MECHWARRIOR 2: MERCENARIES MERCNET INTERNET INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: We consider the Internet driver provided on the Mercenaries CD to be a beta version. As we receive feedback from our users, we will attempt to address any problems that widespread use brings to light. The Internet driver provided with MercNet will be updated on the Activision web site ( and on the Activision BBS (310-479-1335) as new versions become available. ---------------TABLE OF CONTENTS--------------- SECTION 1 - MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNET PLAY SECTION 2 - ABOUT INTERNET PLAY SECTION 3 - STARTING AN INTERNET SESSION OF MERCNET 3A MS-DOS 6.22 AND MS-DOS MODE 3B MS-DOS PROMPT IN WINDOWS 95 SECTION 4 - CONNECTION PROCEDURES 4A CONFIGURING PPP FOR YOUR MODEM 4B ESTABLISHING A PPP CONNECTION TO THE INTERNET 4C STARTING MERCNET AND FINDING A GAME 4D CONNECTING DIRECTLY TO AN IP ADDRESS 4E DISCONNECTING 4F CONFIGURING PPP TO LOGIN WITH PAP 4G CONFIGURING PPP TO LOGIN WITH TERMINAL SECTION 5 - PERFORMANCE TIPS 5A CONNECTION SPEED 5B NUMBER OF PLAYERS 5C LOCAL OPTIONS SECTION 6 - COMMON INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION PROBLEMS 6A MODEMS 6B ISP LOGIN 6C MERCNET LOBBY 6D GAMEPLAY SECTION 7 - IF YOU STILL HAVE PROBLEMS... **NOTE** This file only contains information about the Internet portion of MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries MercNet for MS-DOS. For general trouble-shooting and technical help, refer to README.TXT and HELP.TXT located in the same directory as this file. SECTION 1 - MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR INTERNET PLAY - 100% IBM PC-compatible computer - 486 DX2/66 MHz processor - 8 MB RAM - Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22 operating system with MSCDEX 2.10. - Double-speed CD-ROM drive (300K/second sustained transfer rate) - 65 MB of uncompressed hard disk space - VESA local bus (VLB) or PCI video with 1 MB RAM - 256 Color SVGA (640 x 480) video card - 100% Microsoft-compatible mouse and driver - Dedicated game card is highly recommended for joystick - 14,400 bps 100% Hayes-compatible modem using a 16550 UART, or direct Internet connection - A PPP account with an Internet service provider Please Note: In order to host a game in MercNet for MS-DOS, the MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries CD must be in your CD-ROM drive at all times. SECTION 2 - ABOUT INTERNET PLAY - Highly recommended that the game be played from MS-DOS MODE or DOS 6.22. The MS-DOS Prompt of Windows 95 is not recommended. - Does not use Microsoft DirectX network drivers. - Does NOT use WinSock or other Windows based TCP/IP stacks. You can't use the Win95 dialer- you have to use the dialer that comes with Mercnet. - Should not be installed to a compressed drive. SECTION 3 - STARTING AN INTERNET SESSION OF MERCNET 3A. ----------MS-DOS 6.22 AND MS-DOS MODE---------- (1) At the DOS prompt, change to the directory where you installed Mercenaries. (2) Type MERCPPP and press the Enter key. This will launch a batch file. After executing several programs, the batch file will launch the PPP dialer. See the next section entitled "Connection Procedures" for instructions on how to use the PPP dialer. 3B. ----------MS-DOS PROMPT IN WINDOWS 95---------- Although we do not recommend it, the following will work on some machines. (1) Right click on the Windows Desktop, and choose "New -> Shortcut" from the pop-up list. In the "Command Line" box, type COMMAND.COM, and click on Next. (2) In the "Select a name for this shortcut" box, type "MERCPPP Window", then click on Finish. (3) Right click on the shortcut, and select "Properties" from the pop-up list. (5) In the window that appears, click on the "Program" tab. This will bring up the program settings. (6) In the "Working:" box, type C:\MERCS (or wherever you installed Mercenaries). (7) In the "Batch file:" box, type MERCPPP.BAT (8) Click on the button labeled "Advanced..." This will bring up a dialog box called "Advanced Program Settings." (9) Click once on the line that says "Prevent MS-DOS programs from detecting Windows" so that there is a check in the box associated with it. You can now use your new short-cut anytime you want to start an Internet session of MercNet. It will launch the PPP dialer, and give you a DOS prompt which you can use to run MERCNET. See the next section entitled "Connection Procedures" for instructions on how to