
Insert Images Inline

There are three ways to insert an image into a page:

As an Element

This is the most common way to insert an image that already exists as a local file or somewhere on the Web.

Insert an image as an Element:
  1. Position the cursor where you want the image to be.
  2. Choose Element->Image... to bring up the dialogue box below.

Element->Image dialogue

  1. Enter the Location of the image. Either:
  2. Choose, by clicking, a Text Alignment option-Top, Middle, or Bottom-to choose how the image is aligned with the adjoining text.
  3. The first line of the adjoining text lies next to the image and, as it wraps, the line continues on the line below the image.
  4. Click, optionally, on Import Image.
  5. Fill in the Text for non-graphic browsers box with the text you want to appear instead of the image, so that those browsers that do not display graphics at least give you a clue about what the image contains.
  6. Click OK, and the image appears where the cursor was positioned.

As an Imported File

Insert an image as an Imported File:
  1. Position the cursor where you want the image to be.
  2. Choose File->Import to get the dialogue box below.
  3. Enter the Location of the image. Either:
  4. Click Import, and the image appears where the cursor was positioned. You do not need to consider the Options button.

File->Import dialogue

Copying Images from Another Page

If you are working with more than one page in the same MiniWeb, you can copy images from one Page Window to another. The image files are already saved in a common directory.

Copy an image from one page to another, either:

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