen now shows all 14 weapons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAME WALK-THROUGH If you don't feel comfortable with going straight into battle, it may be smart for you to secure a training contract first. There is a unit of Hanson's Rough Riders who are often looking for inexperienced Mercs to back them up on some of there less dangerous contracts. (Plus there is a good chance of picking up some extra cash along the way.) ComStar Terminal To start with you will need to get to a ComStar terminal and sign in with the Guild. You're going to need to give them a call sign and a unit name. Think about them both, because once you have decided on the names, you cannot change them. The ComStar terminal will also be a place that you can check in with from time to time to find out what is going on in the Inner Sphere. The Office In the office you'll find your personal terminal. This terminal houses all the tools you need to manage your mercenary unit. Mercenary Contract Database The contract database lists all of the campaigns that that are currently available. Be careful in your contract selection: once you have chosen a contract, there is no way to back out of it. Pay close attention to the monetary reward for completing each contract. Lucrative contracts may look tempting, but with higher rewards come greater risks and longer durations. Personnel Database At any given time there will be a number of mercenaries available for hire. They have diverse backgrounds and skill levels, so be sure to read their profiles: you get what you pay for. After you've hired a mercenary, he or she will draw a monthly salary until you fire them (or they meet their death in battle). Inventory From your office terminal, you can keep tabs on your current stores of 'Mechs, weapons, and equipment. These things are accumulated through purchases or as salvaged bounty from missions. Finances Your monthly costs are reported in a short financial summary on your office computer. Note that the more 'Mechs you own, the more techs are required to maintain them. The 'Mech Bay The starport at Outreach contains a reasonably well-equipped 'Mech Bay. In the 'Mech Bay, you'll find a terminal for managing your arsenal of 'Mechs and weaponry. Arms Merchant When it comes time to stock up on weaponry, access the Arms Merchant. A wide variety of arms, munitions, and equipment can be found here. Technical advances are frequently made, so keep an eye out for new types of weapons and equipment. If you signed on to a long contract, make sure that you have exact replacements for the items on your 'Mech. Everything that gets destroyed while on a mission has to be replaced from your inventory; there's no Arms Merchant on a dropship. Weapons and Ammo Tips Make certain that you buy extra weapons before you go on campaign missions (missions that will last for several months). These missions are often on distant worlds where you can't get access to a reputable arms-merchant. If weapons are destroyed, you won't be able to repair them unless you have spare weapons on-hand in your inventory. Weapons stored in your arms are more likely to be targeted by enemy Mechwarriors and should be a priority when you are repurchasing extra weapons. When deciding on a contract, always weigh the missions risk against the pay-off. Watch for salvage opportunities as well as the missions total pay. Remember that missions that offer a substantial cash reward are probably difficult or risky missions, beware of any contract that seems too good to be true. Mech Factory If you find yourself in the enviable position of having excess C-bills, you'll want to trade in your current 'Mech for a more powerful one. The 'Mech factory will be more than happy to accommodate you, but be wary of the premium it will cost to repurchase your 'Mech. As with weaponry, there are frequently advances in 'Mech chassis design, so keep an eye out for new types of 'Mechs. Customize A large concern for many mercenaries is the cost of customizations. Since each 'Mech in the Inner Sphere is assembled to a particular specification, it is fairly expensive to make custom modifications. Choose your customizations carefully BEFORE making any transactions on the 'Mech Bay's computers to avoid wasting money and time with unnecessary work on your 'Mech. PROCEDURES FOR CUSTOMIZING A BATTLEMECH There are two basic considerations in balancing a BattleMech: (1) maximum weight and (2) critical space. Maximum weight is determined by the total allowable tonnage for the base chassis selected. Critical space refers to the critical slots in each section of a BattleMech designed to house weapons and 'Mech system components. The capacity of these areas is determined by the BattleMech's tonnage and a pre-allocated assignment of critical space to the base chassis, the main framework of each BattleMech. The available critical slots in each section of the base chassis determine the space in which to allocate the primary components of a 'Mech. SELECTING AN ENGINE Choose an engine for your BattleMech. Select "Engine" from the configuration summary to display the Engine screen. Select FASTER or SLOWER to scroll through the BattleMech engines available. Once you have determined the engine you will use in your BattleMech, click on the type of engine on the Engine screen to toggle between Std (Standard) or XL (Extra Light) engine technology. An XL-type engine weighs half as much as a standard engine of the same rating, but occupies additional critical slots in each side of a 'Mech's Torso. MODIFY HEAT SINKS Every BattleMech engine is equipped with heat sinks as standard equipment, but some 'Mechs will need additional heat sinks to effectively dissipate heat, depending on their weapons configuration. Select "Heat Sinks" on the configuration summary to display the Heat Sinks screen. A BattleMech may not carry a mix of normal and double heat sinks. To add more heat sinks simple use the "Add" key to add them to a particular location on your BattleMech. You may need to purchase additional heat sinks first. To upgrade to double heat sinks you have to buy an "Upgrade Package" available at the Arms Merchant. When you buy an upgrade package all of your heat sinks become double heat sinks and you will have to assign them to critical slots on your BattleMech. The total weight of the default heat sinks is included in the engine tonnage; extra heat sinks can be added at a weight cost per heat sink. The critical slots required for the total number of heat sinks added is determined by the 'Mech's engine rating. DETERMINING JUMP CAPABILITY BattleMechs may be equipped with jump jets in their Legs and/or Torsos to allow jump capability. Each jump jet gives a 'Mech additional jump capability. DETERMINE INTERNAL STRUCTURE The internal structure of a 'Mech can be constructed with standard or Endo Steel technology. To upgrade your BattleMechs internal structure you need to purchase an upgrade package from an Arms Merchant and then assign the Endo Steel criticals to slots on your BattleMech. Although using Endo Steel frees up tonnage that can be used to add weapons and armor, it requires more critical slots to be carried by a 'Mech. MODIFY ARMOR You can add armor to your 'Mech in half-ton increments and as much as your 'Mech's internal structure will allow. The armor factor is based on a 'Mech's armor type and tonnage. Select "Armor" from the "Equipment" section to display the Armor screen. You can add twice as much armor as internal structure to each area of a 'Mech's torso, arms and legs, and three times as much to a 'Mech's head. Select ADD or DELETE to modify your 'Mech with the desired armor. You will have to buy a Ferro Fibrous upgrade package if you wish to upgrade your BattleMechs armor from standard to Ferro Fibrous armor. For each ton of standard armor added, you are supplied with