
Quick Start

Create and Edit a Web Page

Create and edit your personal Web page:
  1. Fire up GNNpress. When the Page Window appears, move the cursor to the Help menu at the top right of the window and single-click it.
  2. When the pull-down menu appears, click on the Examples... menu item.
  3. A new Page Window appears. Click on the Personal Home Page link. The following Web page appears:

Template for your personal home page

  1. In the Title field, it says <Your Name>'s Home Page. Move the cursor into the Title field, hold the button down, and sweep across <Your Name> (including the brackets). Release the cursor button. The area swept is now presented in reverse video or some other distinctive coloring, depending on the platform.
  2. Type your own name. The dialogue box below appears. Click Edit.

    GNNpress does not know whether you have permission to modify a page on this particular NaviServer. You can edit the page with or without permission, but you need permission to save the page on the server.

    Protected page dialogue

  3. Just below the Title field, at the top of the page itself, appears the same text, <Your Name>'s Home Page. Repeat the same action: sweep across <Your Name> with the cursor and type in your own name.
  4. Create text on the page as you would with a word processor.
  5. Experiment with the Format menu.
  6. Create a link to an interesting page somewhere.
  7. Don't go away!

Publish to a NaviServer

Publish your personal home page to NaviSoft's computers:
  1. Select the File menu item at the top of the page.
  2. When the options appear, select Save As... A dialogue box appears.
  3. Select the drop-down arrow to the right of the box labeled Drives/Servers /MiniWebs.
  4. Select the item
  5. Now select the scrolling arrow for the bottom box, which lists files and directories.
  6. Scroll down and select pub. Click on it. The name pub appears after in the top box.
  7. Click the cursor in the top box and type a file name for the Web page you wish to save. A common convention is a name followed by .htm, e.g. joe.htm.
  8. Click the Save button.

Now your Web page is saved on our server! You can save your page to your own hard drive, as well. Just repeat steps 1-8 above, but select your own drive in the Drives/Servers/MiniWebs box.

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