FORTE Technologies, Inc. 30 Aug. 95 Update Files for Using Mech Warrior 2 with the VFX1 HEADGEAR: ------------------------------------------------------------- VFX1.DLL VFX1.CPC VFX1.STD VFX1.MAP Instructions for use: 1) Copy the files from the source drive to your MechWarrior II GIDDI directory (C:\MECH2\GIDDI by default). 2) Run MechWarrior II. 3) To activate the VFX1 HEADGEAR from the Clan Selection screen: press "ESC", select Cockpit Controls, highlight the VFX1 HEADGEAR, select Accept. 4) By default, the VFX1 HEADGEAR will control turret action while the puck will control the throttle and 'Mech turning as well as CyberPuck buttons (top to bottom) "fire", "select weapon" and "next target". 5) If you would like to define the various functions, just select Custom Configuaration. Then follow the MechWarrior II manual for configuration options. 6) While in the game, the "/" key re-centers the VFX1 HEADGEAR. NOTE: For those of you who wish to use the bottom CyberPuck button as a "shift" key for the VFX1 HEADGEAR, a custom .MAP file has been included. With this file, when the bottom puck button is held, the VFX1 HEADGEAR movement controls the pilot eye view (as opposed to the turret). Releasing the bottom button maintains the point of view, but returns the VFX1 HEADGEAR to turret control. To use this .MAP file, switch to the MECH2 directory and: COPY GIDDI\VFX1.MAP INPUT.MAP Now when you run the game, the configuration will be as described above. Also, in this mode the "/" will center both the turret and the pilot view.