Wander_Behavior : MAXObject


Wander_Behavior ...

WanderBehavior ...


<wander_behavior>.name                 String      Default: "Wander"

<wander_behavior>.period               Integer     Default: 10   --  animatable; Alias: Wander_Period

Specifies how many frames should elapse before a new direction is chosen.

<wander_behavior>.periodDeviation      Float       Default: 0.5  --  animatable; Alias: Wander_Period_Deviation

Specifies the maximum amount by which Period should vary. Each time a period ends, character studio takes a random number between the negative and positive values of the Deviation setting, multiplies it by the Period setting, and adds the result to Period. Range=0.0 to 1.0.

<wander_behavior>.turnAngle            Float       Default: 0.5  --  animatable

Specifies how far to turn when changing direction. A small value means to change direction only by a small amount, while as the value approaches 1.0 it will randomly turn in any direction. Range=0.5 to 1.0.

<wander_behavior>.turnPeriod           Float       Default: 0.5  --  animatable

Specifies how long over the current period it takes to turn. A value of 0.0 means that it will rotate as quickly as possible to face a direction and then travel in that a direction, while a value of 1.0 means it will take the entire period to rotate in that direction. Range=0.5 to 1.0.

<wander_behavior>.turnPeriodDeviation  Float       Default: 0.5  --  animatable

Specifies the maximum amount by which Angle should vary. Each time a period ends, character studio takes a random number between the negative and positive values of the Deviation setting, multiplies it by the Angle setting, and adds the result to Angle. Range=0.0 to 1.0.

<wander_behavior>.seed                 Integer     Default: 1    --  animatable

Specifies a seed value for randomizing the Wander behavior.

<wander_behavior>.forceColor           Color       Default: (color 0 255 255)

The color used to draw the Wander force vector during the solution.

<wander_behavior>.displayForce         Boolean     Default: True

When true, force exerted on the delegate(s) by the Wander behavior is drawn in the viewports as a vector during the simulation solution.

See also