use the PPP dialer. SECTION 4 - CONNECTION PROCEDURES 4A. ----------CONFIGURING PPP FOR YOUR MODEM---------- The first time you run MERCPPP.BAT, it will ask you to configure it for your particular modem and Internet service provider. From the PPP Menu screen, follow these steps: (1) A welcome box should be displayed. Press ESC to continue past it to the "Profile List" box. (2) The "Current" profile is highlighted in the "Profile List" box. Press the Enter key. (3) The "Configure Menu" should now appear. (If you have already loaded PPPMENU once during this session, the "Profile List" box will appear instead. Press F1 to bring up the "Configure Menu".) (4) The menu item labeled "Port" should be highlighted. Press the Enter key to bring up the "Port Menu" list box. (5) Select "I/O Port", press Enter, select the COM port your modem is on, and press Enter again. (6) If you are using an internal modem, you may need to set your IRQ. Select "Interrupt", press Enter, select the IRQ line your modem's COM port uses, and press Enter again. (7) Press the ESC key to return to the "Configure Menu". (7) Select "Modem" and press Enter to bring up the "Modem Menu" list box. (8) Select "Phone Number", press Enter, type the phone number of your Internet service provider, and press Enter again. (9) Press the ESC key to return to the "Configure Menu". (10) You should now be at the "Configure Menu" list box. Press the ESC key, which should bring up a "Save Changes?" dialog box. (11) Make sure the item labeled "Save and Write NET.CFG" is highlighted, and press the Enter key. This will return you to the "Profile List" box. (12) Press the ESC key, select "Yes", and press Enter. MERCPPP will then load the network driver, and take you back into PPPMENU so you can establish a PPP connection. 4B. ----------ESTABLISHING A PPP CONNECTION TO THE INTERNET---------- Once you have configured MERCPPP for your modem and Internet service provider, MERCPPP is ready for you to connect to the Internet. (1) From the "Main Menu" list box, make sure the item labeled "Connect" is highlighted, and press the Enter key. (2) The "Profile List" box should now appear. Highlight the selection labeled "Current" and press the Enter key. (3) Wait for the modem to dial and for a connection to be negotiated with your Internet service provider. (4) If the connection succeeds, a window will appear where you can enter your login information (name and password). If the connection doesn't succeed, you will need to repeat step 2. (5) Once your login has been validated and the PPP data stream begins, press Alt-S to begin PPP communication. (6) Once the "IPCP Open" message appears in the upper right corner, select "Exit" from the "Main Menu" to exit the PPP dialer. NOTE: Do not select "Hang Up", or your connection to the Internet will be lost. At this point, MERCPPP tells you "You are now online!", and returns you to the DOS prompt. 4C. ----------STARTING MERCNET AND FINDING A GAME---------- Once you have established a PPP connection to the Internet, and are back at the DOS prompt, type MERCS, and click on MercNet (or type MERCNET to go straight there). MercNet first goes to the "Connection Type" screen, where you should enter your callsign, click on "WATTCP DOS Internet", and click on Select. MercNet next takes you to the "Internet Connection" screen, which is like an Internet phonebook of places to find MechWarriors ready to join combat. Initially, it just lists the main Activision server, but you can add new servers or individual games if you know their IP address (see below). Click on a server, then click on "Connect". MercNet will then go to the main game selection screen, which behaves just as it does in normal games of MercNet. If you get an error dialog box at this point, the server you chose is probably unavailable. Press CONTROL-Q, type MERCNET again, and choose a different server. 4D. ----------CONNECTING DIRECTLY TO AN IP ADDRESS---------- At the "Internet Connection" screen described above, you can connect connect directly to a game at a particular IP address even if no servers are available near you. To do this, add the IP address of the person hosting the game to the Internet Connection screen's list of addresses. It's easy to do; here are the steps: (1) Click on the button labeled "Add". This will bring up the "Server Entry" dialog box. (2) In the text field labeled "Description", type a textual description to be listed with that IP address and press the Enter key. (3) In the text field labeled "IP Address", type the IP address you wish to connect to. (4) Click on the button labeled "Accept", which will return you to the Internet Connection screen. (5) Click on entry that you just created, and then click on the "Connect" button. This will take you to the game selection screen, which behaves just as it does in normal games of MercNet. You will now be able to join games hosted by the person whose IP address you entered. 