plates of armor which you can distribute to your 'Mech's structure. Ferro-Fibrous armor increases the armor factor per ton, but occupies more critical slots in a 'Mech's internal structure. Once you determine the total tonnage of armor to add, you can distribute the selected number of plates of armor to the different sections in your BattleMech's internal structure. The exact armor factor used to protect each area is left to your discretion. Use the 'Mech diagram on the Armor Allocation screen to select the section of the 'Mech to which you would like to add armor, then use the first set of arrows on the left to increase or decrease the amount of armor allocated to those areas. For areas to which armor can be allocated to front and back sections, use the second set of arrows to increase or decrease armor accordingly. The Armor Allocation screen will indicate the armor assigned to each section of the BattleMech. ADD WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION You can add up to fourteen weapons and as much ammo as your BattleMech's total tonnage and critical slots will support. Select one of the weapon buttons at the top of the screen to choose from a selection of weapons. Then review the Weapons Table on the right to determine which weapons are available for incorporation into your custom 'Mech. To add a weapon to your configuration, select the weapon you would like to add from the Weapons Table. Then, select ADD to add it to the 'Mech's configuration. The added weapon will then appear in your BattleMech. To delete a weapon, just select it on your BattleMech and select REMOVE to remove it from the configuration. If the weapon you have added is an ammunition-based weapon (i.e., non-energy weapon), you can add or delete ammo in keeping with the base chassis's allowable tonnage and critical space. First select the AMMO button on the top of the screen. You will see a list of available ammunition. Choose the ammo you want, the section you want to add it to and hit the "Add" key. ADD EQUIPMENT Select "Equipment" on the configuration summary to display the Equipment screen. Each 'Mech is equipped with several mandatory equipment systems which are accounted for in the design of a BattleMech. Both mandatory and assignable equipment will appear on the Equipment screen to indicate which systems are included in your configuration. In addition to various actuators, the other type of equipment your 'Mech configuration can be equipped with is MASC to enable a 'Mech with the capability of short bursts of speed at the cost of heat build-up and increased stresses. Purchase MASC and then assign the necessary criticals that appear with the ADD button. If you do decide to customize your 'Mech, there are some things you need to know. First of all, your 'Mech has a maximum tonnage. There is only so much weight that its chassis design will tolerate. Usually 'Mechs are sold fitted with equipment up to their maximum weight limit. You will have to remove weaponry and other equipment to free up some weight. In the Customize section of the 'Mech Ops computer located in the 'Mech Bay, click on the part of your 'Mech that you would like to customize. Highlight the desired item for removal and click "remove". That's all you need to do; the rest is done by the 'Mech Bay technicians. To add new items, select the desired section of your 'Mech, like before. This time, select the exact weapon from the list on the right and click "add". You can cycle through the various categories of items to add using the row of buttons across the top of the screen. Repair/Reload Repairing a 'Mech is similar to customizing one, but it is both simpler and less expensive. You will need to repair your 'Mech after every mission, or else you will start the next mission with the damage you sustained in the previous one. Remember that you need to have the foresight to stock your inventory with exact replacement parts for the items on your 'Mech. There are two ways of repairing. "Repair All" will let your personal technician know that he is to fix every single problem on your 'Mech. If he can't fix or replace something, he will let you know. Alternately, you can repair individual crits on your 'Mech by clicking on specific regions of the 'Mech diagram, clicking on a specific item in the list, and then clicking the "Repair" button. The text for damaged crits is classified by color. Gray = normal, yellow = light damage, red = heavy damage or no replacement in inventory. If an item is red, that means you have no replacement for the item in your inventory; you will have to make do without this item until you have a chance to visit the Arms Merchant in the starport between campaigns. Dropships Since most starports are located in extremely secure areas, you will need a dropship to get you to and from missions. From most dropships, you should be able to repair and reload your 'Mech, access your inventory and financial databases, assign your starmates to their 'Mechs and review your current contract more thoroughly before going into the mission. The latter is done by accessing the mission computer. Before any given mission you will have access to the mission briefing given to you by your current employer and any of your own personal notes on the situation. After a mission, when you are safely away from any danger zone, your employer will send you a debriefing on the situation and how you affected it. They will also give you the most recent news on the situation as told by ComStar. If you ever feel that you are running low on supplies or armaments, you always have the option of aborting the mission without legal repercussions, but there is no guarantee that your reputation will fare as well. The best thing to do is to make sure that you are completely prepared for any set of missions that you are about to launch into. When you get back to your starport always make sure to check your inventory, there is always the chance you were able to pick up some weapons off of destroyed 'Mechs that are still good. Plus some of the larger employers have been known to give damaged enemy 'Mechs to mercenaries as a bonus. That should be enough to get you going. You're going to have to figure the rest out for yourself. Where you go with your career is entirely up to you, just remember that the Inner Sphere is in great discord and anything could happen at any time. Once again, good luck Mercenary. COMSTAR ARCHIVE FILE: 66526-A456 Submitted by Primus Jack Mamais Terra BATTLEMECH WEAPONS INFORMATION Weapon Heat Damage Range Tons Crits Ammo/ton ER Large Laser 12 8 570 5 2 Nil ER PPC 15 10 690 7 3 Nil Flamer 3 2 90 1 1 Nil Large Laser 8 8 450 5 2 Nil Medium Laser 3 5 270 1 1 Nil Small Laser 1 3 90 .5 1 Nil PPC 10 10 570 7 3 Nil Pulse Laser (Large) 10 9 300 7 2 Nil Pulse Laser (Medium) 4 6 180 2 1 Nil Pulse Laser (Small) 2 3 90 1 1 Nil Anti-Missile System 1 Nil Nil .5 1 12 Autocannon/2 1 2 720 6 1 45 Autocannon/5 1 5 570 8 4 20 Autocannon/10 3 10 450 12 7 10 Autocannon/20 7 20 360 14 10 5 Guass Rifle 1 15 660 15 7 8 LB 10-X AC 2 10 540 11 6 10 Machine Gun 0 2 90 .5 1 200 Ultra AC/5 1 5 600 9 5 20 LRM5 2 1/per 630 2 1 24 LRM10 4 1/per 630 5 2 12 LRM15 5 1/per 630 7 3 8 LRM20 6 1/per 630 10 5 6 Narc Missile Beacon 0 None 270 3 2 6 SRM 2 2 2/per 270 1 1 50 SRM 4 3 2/per 270 2 1 25 SRM 6 4 2/per 270 3 2 15 Streak SRM-2 2 2/per 270 1.5 1 50 Arrow IV System 10 20 2 km 15 15 5 CASE 0 0 Nil .5 1 Nil Heat Sink -1 Nil Nil 1 1 Nil Double Heat Sink -2 Nil Nil 1 1 Nil WEAPONS DESCRIPTIONS Extended Range Lasers The extended-range laser is an upgraded version of the basic laser with improvements that are obvious in its superior beam focusing and targeting equipment. The small extended-range laser is the lightest of all. It causes less damage than the large version and generates less heat. The medium version is heavier than the small