1 RGB Level 2 RGB Offset 3 Composite 4 Composite Type 5 Amount 10041 Phase 10045 Ambient Color 10046 Diffuse Color 10047 Specular Color 10049 Wire 10051 Glossiness 10052 Specular Level 10053 Opacity 10054 Self-Illum. 10055 Transparency falloff 10056 Map Enable 10057 Shader Type 10058 Basic Parameters 10059 Extended Parameters 10060 Maps 10061 Colors 10062 Maps 10063 Gradient Type 10064 Map Enables 10065 Position 10066 Blend 10067 Bump 10068 Reflection 10069 Refraction 10070 Maps 10071 Filter Color 10072 Checker Parameters 10073 Coordinates 10074 Noise Type 10075 U Offset 10076 V Offset 10077 U Tiling 10078 V Tiling 10079 Angle 10080 Color 1 10081 Color 2 10082 Blur 10083 Map 1 10084 Flat 10085 Gouraud 10086 Phong 10087 Metal 10088 Offset 10089 Scale 10090 Marble Parameters 10091 Vein width 10092 Size 10093 Noise 10094 Output 10095 Mix Amount 10096 Noise Parameters 10097 Mix Parameters 10098 Noise Size 10099 Output Level 10100 Output 10101 Noise Amount 10102 Noise Levels 10103 Output Offset 10104 Map 10105 Mask 10106 Mask Parameters 10107 Color 3 10108 Map 2 10109 Explicit 10110 Spherical Environment 10111 Cylindrical Environment 10112 Shrink-wrap Environment 10113 Screen 10114 Wire Size 10115 Index of Refraction 10116 Map Size 10117 Reflect/Refract Parameters 10118 Blur Offset 10119 Flat Mirror Parameters 10120 Levels 10121 Constant 10122 Parameters 10123 Map 3 10124 Map 1 Enable 10125 Map 2 Enable 10126 Map 3 Enable 10127 Maps 10128 Map Amounts 10129 Matte/Shadow Basic Parameters 10130 Shadow Brightness 10131 Bitmap Parameters 10132 Time 10133 Enable 10134 Amount 10135 Effects Channel 10136 Output 10137 Mask 10138 File Name 10139 Shader Name 10140 Sampler Name 10163 X: 10164 Y: 10165 Z: 10166 U: 10167 V: 10168 W: 10172 Bitmap Texture Error 10183 Param Change 11031 Amount 11032 Curvature 11033 Amplitude 11034 Wave Length 11035 Phase 11036 Decay 11313 Low Threshold 11314 High Threshold 11411 Noise 11412 Multi/Sub-Object 11413 Material 11414 Blend 11415 Back 11416 Facing 11417 Mask 11418 Material 1 11419 Material 2 11420 Mix Amount 11421 Upper 11422 Lower 11423 Gradient 11424 Gradient Parameters 11425 gradientTemp 11426 Color 1 11427 Color 2 11428 Color 3 11429 Size 11430 Levels 11431 Color 2 Position 11432 High Threshold 11433 Low Threshold 11434 Threshold Smoothing 11435 Double Sided 11436 Facing Material 11437 Back Material 11438 Translucency 11439 Composite 11440 Composite Parameters 11441 Map 11442 Amount 11443 Lock Ambient and Diffuse? 11444 Lock Colors 11445 Top/Bottom 11446 Top 11447 Bottom 11448 Marble 11449 Mix 11450 Matte/Shadow 11451 Placement 11452 Bitmap 11453 Select Bitmap Image File 11454 Reflect/Refract 11455 Up 11456 Down 11457 Left 11458 Right 11459 Flat Mirror 11460 Lock Diffuse and Specular? 11461 Placement 11462 RGB Tint 11463 Checker 11464 None 11465 Opacity 11466 None 11467 File Not Found: %s 11468 R2.5 Standard 11469 Soften 11470 Standard materials and textures (Discreet) 11471 Texmaps 11472 Front 11473 Back 11474 Cubic map %s is not square. 11475 Cubic map %s is not same size as other maps. 11476 Reflect/Refract Map Error 11477 Select "_UP" File to Write 11478 Clip U Offset 11479 Clip V Offset 11480 Clip U Width 11481 Clip V Width 11482 Specify Cropping/Placement 11483 Shadow Color 11484 Dynamics Properties 11485 Bounce Coefficient 11486 Static Friction 11487 Sliding Friction 11488 RGB Multiply 11489 RGB Multiply Parameters 11490 Mask Parameters 11491 RGB Tint Parameters 11492 Output Parameters 11493 Near Value 11494 Far Value 11495 Falloff 11496 Falloff Parameters 11497 Perpendicular Value: 11498 Parallel Value: 11499 Towards Value: 11500 Away Value: 11501 Noise Amount 11502 Noise Size 11503 Noise Levels 11504 Noise Phase 11505 Vertex Color 11506 Vertex Color Parameters 11507 Particle MBlur 11508 Particle Motion Blur Parameters 11509 Sharpness 11510 Thin Wall Refraction 11511 Thin Wall Refraction