4E. ----------DISCONNECTING---------- When you are done fighting, and are back at the DOS prompt, you can disconnect from your Internet Service Provider. To do this, type MERCPPP from the DOS prompt and select "Hangup" from the "Main Menu". You should also turn off your modem. You may also wish to close the DOS Box (in Win 95) or reboot (in DOS) to unload the drivers loaded by MERCPPP. 4F. ----------CONFIGURING PPP TO LOGIN WITH PAP---------- (1) Run MERCPPP.BAT. A welcome box should be displayed. Press ESC to continue past it to the "Main Menu" box. (2) The "Connect" item is highlighted in the "Main Menu" box. Press enter to continue to the "Profile List" box. (3) The "Current" profile is highlighted in the "Profile List" box. Press the F1 key. This will take you to the "Configure Menu". (4) The "Port" item is highlighted in the "Configure Menu" box. Press enter to continue to the "Port Menu". (5) Highlight the "Connection Type" item and press enter. This will take you to the "Connection Type" menu. (6) Highlight the selection "Modem" and press enter. This will tell PPPMENU not to bring up a Terminal window when you connect to your ISP. You will be returned to the "Port Menu". (7) Press once to get back to the "Configure Menu". Highlight the "Authentication" item and press enter This takes you to the "Authentication Menu". (8) Highlight the "PAP Only" item and press enter. This selects Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) as your authentication type. (9) Highlight the "Id and Password" item and press enter. This will prompt you to configure PAP with the username and password used for your ISP. You should do so. Upon successful configuration you will see the box "User changed" in the top left corner of your screen. (9) Press twice and when asked to "Save Changes?" select "Save and Write NET.CFG" and press enter. (10) Press to return to the "Profile List". You are now ready to have PPPMENU log you in using the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP). 4G. ----------CONFIGURING PPP TO LOGIN WITH TERMINAL---------- (1) Run MERCPPP.BAT. A welcome box should be displayed. Press ESC to continue past it to the "Main Menu" box. (2) The "Connect" item is highlighted in the "Main Menu" box. Press enter to continue to the "Profile List" box. (3) The "Current" profile is highlighted in the "Profile List" box. Press the F1 key. This will take you to the "Configure Menu". (4) The "Port" item is highlighted in the "Configure Menu" box. Press enter to continue to the "Port Menu". (5) Highlight the "Connection Type" item and press enter. This will take you to the "Connection Type" menu. (6) Highlight the selection "Modem - Terminal" and press enter. This will tell PPPMENU to bring up a Terminal window when you connect to your ISP so that you can manually enter your username and password. You will be returned to the "Port Menu". (7) Press once to return to the "Configure Menu". Highlight the "Authentication" item and press enter. This takes you to the "Authentication Menu" (8) Highlight the "None" item and press enter. Press the key twice and when asked "Save Changes?" Highlight "Save and Write NET.CFG" and press enter. (9) Press to return to the main menu. You are now ready to log in to your ISP manually via "Terminal Mode". SECTION 5 - PERFORMANCE TIPS 5A. ----------CONNECTION SPEED---------- The faster the modem speed, the smoother the gameplay will be. This is a variable that depends not only on the speed of your connection to the Internet, but also the speed of the other players' connections. Players on slower connections will appear to jump around the screen rather than move fluidly. You may be tempted to turn compression on, or to select a line speed much higher than the modem connection speed- but don't! Modem compression should be turned OFF, as it causes data to be sent in big blocks, which makes everything jerky. Error correction may also cause data to be sent in big blocks, so use it with caution. 