version, but with more of the same advantages and drawbacks of the larger model. The large version of the ER laser has a significant increase in range and a damage potential that is slightly higher than the basic model, at a cost of substantially more heat than the other versions. Extended Range PPC The Particle Projection Cannon fires high energy ion bolts which cause damage through both the impact and high temperature. Extended-range PPC is a significantly improved version of the particle projection cannon. This PPC is smaller, lighter and more powerful than the basic version with its longer range and harder punch. Heat buildup is also much higher and could be a critical disadvantage of employing this weapon. Pulse Lasers The pulse laser uses a rapid-cycling, high-energy pulse to generate multiple laser beams, creating an effect comparable to machine-gun fire. This characteristic improves each laser attack's hit probability with more damage per hit at the cost of increased heat and a somewhat shorter effective range. They too are available in small, medium and large versions. Gauss Rifle The Gauss rifle uses a series of magnets to propel a projectile through its barrel and towards a target. While requiring a great deal of power to operate, it generates very little heat and can achieve a muzzle velocity twice that of any conventional weapon. Gauss rifle ammunition consists of nickel-ferrous metal slugs. If Gauss ammunition takes a critical hit, there is no explosion, but the hit destroys the ammo-feed 'Mechanism rendering the rest of the ammunition in that location useless. A critical hit on the Gauss rifle itself destroys the capacitors that power this weapon. Such destruction causes a catastrophic discharge of the capacitor's stored energy with results similar to an ammunition explosion. If a Gauss rifle takes a critical hit, it causes an ammunition explosion in the location containing the rifle. LB-X Autocannon The LB-X autocannon makes use of light, heat-dissipating alloys to reduce weight and heat buildup. The reduced space and weight requirement of the LB-X autocannon allows this weapon to mount more sophisticated fire-control systems. In addition to these advantages, the LB-X autocannon can use special cluster munitions that act much like an anti-BattleMech shotgun in combat. When fired, the ammunition fragments into several smaller submunitions. This improves the chances of scoring a hit and striking a critical location, but reduces overall damage by spreading hits all over the target area rather than concentrating on one location. The 5X autocannon causes five times as much damage as the common model, and the 20X causes 20 times more damage than the common model. Machine Gun The machine gun is a rapid-fire weapon. It is one of the lightest, yet powerful weapons a BattleMech can carry. The sheer volume of machine gun rounds which can be shot at close range increases the probability of scoring a hit, but does not cause severe damage to its target. Ultra Autocannon The ultra autocannon features a short, smooth-bore barrel, a modified breech mechanism, a rapid-feed reloader and specially designed ammunition. The AC/5 version causes five times more damage than the common model. The ultra AC/10 causes ten times the damage and more heat build-up, while the largest version causes 20 times the damage. Short-Range Missiles Short-range missiles are specially designed to fire at close range. Although the SRM-2 missile fires only two missiles at once, it can cause more damage than a missile in the long range missile group. The SRM-4 fires four missiles at once and the SRM-6 version delivers six missiles in one powerful shot. Streak Short-Range Missiles These short-range missile launchers are linked to a computerized fire-control system which handles target acquisition. Once the computer obtains a target lock, the streak missile will automatically home in on its target. The sure-hit SRM-2 fires two missiles at once while the SRM-4 blasts four missiles worth of firepower. The SRM-6 tops the streak missile family with a six-pack blast of guided bliss. Long-Range Missiles The long-range missile is a specialized weapon designed to make contact with its target at long range through the use of its guidance system. The LRM-5 sends off a five-pack of missiles at once. The LRM-10 fires off ten missiles with one blast. The LRM-15 fires off a 15-pack of missiles and the LRM-20 leads this family of missiles with a 20-pack of pure missile power. Its indirect hits have been known to be as effective as its direct hits due to area-effect explosions known as "splash damage." LRMs won't "lock" at distances under 75M. BATTLEMECH COMPONENTS The internal structure of a BattleMech is composed of eight sections: Head, Center Torso, Left and Right Torso, Left and Right Arms, and Left and Right Legs. Each of these sections serves as a designated area for carrying weapons, ammunition or additional equipment in a BattleMech. The following are the systems that comprise a BattleMech: Engines BattleMechs can be equipped with a wide variety of engines to determine maximum land speed. There are two types of engines: standard or XL engines. The XL engines are retrofit standard engines with new and lighter shielding materials, greatly reducing overall engine weight at the cost of compactness. Although normal engine weight is halved, additional engine critical space must be allocated to both the Right and Left Torsos. Cockpit/Gyroscope Every BattleMech includes a cockpit containing the MechWarrior's control station, life-support system and electronic sensors. Damage to a 'Mech's control components impacts its ability to move and jump. In addition to a cockpit, every BattleMech is equipped with a powerful gyroscope to keep it upright and able to move. Internal Structure Internal structure is the backbone of the 'Mech. A BattleMech's internal structure can be designed in using one of two advanced technologies: standard or Endo Steel. Made with zero-G manufacturing techniques that mix high-density steel with lower-density titanium and aluminum, Endo Steel is twice as strong per unit of weight as standard materials. However, strength is traded at an increase in overall bulk requiring more critical space in a 'Mech's internal structure. Heat Sinks Heat sinks supply a BattleMech with the ability to dissipate heat internally. Double heat sinks can cool a 'Mech much more efficiently with a heat-dissipation rate that is twice as fast as that of standard heat sinks. Although double sinks weigh the same as standard heat sinks, the double versions are considerably bulkier and take up extra space aboard a 'Mech. At one ton and two critical slots each, Torso- mounted double sinks tend to limit space for weapons. Jump Jets Most 'Mechs can be equipped with jump jets located in pods in the Leg and Torso areas to allow jump movement. Jump jets may only be mounted if there are sufficient critical slots in these areas. To gain desired jump capacity, a MechWarrior must evaluate the environmental conditions of the mission as well as the overall mass of the 'Mech being customized before determining the number of jump jets being added. Armor A BattleMech's armor provides the protective covering for its internal structure and critical components. There are two types of armor a pilot can choose to assign to a BattleMech: normal or Ferro-Fibrous armor. Ferro-Fibrous armor is an improved version of the ordinary BattleMech armor in that it greatly increases a 'Mech's tensile strength. Although this advanced armor gives a 'Mech a greater armor factor for the same weight, it is bulkier than its equivalent weight of standard armor plating and requires more critical space in a 'Mech's internal structure. Weapons Systems Pilots can equip their 'Mechs with any mix of weapons their assigned base chassis will