Parameters 11512 Thickness Offset 11513 Bump Map Effect 11514 Dim Level 11515 Reflection Level 11516 Jitter Placement 11517 Blinn 11518 Near Range 11519 Far Range 11520 Distortion Amount 11521 Particle Age 11522 Particle Age Parameters 11523 Age 1 11524 Age 2 11525 Age 3 11526 Red 11527 Green 11528 Blue 11529 Soften 11530 Displacement 11531 Reflection Amount 11532 Self-Illum Color 11533 No Such Color 11534 Standard 11535 Shader Basic Parameters 11536 SuperSampling 11537 Phong 11538 Blinn 11539 Metal 11540 Constant 11541 genericShader 11542 Oren-Nayar 11543 Oren-Nayar-Blinn 11544 Diffuse Level 11545 Diff. Roughness 11546 Diffuse Reflectivity 11547 None 11548 Oren-Nayar-Blinn Basic Parameters 11549 Specular Level 11550 Glossiness Y 11551 Glossiness X 11552 Ward Anisotropic Basic Parameters 11553 Ward Anisotropic 11554 Strauss 11555 Strauss Basic Parameters 11556 Metalness 11557 Glossiness 11558 Ambient Level 11559 Color 11560 Anisotropy 11561 Orientation 11562 Self-Illumination 11563 Anisotropic 11564 Anisotropic Basic Parameters 11565 Constant Parameters 11566 Phong Parameters 11567 Blinn Parameters 11568 Metal Parameters 11569 Oren Nayar Parameters 11570 Ward Parameters 11571 Strauss Parameters 11572 Anisotropic Parameters 11573 Color 1 11574 Color 2 11575 Glossiness 1 11576 Glossiness 2 11577 Anisotropy 1 11578 Anisotropy 2 11579 Level 1 11580 Level 2 11581 Map Channel 11582 Schlick Multi-Layer 11583 Schlick Parameters 11584 Schlick Multi-Layer Shader Parameters 11585 Two-sided 11586 Face Map 11587 Opacity Type 11588 Filter Map 11589 Falloff Type 11590 Wire Units 11591 Apply Reflection Dimming 11592 Pixel Sampler 11593 Sampler Quality 11594 Sampler Enable 11595 Shader Basic Parameters 11596 AlphaFrom 11597 Vertex Color 11598 RGB Tint 11599 R2.5 Standard 11600 Standard 11601 RGB Multiply 11602 Thin Wall Refraction 11603 Particle MBlur 11604 Particle Age 11605 Noise 11606 Multi/Sub-Object 11607 Blend 11608 Mix 11609 Flat Mirror 11610 Matte/Shadow 11611 Marble 11612 Gradient 11613 Falloff 11614 Double Sided 11615 Composite 11616 Top/Bottom 11617 Checker 11618 Bitmap 11619 Reflect/Refract 11620 Ambient-Diffuse Texture Lock 11625 Ambient-Diffuse Lock 11626 Diffuse-Specular Lock 11627 Use Self Illum Color 11628 Specular Color 1 11629 Specular Color 2 11630 Specular Level 1 11631 Specular Level 2 11632 Multi-Layer Basic Parameters 11633 Multi-Layer 11634 Multi-Layer Parameters 11635 Direction 11636 Node 11637 Invert 11638 Opaque Alpha 11639 ApplyAtmosphere 11640 AtmossphereDepth 11641 RecieveShadows 11642 AffectAlpha 11643 Space 11644 UseCurve 11645 MaskEnable 11646 Interactive 11647 UseJitter 11648 Apply 11649 CropPlace 11650 Filtering 11651 MonoOutput 11652 rgbOutput 11653 AlphaSource 11654 PreMultAlpha 11655 StartTime 11656 PlayBackRate 11657 EndCondition 11658 UseEnviromentMap 11659 NthFrame 11660 Frame 11661 ApplyToFaceID 11662 FaceID 11663 DistortionType 11664 NoiseType 11665 Coordinates 11666 Position 11667 MixAmount 11668 BlurAmount 11669 DistortionAmount 11670 Level 11671 ApplyBlur 11672 Faceted 11673 Orientation 1 11674 Orientation2 11675 Adaptive Threshold 11676 Adaptive On 11677 Advanced Options... 11678 Source 11679 Use Atmospheric 11680 FrameType 11682 Output Name 11683 SubSample Textures 11684 Blinn Basic Parameters 11685 Phong Basic Parameters 11686 Metal Basic Parameters 11687 Mat. 11688 Base 11689 UseReflMap 11690 Blend Basic Parameters 11691 Double Sided Basic Parameters 11692 Multi/Sub-Object Basic Parameters 11693 Top/Bottom Basic Parameters 11694 Mix Parameters 11695 Composite Basic Parameters 11696 Optional Param0 11697 Optional Param1 11698 Select Input Reflection Map 11699 Index 11700 Delete Sub-Material 11701 Shadow Clip 11702 Warning: Duplicate Material ID: %d\n 11703 Delete Multiple Sub-Materials 11704 Add Sub-Material 11705 Set Number of Sub Materials 11706 Multi-Material 11707 Multi-Material