40352 Parameters 40369 Gizmos 40372 BonesDefGizmoDeformer 40373 Deformer Parameters 40374 Name 40375 Bulge 40383 Parent 40384 Child 40385 Weights 40386 Points 40387 Deformed Points 40388 Initial angle 40389 Use Graph 40390 Twist 40391 Graph 40397 Use Volume 40398 Joint Graph 40399 Enable gizmo 40400 Key Graph 40401 Morph Angle Deformer 40402 Count 40403 Initial Points 40404 Nodes 40405 Names 40406 Morph Points 40407 Angles 40408 Map Table 40409 Joint Morph 40410 Polar Vectors 40411 Ease 40425 The selected bone does not have a parent in the skin system. 40426 There are no selected vertices. 40427 Error 40428 Morph Gizmos cannot be applied to instanced skin modifiers. 40429 Current Angle: %.2f