support. MechWarriors must weigh the advantages of using different energy, missile or ballistic weapons systems against the weight and space considerations of all possible combinations. Some weapons systems are more powerful at the expense of greater heat buildup, while other weapons cause less damage but have greater distance advantages. Ammunition All weapons other than energy weapons (e.g., lasers) require a pre-allocated supply of ammunition that can be determined by each pilot. Ammo must also be allocated to critical slots within a 'Mech's internal structure. Equipment Some BattleMechs are equipped with CASE (Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment), a damage-control technology that mitigates the effects of internal ammunition explosions. When ammo explodes in a location with CASE, the force of the explosion is directed away from the 'Mech's vital components, such as the cockpit or the engine. BattleMechs without CASE can be destroyed by a single internal ammunition explosion. Criticals All components housed within a BattleMech must be assigned to critical slots within a 'Mech's internal structure. The number of available critical slots in each section of a 'Mech's base chassis limits the mix of weapons and equipment with which any particular 'Mech can be configured. The construction of a BattleMech cannot be completed until each item has been assigned to the requisite number of critical slots. CURRENT BATTLEMECH DESCRIPTION AND STATISTICS ASN-21 Assassin Overview: Many of the purchasing agents for the Star League's military branch seem to have overstepped their authority in the case of the Assassin BattleMech. Although a new light 'mech was not required in great numbers, lobbyists for Maltex Corporation managed to gain several key contracts for the production of this 'Mech. Despite all the politics involved, the Assassin turned out to be a successful 'Mech in combat. Its ample firepower, good armor protection, and speed have made it a popular model. Its mobility seems to be the key to its success in battle. Stats: Mass: 40 Tons Chassis: Maltax 40 Power Plant: 280 VOX Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph Jump Jets: 100AFVTA Jump Capacity: 210 m Armor: Lox loft series 1 Armament: 1 Martell Medium Laser 1 Holly Long-Range Missile Rack 1 Holly Short-Range Missile Rack Manufacturer: Maltax Corporation Communication System: Garret T15 B Targeting and Tracking System: Garret 500S AS7-D Atlas Overview: The sight of BattleMechs lumbering across the terrain is a familiar one among the worlds of the Inner Sphere. Nevertheless, the sight of an AS7-D Atlas still manages to make even experienced MechWarriors break out in a sweat and brings the bitter taste of bile to their mouths. The Atlas was designed as a last-ditch attempt to ensure the superiority of the Star League's Regular Army over the growing armies of the House Lords. It was an understandable reaction to the Cameron edicts passed from 2751 to 2761 by the High Council, which permitted the five Lords to double the size of their personal armies. General Kerensky himself set down the specifications for the Atlas. He said that it should be "a 'Mech as powerful as possible, as impenetrable as possible, and as ugly and foreboding as conceivable, so that fear itself will be our ally." Stats: Mass: 100 Tons Chassis: Foundation Type 10X Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 54.0 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Durallex Special Heavy Armament: 1 Class 20 Autocannon 1 LRM-20 Missile System 4 Medium Lasers 1 SRM-6 Missile System Manufacturer: Na'ir, Hesperus, Quentin Communication System: Army Comm. Class 5 Targeting and Tracking System: Army Comp. Type 29K AWS-8Q Awesome Overview: The AWS-8Q Awesome is one of the most feared vehicles on the battlefields of the Succession Wars. First built in 2655 by the Technicron Manufacturing Conglomerate under license from the Star League, it soon became a popular heavy 'Mech in many regimental assault lances. Based on the design of the STR-2C Striker, the original assault 'Mech, the Awesome soon superseded that aging vehicle as the main heavy assault 'Mech in almost all the Successor States. The STR-2C Striker is almost never seen in front-line regiments today. The Awesome is widely used as an initial penetration assault vehicle. Massed Awesome assault lances are sent to destroy a point in the enemy defenses, allowing units that follow to exploit the breach. The Awesome is also used in many defensive situations where it is usually responsible for the most threatened or important areas of a perimeter. Stats: Mass: 80 Tons Chassis: Technicron Type G Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 35.4 kph Maximum Speed: 51.2 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Durallex Heavy Special Armament: 3 Kreuss Particle Projection Cannons 1 Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing Communication System: Garret T19-G Targeting and Tracking System: Dynatec 2780 CPLT-C1 Catapult Overview: The CPLT-C1 Catapult was produced by Hollis Incorporated in a limited production run between 2561 and 2563 under a special military contract with the Star League. It was officially classified as a close-support vehicle, designed as a second-line defense with strong offensive capabilities. Early models of the Catapult were equipped with no close support weapons. But the most current versions carry four medium lasers for close support. Stats: Mass: 65 Tons Chassis: Hollis Mark II Power Plant: Magna 260 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Anderson Propulsion 21 Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Heavy Armament: 2 Holly LRM 15s 4 Martell Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Hollis Incorporated Communication System: O/P COM-211 Targeting and Tracking System: O/P 1078 CDA-2A Cicada Overview: Many small manufacturers entered the BattleMech industry as tensions mounted near the time of the fall of the Star League. In this period, HartfordCo, a known manufacturer of fine communications and targeting systems, began constructing 'Mechs from their home planet of Bryant near Earth. Their single contribution to battlefield technology was the Cicada, which went into limited production in 2840. With Bergan Industries holding almost a total monopoly on the contracts for small recon 'Mechs, HartfordCo proposed a 'Mech heavier than the Locust made by Bergan. It would be armed with the well proven Magna laser systems, and be as fast as the Locust but weigh twice as much. Most important, the price was right. Star League took a limited contract for the Cicada, shipping it to replace many of the Locusts lost in border areas. Stats: Mass: 40 Tons Chassis: Hartford 300 Power Plant: 320 Pitban Cruising Speed: 86.4 kph Maximum Speed: 129.6 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: 3/Star Slab Armament: 2 Magna Medium Lasers 1 Magna 200 Small Laser Manufacturer: HartfordCo Communication System: Hartford J15 B Targeting and Tracking System: Hartford S1000 CN9-A Centurion Overview: The Centurion was designed and built by Corean Enterprises as an operational partner for the highly successful Trebuchet. Produced from 2801 until the Corean plant on Ramen II was destroyed in 2845, it boasts a poweful Luxor medium-heavy autocannon and two Photech 806c medium lasers. For long-range hitting power, it has a chassis mounted Luxor 3R LRM-10. This cross-section of weaponry gives the centurion a potential damage curve that increases steadily as it nears its target. Unfortunately, many CN9-As have developed defects in their autocannon loading mechanisms. In many cases, it has been necessary to replace the entire loader. As replacement parts for the Luxor autocannon become increasingly rare, Techs often replace the entire autocannon with another make or decide to mount