GNNpress Documentation

The GNNpress software comes with numerous sources of information so that you can be productive within moments of installing GNNpress. Here's a list of publications:

Reference Manual
The reference manual provides context-sensitive help from within the application. You can access this information from the help buttons in dialog boxes within NaviPress.
User Guide
The User Guide is a complete introduction to GNNpress, available on the web . Hard copy versions of the User Guide are available for purchase at GNN Direct. The User Guide offers detailed instructions, examples to show you how to quickly and easily create Web pages using GNNpress, explanations of how to use tools like MiniWebs to organize and work with collections of pages, and instructions for publishing your pages on the GNN Web Hosting Service.
Frequently Asked Questions
The GNNpress FAQ contains the answers to questions commonly asked by GNN subscribers and Web publishers. A quick look at this page could answer the questions you have about GNNpress and the GNN Web Hosting Service, before you have a chance to ask them.