5B. ----------NUMBER OF PLAYERS---------- The more players that participate in a game, the more data needs to be transmitted every second. In an 8 player game, there is too much data for 28.8 modems to handle. If all players are noticing jumpiness or temporary pauses, there are probably too many players in the game for the current speed of connection. We recommend the following number of players per connection speed: 3 players - 14,400 bps connection 5 players - 28,800 bps connection 8 players - 57,600 bps connection 5C. ----------LOCAL OPTIONS---------- MercNet has features that were designed to support a wide range of computers. When you initially configure MercNet for play, MercNet will make several default settings regarding which features should be used and which should be turned OFF. The trade-offs are different for each user, so we allow any machine to run any options, but please keep in mind that the higher the level of detail, the more demanding the machine requirements. The two factors that most affect the performance of Mercenaries are the speed of your processor and the speed of your video card. Given the limitations of your current system, there are a number of ways you can boost the performance of the game by scaling back the features you use: (1) Run the game at a low resolution. Resolution can be adjusted by pressing the ESC key in a mission or in the shell, and selecting "Combat Variables". 320x200 should provide the best performance. In 320x200 mode, less than one quarter as many pixels get drawn per frame as in 640x480 mode. Note: The resolution can only be changed in the shell prior to the fighting simulation. (2) Turn off the cockpit and video displays. The cockpit uses a lot of polygons and can be disabled by pressing the U key during a mission. The targeting video display can be disabled by pressing F4 twice. Avoid using other video displays such as down view, rear view, missile view, etc. (3) Turn off some of the combat variables. The combat variables can be adjusted by pressing the ESC key in a mission or in the shell, and selecting "Combat Variables". Object Textmaps: Try turning these OFF. Terrain Textmaps: Try turning these OFF. Display Detail: Try switching to LOW. Object Density: Try switching to LOW. Explosion Chunks: Try turning these OFF. Particles: Try turning these OFF. Multiple Lights: Try turning these OFF. Shadows: Try turning these OFF. Implementing just some of the changes listed above should be sufficient to get the game running reasonably on any machine. Other options can be left ON, as their performance cost is low. Here are some recommended performance guidelines: 486 (all speeds): 320x200, all options off Pentium (60-75mhz): 320x200, all options off Pentium (90-133mhz): 320x200, all options on -or- 640x480, all options off except shadows Pentium (150-200mhz): 640x480, all options on SECTION 6 - COMMON INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION PROBLEMS 6A. ----------MODEMS---------- ***Question*** I don't know what COM port and IRQ to use. Help! ***Answer*** MERCPPP installs a helpful utility called PPPSHARE\FIND_COM.EXE which finds all the COM ports. To use it, go to the DOS prompt, then type CD \MERCS MERCPPP (if you haven't run it once already) CD PPPSHARE FIND_COM Then write down the COM ports and IRQ settings it displays, and enter the right one into MERCPPP next time you run it. Be careful not to use the same COM port as your mouse uses! ***Question*** The game cannot detect my modem when I am in DOS. Is this a problem with my modem? ***Answer*** You may have an internal U.S. Robotics WinModem. This modem is not compatible with DOS programs. Also, it does not emulate the regular serial chips so it cannot be detected by DOS. Modems that say "Windows Only" really mean it- they can't be used with DOS games. ***Question*** I am trying to play the game in DOS 6.22 using the modem on my Aptiva/M-Wave system, but I can't get it to work. How come this is happening? ***Answer*** The M-Wave modem supports MercNet DOS from a Windows 95 DOS prompt and DOS 7.0. However, the M-Wave modem cannot be used in DOS 6.X. ***Question*** The person I was playing with got disconnected and now I want to play again. What do I do? ***Answer*** You must return to the Transport Selection screen and repeat the process you used to connect the first time. ***Question*** My modem does not respond when I call the modem of another player who has