a different type of weapons system in its stead. No matter which alternative is chosen, it is an extremely complicated and time-consuming operation, as the Luxor system was custom-fit into the Centurion's chassis with no room left for modifications. Although the CN9 is a fine 'Mech when in good condition, the defective autocannons make its future uncertain. In the future, Centurions may adopt a variety of roles, depending which refits they receive. Stats: Mass: 50 Tons Chassis: Corean Model K7 Power Plant: 200 Nisson Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: StarGuard III Armament: 1 Luxor D-Series Autocannon 1 Luxor 3R LRM-10 2 Photech 806c Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises Communication System: Corean Transband-J9 Targeting and Tracking System: Corean B-Tech CLNT-2-3T Clint Overview: Andoran Industries began construction of the CLNT-2-3T under the Star League Armaments Act of 2507, which law provided border areas with the latest in battlefield technology. The Andoran Industries project resulted in the construction of over 200 of this class. The original Clint prototypes mounted a heavier autocannon (Armstrong Buster Class) and carried more ammunition. However, the chassis of these models developed stress problems, and the armament was downgraded to its current configuration. This 'Mech functioned as a recon 'Mech as well as a well-armed, lower-end medium 'Mech. Its history and combat performance shows that it served those purposes well. Stats: Mass: 40 Tons Chassis: Andoran Model III Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: Andoran Model JJII Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Durallex Medium Armament: 1 Armstrong Autocannon/5 2 Martell Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Andoran Industries Ltd. Communication System: Raldon R1 Targeting and Tracking System: Sloane 220 Lockover Systems COM-2D Commando Overview: The Commando COM-2D was designed as an alternative to the more numerous Wasps and Stingers as a reconnaissance 'Mech. While not jump-capable, the Commando has far stronger weapons than either of the more famous scout 'Mechs. Conceived by engineers at Coventry Defense during the last days of the Protectorate of Donegal, the first prototype Commando was tested in 2463 and carried a large laser on the right arm. Because of the sudden heat generated by the laser was breaking down the lubricants in the 'Mech's wrist and hand, the weapon was later replaced with an SRM four-rack. The Commando was commissioned by the Protectorate of Donegal in 2466, then adopted by the entire Lyran Commonwealth after the Protectorate became part of it. Though Star League made many attempts to draft the Commando into its own forces, the Commonwealth managed, through clever stalling and subtle lying, to keep the design to themselves. That has proved a prudent move on the part of the Commonwealth. Stats: Mass: 25 Tons Chassis: Coventry Metal Works Power Plant: Omin 150 Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Lexington Linked Armament: 1 Shannon Six-Shooter Missile Pack 1 Coventry 4-Tube Missile System 1 Hesperus-B3M Medium Laser Manufacturer: Coventry Defense Conglomerate Communication System: TharHes Crystal Flower RG-2 Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Star Shark CRB-27 Crab Overview: The Crab has been well received in Kurita units since Comstar began supplying them to the Draconis Combine. The 'Mech performed well in the War of 3039, surprising Davion units with the weapons hidden inside its claws. In fact, House Kurita would probably make the Crab one of its standard designs if it had the factory to produce its own. Stats: Mass: 50 Tons Chassis: Hollis Mark 1A Power Plant: Magna 250 Cruising Speed: 54 kph Maximum Speed: 86 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Paulina Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armament: 2 RAMTech 1200 Large Lasers 1 Ceres Arms Medium Laser 1 ExoStar Small Laser Manufacturer: Cosara Weaponries Communication System: Garret T11-b Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j CP 10-Z Cyclops Overview: Stormvanger Assemblies first placed the CP 10-Z Cyclops into production in 2710. Designed as a heavy assault vehicle for use in assault lances, the Cyclops also proved a favorite among headquarters troops in higher-echelon formations. With its sophisticated holographic Tacticon B-2000 battle computer and its planet-wide communications capability, the heavy 'Mech proved highly useful in this role. Except when the Cyclops is part of an assault, tactical doctrine usually places it in the reserve, where it can coordinate and support the overall actions of the other BattleMechs in its command. At regimental level and higher, the commander's Cyclops is usually guarded by a headquarters lance and supporting units. Though individual commanders have occasionally made personal modifications, the present-day Cyclops is virtually identical to the prototype coming off the assembly line in 2710. Stats: Mass: 90 Tons Chassis: Stormvanger HV-7 Power Plant: Hermes 360 Cruising Speed: 42.1 kph Maximum Speed: 61.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Special Armament: 2 Diverse Optics Type 20 Medium Lasers 1 Delta Dart Long Range Missile 10-Rack 1 Hovertec Short Range Missile Quad 1 Zeus-36, Mark III Autocannon Manufacturer: Stormvanger Assemblies, Unlimited Communication System: Olmstead 840 with SatNav Module Targeting and Tracking System: Tacticon Tracer 280 DRG-1N Dragon Overview: In the first years of the Kerensky Protectorate, the lackluster performance of the aging SHD-1R Shadow Hawk against newer designs made apparent the need to replace it. In a major contest, the Luthien Armor Works submitted its Dragon design and promptly lost the contract to the upgraded Shadow Hawk, the 2H. Amazed and angered, the owners of Luthien Armor Works went ahead with production of a slightly less powerful Dragon. This design carried a Class 2 Victory autocannon on its right arm instead of the more powerful Imperator-A. It was this Dragon design that House Kurita privately commissioned in 2754 as the basis for the Combine's private army until the dissolution of The Star League. Stats: Mass: 60 Tons Chassis: Alshain Type 56-60H Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Armament: 1 Telos DecaCluster LRM Missile System 1 Imperator-A Autocannon 2 Victory 23R Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works Communication System: Sipher CommSys 3 Targeting and Tracking System: Eagle Eye Sy10-10 HTM-27T Hatamoto-Chi Overview: The HTM-27T Hatamoto-Chi is one of the first BattleMechs fielded by the DCMS utilizing advanced construction materials, most notably an Endo Steel chassis. First deployed by the DCMS on An Ting in 3039, the Hatamoto-Chi is a major conversion of the Wells Technologies CGR-1A1. The modifications were so extensive that the 'Mech was given a new designation. Externally, the Hatamoto-Chi is similar to its parent design, retaining the large shoulder assemblies and lacking a left hand, which give the machine its characteristic silhouette. The most obvious distinguishing characteristic of this class is the radiator fins mounted on the head. Stats: Mass: 80 Tons Chassis: Earthwerks VOL Endo Steel Power Plant: Pitban 320 Cruising Speed: 43 kph Maximum Speed: 65 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Mitchell Argon Ferro-Fibrous with CASE Armament: 2 Tiegart Particle Projection Cannons 2 Bical-6 SRM Launchers Manufacturer: Maltex Corporation Communication System: Colmax 90 Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j HNT-171 Hornet Overview: A design that has long been out of favor, the Hornet was one of the first 'Mechs to use recovered technology in the hope of improving its performance. The work was done at the high-security Kallon factory on the planet Talon in the Wernke system. The HTN-171 model has appeared in limited numbers in F-C units, mostly in the Sarna March. The Federated Commonwealth version is far more effective than the old HNT-151. It incorporates the lighter Endo Steel Construction, combined with Ferro Fibrous armor and Cellular Ammunition Storage Equipment. The 171 carries a half-ton less armor than the 151 but has virtually the same amount of external protection and significantly more protection against an ammunition explosion. The MainFire Point Defense Anti-Missile System gives the Hornet better defense against enemy missiles at the cost of a smaller laser. It remains to be seen, however, whether the improved Hornet will prove more valuable on the battlefield. Stats: Mass: 20 Tons Chassis: Corean Model KL77 Endo Steel Power Plant: Hermes 100 Cruising Speed: 54 kph Maximum Speed: 86 kph Jump Jets: Pitban LFT-50 Jump Capacity: 90 m Armor: StarGuard CIV Ferro-Fibrous with CASE Armament: 1 Holly LRM 5 1 Martell Medium Laser 1 MainFire Point Defense Anti-Missile System Manufacturer: Kallon Weapon Industries Communication System: Tri-Word Duplex 4880 Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban HiRez II HBK-4G Hunchback Overview: The HBK-4G Hunchback is a heavy-hitting fighting vehicle. Serving in medium and assault lances of many regiments of the Successor States, it has earned a distinguished fighting record. Designed in early 2572, the Hunchback continues as a popular vehicle both in House Liao and House Kurita regiments. It is also used extensively by House Marik armed forces. The Hunchback is widely known for its streetfighting abilities in the confined spaces of urban battles. With its massive firepower at close range, it is more than a match for many heavier 'Mechs. Stats: Mass: 50 Tons Chassis: Komiyaba Type VIII Power Plant: Nissan 200 Cruising Speed: 43.9 kph Maximum Speed: 63.5 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Armament: 1 Tomodzuru Autocannon Mount Type 20 2 Ichiba 2000 Medium Lasers 1 Diverse Optics Type 10 Small Laser Manufacturer: Komiyaba/Nissan General Industries Communication System: Sony MST-15 Targeting and Tracking System: Tacticon Tracer 300 JM6-S Jagermech Overview: Recognizing that the Rifleman was a good design that could be improved, the designers at Kallon Industries began reviewing the RFL-3N's original design in light of its battlefield performance. Three facts immediately came to light. The Rifleman was prone to overheating, it did not carry enough ammunition, and it was lightly armored in comparison with other 'Mechs of the same tonnage. Kallon designers reworked the blueprints, making a few trade-offs, and created a first-grade 'Mech - The Jagermech. Though still lightly armored for its weight, the Jagermech is less likely then the Rifleman to overheat, as the large lasers have been replaced with more ammunition and a pair of Mydron light autocannon. Stats: Mass: 65 Tons Chassis: Kallon Type XII Power Plant: 260 Magna Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Kallon Royalstar Armament: 2 Mydron Model C Medium Autocannon 2 Mydron Model D Light Autocannon 2 Magna Mk. II Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Kallon Industries Communication System: Garret T11-A Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j JR7-D Jenner Overview: The Jenner is a relatively modern design, first constructed in 2784 by Diplan Mechyards of Ozawa under contract to House Kurita. It was designed as a fast, hit-and-run guerrilla fighter. With a maximum speed of 118.8 kilometers per hour and a jump capacity of 150 meters, it was hoped that this 'Mech would form the foundation for a new, highly mobile lance. The origional Jenners mounted two Argra 27C medium lasers and a Diplan HD large laser on a central turret, but this configuration could easily be disarmed by a direct hit to the turret. The medium lasers' targeting system was also plagued with problems. However, because the chassis and mobility sub-systems performed well in trials, designers decided to refit the weapons systems instead of crapping the whole design. The standard ten heat sinks allowed the 'Mech to move swiftly and fire without overheating. The Jenner was then modified to its current configuration, mounting four Argra 3L medium lasers, two per side, on directionally variable mountings. The Argra 3L replaced the older 27C because is had a better spectral purity and a more rugged focal system. The Thunderstroke SRM-4 was installed after additional testing showed the need for increased short-range firepower. The resulting 'Mech was the pride of Kurita forces. Designed and built at home, it was the optimum mix of speed, jump capacity, and firepower. Stats: Mass: 35 Tons Chassis: Diplan Scout-A Power Plant: 245 Magna Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph Jump Jets: Smithson Lifters Jump Capacity: 150 meters Armor: Starshield Armament: 4 Argra 3L Medium Lasers 1 Thunderstroke SRM-4 Manufacturer: Diplan Mechyards Communication System: Dawson III Targeting and Tracking System: Bk-309 JVN-10N Javelin Overview: The JVN-10N Javelin is one of the newer recon vehicles used by the armies of the Successor States. First produced in 2751, the light 'Mech still had not been entirely integrated into many 'Mech regiments by the beginning of the First Succession War in 2786. Because of this, many combatants were caught off guard when it appeared on the battlefield. House Davion took a particular interest in the Javelin's development, introducing them into many recon lances. Today, after centuries of Succession Wars, the Javelin has come to be known as a reliable scout 'Mech. The Javelin's main function is reconnaissance , though it is also used extensively in ambushes. In that regard, the term "sneaky as a Javelin" has become widespread among MechWarriors throughout the Inner Sphere. Stats: Mass: 30 Tons Chassis: Duralyte 246 Power Plant: GM 180 Cruising Speed: 67.3 kph Maximum Speed: 95.9 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings 95 Jump Capacity: 180 m Armor: Star Guard 1 Armament: 2 Arrowlite SRM 6 Racks Manufacturer: Stormvanger Assemblies, Light Division Communication System: Garret T10B Targeting and Tracking System: Dynatec 128C MAL-1R Mauler Overview: The Mauler is the Federated Commonwealth codename for a Kurita Assault 'Mech just beginning testing at the proving grounds of Luthien Armor Works. The Draconis Combine has high security surrounding this project, and all information is a combination of unconfirmed reports, speculation, and analysis. Stats: Mass: 90 Tons Chassis: Alshain Class 101 Power Plant: Hermes 270 XL Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 54.0 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: New Samarkand Royal Ferro-Fibrous with CASE Armament: 2 Victory Nickel Alloy Extended-Range Large Lasers 2 Shigunga Long Range Missile 15-Racks 4 Imperator Smoothie-2 Autocannon Manufacturer: Luthien Armor Works Communication System: Sipher Security Plus Targeting and Tracking System: Matabushi Sentinel ON1-K Orion Overview: The ON1-K Orion is an ancient BattleMech design. Created by the Terran Hegemony as the first truly heavy 'Mech, the Orion has acted as the brute force of major offensives for nearly 500 years. Even today, the Orion is still a formidable 'Mech. The original design was created in response to the theft of BattleMech blueprints by commandos of the Lyran Commonwealth. To ensure the continued dominance of the Hegemony's 'Mechs, engineers built the "Ultimate BattleMech". Commissioned in 2570, the Orion first saw action in the bloody Reunification Wars along the periphery. The original Orion, the 1-C, did not have long-range missiles, and sported a Class 5 autocannon instead of the Class 10 seen today. Stats: Mass: 75 Tons Chassis: KaliYama Chassis Power Plant: Vlar 300 