just disconnected from a previous game. ***Answer*** If it is an external modem, switch it off and then on and try to connect. If it is an internal modem, go back to the MERCS directory and then return to MercNet and try connecting again. ***Question*** There seems to be a lag in game play and the other 'Mechs keep disappearing when using modems and slower machines. ***Answer*** Your machine probably has an old 8250 serial chip. You need to upgrade to a serial port with a 16550 serial chip. You can tell what kind of serial chip you have by running MSD. ***Question*** How do I disable call waiting? ***Answer*** If your phone line has the Disable Call Waiting feature, you can disable call waiting by including the appropriate command in front of the phone number you are calling. This will prevent anyone from interrupting the call. For example: Name: John Doe Number: *70,,,1-818-555-1212 Where "*70" is the code to disable call waiting, and the commas (,) are simply used to provide a delay so you can hear the special dial tone that acknowledges your code. Check with your local phone company regarding how to disable call waiting for your particular area; you might need to use some other code instead of *70, for instance, #70. Only the person placing the call can disable call waiting! 6B. ----------ISP LOGIN---------- ***Question*** I don't have an Internet service provider. How do I get one? ***Answer*** On the North American version of Mercenaries, there is an offer for an Internet service provider included on the CD (see the information card in the box for details). ***Question*** My username and password are not accepted by my Internet service provider. I keep getting a message that says "Invalid login" or "Username not found". ***Answer*** This indicates that your account with your Internet service provider is not active, or that you have forgotten your login information. Please contact your Internet service provider directly to address this problem. ***Question*** How do I get my Internet service provider to use PPP? ***Answer*** Most Internet service providers (ISP's) include PPP access as part of their standard package. Contact your Internet service provider for specific instructions on how to get your account set up for PPP access. Some ISP's have different phone numbers for PPP access, while others assign a different username to activate PPP. ***Question*** My LAN has a direct connection to the Internet. How can I play Mercnet over the 'Net? ***Answer*** Mercnet uses the Packet Driver API to access the ethernet card. It reads the IP address and gateway from the file WATTCP.CFG. If you have the WATTCP utilities installed and working, you can use the same WATTCP.CFG for Mercnet as you do for them. Check out for more information on Wattcp and Internet applications based upon it. 6C. ----------MERCNET LOBBY---------- ***Question*** Why does it take so long to bring up the MercNet pilot's lounge? ***Answer*** There is some delay while MercNet is negotiating with the remote host for the game and player information. ***Question*** Why do some players' messages come in bursts in the chat window? ***Answer*** Depending on each player's type of Internet access, they may encounter latency problems that delay the transmission of their data. ***Question*** After I play a game over the Internet, and try to switch back to playing IPX games, I can't get into the list of games! ***Answer*** This is a known problem that will be fixed in the final release of the Internet driver. For now, if you want to play over IPX after playing over the Internet, quit out of MercNet and start it again before selecting IPX. 6D. ----------GAMEPLAY---------- ***Question*** Why does the other player's 'Mech seem to jump around and jitter? ***Answer*** This happens when there is a lot of delay between another player sending information and your computer receiving it. To avoid this problem, try a faster connection, try playing with less people in each game, or try playing other people who use your Internet service provider. See the section labeled "Performance Tips" in this document for details. ***Question*** The other player disappeared briefly and then reappeared in a different place. Why did this happen? ***Answer*** This occurs when there is a momentary block in the flow of data from the other computer to your computer. This can be due to network traffic, or due to temporary slow-downs on the other player's