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valliant Lamellor Armament: 1 KaliYama Class 10 Autocannon 1 KaliYama Death Bloom Missile System 2 I.W.W. Medium Lasers 1 I.W.W. Class 4 S.R. Missile System Manufacturer: KaliYama Weapons Industries of Kalidasa Communication System: Irian Orator-5K Targeting and Tracking System: Wasat Aggresor Type 5 PNT-9R Panther Overview: Designed as a fire support vehicle for reconnaissance units, the prototype Panther was first built for Star League during the closing years of the Cameron Dynasty. After being commissioned in 2739 to produce the 'Mech, Alshain Weapons began immediate delivery of Panthers to League ground troops fighting renegade bandits along the Periphery. The 'Mech's poor performance in the Battle of St. John pointed both a flaw and a strength in it. The flaw was that the large laser carried in the 'Mech's right hand lacked effective range and power. The strength was the 'Mech's basic hardiness. To improve this battleworthy machine's firepower, Star League engineers replaced the large laser with a PPC. The Draconis Combine is the only Successor State that today uses the Panther in any significant numbers. The current model, 9R, is a compromise developed by Combine engineers. Though lacking the original Panther's sophistication, its systems are more adaptable to present-day factories. Stats: Mass: 35 Tons Chassis: Alshain 56-Carrier Power Plant: Hermes 140 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Lexington Lifters Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Maxmillian 42 Armament: 1 Telos Four-Shot SRM Missile System 1 Lord's Light Particle Beam Weapon Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons Communication System: Sipher CommCon CSU-4 Targeting and Tracking System: Cat's Eyes 5 QKD-4G Quickdraw Overview: First produced in 2779, the QKD-4G Quickdraw was assigned to very few 'Mech regiments before the start of the Succession Wars in 2786. Since that time, however, it has slowly found its way into a number of units in all five of the Successor States. Though designed as the most likely replacement for the Rifleman support vehicle, the Quickdraw has never realized this aim and so remains less known than the older Rifleman design. Nevertheless, the Quickdraw's enormous firepower capacity and good armor protection quickly earned it the acceptance and respect of many MechWarriors. Stats: Mass: 60 Tons Chassis: Technicron Type E Power Plant: VOX 280 Cruising Speed: 42.1 kph Maximum Speed: 66.7 kph Jump Jets: Chilton 460 Jump Capacity: 150 m Armor: Riese-475 Armament: 4 Omicron 4000 Medium Lasers 1 Delta Dart Long Range Missile Ten-Rack 1 Hovertec Short Range Missile Quad Manufacturer: Technicron Manufacturing Communication System: Garret T12E Targeting and Tracking System: Dynatec 2180 RVN-3L Raven Overview: Two decades ago, the Raven was a House Liao experimental attempt to produce a 'Mech that could provide a battalion or regiment with sophisticated electronic-warfare capabilities. The equipment was not a complete success, both because it was too heavy and because it was not sophisticated enough to turn the tide of a battle. Recovered technology has changed all that. Produced only by Hellespont Industries on Sian, the Raven is striding off the assembly line bristling with the most advanced electronics ever seen in the Inner Sphere. Stats: Mass: 35 Tons Chassis: Hellespont Type R Power Plant: 210 XL Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph Maximum Speed: 90.7 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Hellespont Lite Ferro-Fibrous with CASE Armament: 1 Harpoon SRM-6 Launcher 2 Ceres Arms Medium Lasers 1 Apple Churchill Guiding Light Narc Beacon Manufacturer: Hellespont Industries Communication System: Ceres Metals Model 666 Targeting and Tracking System: Apple Churchill 2000 TBT-5N Trebuchet Overview: Corean Enterprises constructed the Trebuchet (or Trenchbucket) from 2780 to 2845 as a main-line medium 'Mech. With the long-range punch of its twin Zeus LRM-15s and the short range power of its three Magna Mk II medium lasers, the Trebuchet is a dangerous opponent at any range. As it was never intended to operate far from its supply lines, the Trebuchet received only eight reloads for each of its missile racks. This limited ammunition supply can become a serious problem if the Trebuchet is trapped behind enemy lines. Stats: Mass: 50 Tons Chassis: Corean Model 9C Power Plant: 250 Magna Cruising Speed: 54.0 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Starshield Armament: 2 Zeus LRM-15s 3 Magna Mk II Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises Communication System: Corean Transband-J9 Targeting and Tracking System: Corean B-Tech STN-3M Sentinel Overview: The Sentinel, a Star League design that Comstar supplied to the Draconis Combine, fought its first battle in centuries during the Kurita counter-thrust at the Davion planet Exeter during the War of 3039. Along with the Crab, the Sentinel played a major role in the Combine's destruction of vast areas of the planet. Stats: Mass: 40 Tons Chassis: Defiant V Power Plant: Pitban 240 Cruising Speed: 65 kph Maximum Speed: 97 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament: 1 KWI AC/5 Ultra Autocannon 1 Marklin Mini SRM-2 Launcher 1 Magna Mk II Medium Laser Manufacturer: Defiance Industries Communication System: Starlink/Benicia Model AS829G Targeting and Tracking System: Targa-7, Vid-Com-17 STK-3F Stalker Overview: The Stalker is the most famous and most common heavy assault 'Mech. A product of the Reunification War, the first prototype was produced as early as 2594. Early models were not very heavily armed, but field tests suggested that the STK would be most effective if it mounted weaponry with differing optimal ranges. Although the resulting 'Mech had far more weapons than could be safely fired in a single salvo, it had an extremely flexible response capacity. The League computer systems determined a target's range and suggested the optimum mix of weapons for the situation. The resulting fire control system was the best available. The STK represents BattleMech technology at its height. Few Stalkers still retain the original computer equipment so vital to proper operation in battle. The STK is still a fearsome 'Mech, but with the loss of the computer, its pilots must be cautious not to overuse their tremendous firepower. The large quantity of waste heat generated by the lasers can quickly overheat the 'Mech despite its 20 heat sinks. Stats: Mass: 85 Tons Chassis: Titan H1 Power Plant: 255 Strand Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph Maximum Speed: 54.0 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valliant Lamellor Armament: 2 Jackson B5c LRM-10 2 Magna Mk. III Heavy Lasers 4 Magna Mk. II Medium Lasers 2 Thunderstroke SRM-6 Manufacturer: Triad Technologies Communication System: Cronol PR Targeting and Tracking System: Spar 3c Tight Band UM-R60 Urbanmech Overview: Called upon to produce an effective light 'Mech for city-fighting, Orguss Industries replied with Urbanmech. Cheap to produce, but potent in its assigned duties, the 'Mech was manufactured in large numbers, many of which have survived into the present era. Now common in city garrisons and defensive units, the Urbanmech continues to be an effective battle weapon. Stats: Mass: 30 Tons Chassis: Republic-R Power Plant: Leenex 60 Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph Jump Jets: Pitban 6000 Jump Capacity: 60m Armor: Durallex Medium Armament: 1 Imperator-B Autocannon 1 Harmon Light Laser Manufacturer: Orguss Industries Communication System: Dalban Interact Targeting and Tracking System: Dalban Urban VTR 9B Victor Overview: The VTR 9B Victor was originally built under a defense contract with the Star League in 2510. Defined as a heavy BattleMech, it was used as a strong support 'Mech