machine. ***Question*** The other player disappeared and never came back again. ***Answer*** This means that your connection to the other player has been severed at some point. It may be that one of the Internet service providers in the connection had a server block up, or it may mean there was a problem with one of the players' computers on either end. ***Question*** I keep hitting the other player dead on, but his 'Mech takes damage very slowly. ***Answer*** This happens when there is a lot of delay between another player sending information and your computer receiving it. To avoid this problem, try a faster connection, and try playing with other people who use your Internet service provider. This will ensure that the data doesn't have to travel over to many bridges. ***Question*** I am unable to do any damage to another player. ***Answer*** This can happen if there is a long delay in getting data to or from the other computer. If the delay clears up, gameplay will return to normal. If not, try reconnecting or finding players who are using the same Internet service provider as you. ***Question*** The other player sees his 'Mech in a totally different position than where I see his 'Mech. ***Answer*** This can happen if there is a long delay in getting data to or from the other computer. If the delay clears up, gameplay will return to normal. If not, try reconnecting or finding players who are using the same Internet service provider as you. ***Question*** Why don't my joystick settings carry over from Mercenaries for Windows 95? ***Answer*** Mercenaries for Windows 95 uses a different file for joystick configuration than MercNet and Mercenaries for DOS. To configure your joystick for MercNet, run the DOS version of Mercenaries (MERCS.EXE) and use the "Cockpit Controls" screen from the "Options" button. ***Question*** Why don't I hear any sound in the missions? ***Answer*** If you installed the Windows 95 version of Mercenaries, you will need to run SETSOUND.BAT from your Mercenaries directory to configure your sound card for MercNet. SECTION 7 - IF YOU STILL HAVE PROBLEMS... Be sure to consult the Mercenaries Help file first- it contains answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, and might help you solve the problem faster. If, after reviewing the Mercenaries Help file, you are still experiencing problems, or if you have any comments, questions or suggestions about Mercenaries, please feel free to contact us via any of the online services listed below. When you report your problem, be sure to include the following information in your message: 1. Complete product title. 2. Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem. 3. Your computer's processor type and speed (e.g. 486 DX2/66, Pentium 90...) 4. Video and sound card makes and models (e.g. Diamond Stealth 64 video, Sound Blaster 16 sound...) 5. Network information (e.g. driver you're selecting in MercNet, name of your Internet Service Provider, modem or direct connection, speed of modem or direct connection) Please note: support for MercNet is provided through online services only. Online Services --------------- Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support: Internet E-mail: World Wide Web: America Online: Use keyword Activision to locate the Activision forum. Microsoft Network: From any MSN window, pull down the Edit menu and select Go To and then Other Location. At the prompt, type "Activision" and click OK. CompuServe: 76004,2122 or [GO GAMBPUB] Activision BBS: 310-479-1335 Up to 28,800 baud; Settings: 8 Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit (8, N, 1) North America ------------- Fax: 310-479-7355, 24 hours a day FaxBack: 310-473-6453, 24 hours a day Mail: Activision Customer Support P.O. Box 67713 Los Angeles, CA 90067 UK and Europe ---------------------- Activision Long Island House, 3A 1/4 Warple Way London, W3 ORQ United Kingdom. Technical Support: 0990 143525 Customer Service: 0181 7429400 You can contact UK Customer Service between the hours of 1:00pm and 5:00pm (UK Time) Monday through Friday (except holidays). Australia and Pacific Rim -------------------------------- ACTIVISION AUSTRALIA AND PACIFIC RIM P.O. Box 873 Epping, NSW 2121 Australia Phone: 1902 962 000 FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE IN AREAS NOT LISTED, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR ACTIVISION VIA AN ONLINE SERVICE. (PLEASE NOTE: ACTIVISION ONLINE SUPPORT IS IN ENGLISH ONLY).