with jump capabilities. Earlier models carried a sophisticated array of anti-infantry weapon systems, later discarded due to the overheating problems common for a heavily armed 'Mech. Also, technicians felt that this heavy-support 'Mech would not be engaging infantry, so the flamer and machine gun systems were removed. The Victor was originally outfitted with a Standus 20 tracking system, but it was removed from all but the first-run prototypes due to its tendency to project targets that didn't exist. HildCo Interplanetary produced the 'Mech out of three plants whose facilities were destroyed during the First Succession War. Most of the firm's records fell into the hands of House Kurita, however. Thus, the total numbers of Victors produced has been determined to be nearly 1000. Many were lost during Kerensky's exodus from the Star League, and still more were lost during the First Succession War. Stats: Mass: 80 Tons Chassis: HildCo Type V Power Plant: 320 Pitban Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: HildCo Model 12 Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Heavy Armament: 1 Pontiac 100 Autocannon/20 2 Sorenstein V Medium Lasers 1 Holly SRM 4 Manufacturer: HildCo Interplanetary Communication System: Opus III Highbeam Targeting and Tracking System: MaLandry 34 VND-1R Vindicator Overview: Much like the old joke about the camel, The VND-1R Vindicator is the product of compromise and not inspiration. As Capellan Confederation designers created this 'mech to fit as many roles as possible, it is capable of fire support, point defense, and offense, though only in lackluster fashion. The First Succession War had proved disastrous for the Confederation, who lost all but one of its 'Mech-producing facilities. The remaining 'Mech plant, on the heavily industrialized planet of Capella, was limited to the production of 'Mechs of less than 60 tons. Also, because the Confederation had few materials to build 'Mechs, its engineers decided to build a 'Mech that was capable of several roles, yet could be built with meager resources. The Vindicator was designed and built in 2826, during the lull between the First and Second Succession Wars. The first Vindicators had machine guns mounted on their left arms instead of the small laser seen on current models. Stats: Mass: 45 Tons Chassis: Ceresplex IV Power Plant: GM 180 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Anderson Propulsion 30 Jump Capacity: 121 m Armor: Starshield Armament: 1 CeresArms Smasher PPC 1 Sian/Ceres Jaguar LRM Missile System 1 CeresArms Medium Laser 1 Hessen Small Laser Manufacturer: Ceres Metal Industries Communication System: CeresCom Model 21-Rs Targeting and Tracking System: C-Apple Churchill WTH-1 Whitworth Overview: The Whitworth was first built in 2610 as a scout 'Mech intended to fill the gap between the light Wasp and the medium Phoenix Hawk. Whitworth's development program soon produced a well-armed, versatile vehicle. Although slower than other scout 'Mechs, the Whitworth made up for it with the protection given by its excellent Durallex Light armor. The Whitworth was initially armed with Harpoon-6 SRM launchers. Star League defense planners replaced these with Longbow-10 LRMs on most models in an effort to discourage MechWarriors from engaging the Whitworth in close-range combat. Known to critics and admirers alike as the "Tin Woodsman", the Whitworth served throughout the Age of War and then in Star League scout units thereafter. The Star League's death throes also brought the destruction of many Whitworths, serving as they did in heavy combat zones. Survivors were quickly recruited into the forces of the Noble houses that replaced the Star League, however. In the present Successor States era, Whitworths continue to serve their units well. Stats: Mass: 40 Tons Chassis: Whitworth Type I Power Plant: LTV 160 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: Whitworth Jetlift Jump Capacity: 120 m Armor: Durallex Light Armament: 2 Longbow-10 LRM Launchers 3 Intek Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Whitworth Company Communication System: Garret T14 Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j WFT-1 Wolf Trap Overview: The Wolf Trap, the Federated Commonwealth codename for House Kurita's answer to the Wolfhound, is a rubric likely to stick, even though the Draconis Combine will doubtless give it some Japanese name. This 'Mech has been on the drawing boards for years, only recently entering extensive field testing. One of the first completely new designs to emerge since the recovery of Star League technology, it will be a bellwether to see if other realms, such as the Free Worlds League and Capellan Confederation, rush to produce new designs instead of revamping old ones. Stats: Mass: 45 Tons Chassis: Alshain Class 580 Endo Steel Power Plant: Hermes 270 XL Cruising Speed: 60.9 kph Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Durallex Special Medium with CASE Armament: 1 Imperator Code Red LB 10-X Autocannon 2 Victory 23R Medium Lasers 1 Shigunga Long Range Missile 10-Rack Manufacturer: Luthein Armor Works Communication System: Sipher Security Plus Targeting and Tracking System: Eagle Eye 400 XX ZEU-6S Zeus Overview: The heavy 'Mech ZEU-6S Zeus is the Lyran Commonwealth's pride and joy. The initial design ideas were first put to paper just after the start of the war with the Draconis Combine in 2407. Three years later, when enemy forces were threatening Hesperus II, two Zeus prototypes were already lumbering across test terrains. The speed with which the Zeus was brought from idea to reality astounded even the most optimistic generals. The Zeus also had the best field test a new 'Mech could hope for. When Kurita forces assaulted Hesperus II, the two Zeus prototypes were there, aiding in the defense of the vital BattleMech factories. These prototypes carried PPCs on their left arms. After the battle, the pilots reported that the PPC was extremely erratic and unreliable. Further research revealed that the PPC's insufficient shielding created wild magnetic interactions between it and the 'Mech's engine. The designers thus decided to drop the PPC in favor of the simpler autocannon to insure quick delivery of the 'Mech to the front. The autocannon gave the Zeus less punch but the same range as the PPC. The Defiance factories on Hesperus II are the only ones currently producing the Zeus, which first came off the production lines in 2411. Stats: Mass: 80 Tons Chassis: Chariot Type III Power Plant: Pitban 320 Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph Jump Jets: None Jump Capacity: None Armor: Valiant Lamellor Armament: 1 Thunderbolt A5M Large Laser 1 Coventry Star Fire LRM Missile System 1 Defiance Autocannon 2 Defiance B3M Medium Lasers Manufacturer: Defiance Industries of Hesperus II Communication System: TharHes Calliope ZE-2 Targeting and Tracking System: TharHes Ares-7 SECTION 6 - IF YOU STILL HAVE PROBLEMS... If you have any comments, questions or suggestions about Mercenaries or any other Activision product, please feel free to contact us. Before contacting Customer Support, please consult the Mercenaries Help file HELP.TXT. It contains the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions and may quickly provide a solution to your problem. If, after reviewing the Mercenaries Help file, you are still experiencing problems, please feel free to contact us through any of the services listed. 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Australia and Pacific Rim -------------------------------- ACTIVISION AUSTRALIA AND PACIFIC RIM P.O. Box 873 Epping, NSW 2121 Australia Phone: 1902 962 000 FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE IN AREAS NOT LISTED, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR ACTIVISION VIA ONLINE. (PLEASE NOTE, ONLINE SUPPORT IS IN ENGLISH ONLY).