Unwrap_UVW interfaces:

This class represents the interface to the UVW Unwrap Modifier.

Interface: unwrap



This method will press the Planar Map button in the rollup interface.


This method will press the Save button in the rollup interface.


This method will press the Load button in the rollup interface.


This method will press the Reset button in the rollup interface.


This method will press the Edit button in the rollup interface.

<void>setMapChannel <integer>mapChannel

This method will set the Map Channel field value in the rollup.

<integer>mapChannel: The Map Channel you want to set to.


This method will return the Map Channel field in the rollup.

<void>setProjectionType <integer>mapChannel

This method will set the mapping type.

<integer>mapChannel: The mapping type:

1: for X aligned

2: for Y aligned

3: for Z aligned

4: for normal aligned.


This method will return the mapping type; 1 for X aligned, 2 for Y aligned, 3 for Z aligned, 4 for normal aligned.

<void>setVC <boolean>vertexColor

This method will set the Vertex Color Channel radio button in the rollup interface.

<boolean>vertexColor : True to enable; False to disable.


This method returns the current state of the Vertex Color Channel radio button in the rollup interface.


This method will press the Move button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Move Horizontal button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Move Vertical button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Rotate button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Scale button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Scale Horizontal button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Scale Vertical button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Mirror Horizontal button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Mirror Vertical button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Expand Selection button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Contract Selection button in the edit floater.

<void>setFalloffType <integer>falloffType

This method will set the Falloff type.

<integer>falloffType: The falloff type; 1 for linear, 2 for sinual, 3 for fast, and 4 for slow.


This method will return the falloff type; 1 for linear, 2 for sinual, 3 for fast, and 4 for slow.

<void>setFalloffSpace <integer>falloffSpace

This method will set the space you want the falloff to be computed in.

<integer>falloffSpace: The falloff space; 1 for XY, the local space of the object, 2 for UV, the UVW space of the object.


This method will return the falloff space; 1 for XY, the local space of the object, 2 for UV, the UVW space of the object.

<void>setFalloffDist <float>falloffDist

This method will set the falloff distance in the edit floater.

<float>falloffDist: The falloff distance.


This method will return the falloff distance.


This method will press the Break Selected button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Target Weld button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Weld Selected button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Update Map button in the edit floater.

<void>DisplayMap <boolean>displayMap

This method sets the state of the Display Map button in the edit floater


True to toggle the Display Map button on; False to toggle it off.


This method returns the state of the Display Map button in the edit floater. True if it's on; False if it's off.

<void>setUVSpace <integer>UVSpace

This method sets the space that you want to view the texture vertices in.

<integer>UVSpace: The texture space; 1 for UV, 2 for VW, 3 for UW.


This method returns the space that the texture vertices are viewed in; 1 for UV, 2 for VW, 3 for UW.


This method will press the Options button in the edit floater.


This method will toggle the Lock Selected Vertices button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Hide button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Unhide button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Freeze button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Unfreeze button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Filter Selected Faces button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Pan button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Zoom button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Zoom Region button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Fit button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Fit Selected button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Snap button in the edit floater.


This method returns the index into the map drop down list of the current map in the view of the edit floater.

<void>setCurrentMap <integer>map

This method sets the currently displayed map to the specified map index.

<integer>map: The index of the map in the drop down list to display.


This method returns the number of maps in the map drop down list.


This method returns the color of the lines used to connect the texture vertices edges as a Point3 pointer.

<void>setLineColor <point3>color

This method sets the line color of the texture vertices.

<point3>color: The color as a Point3.


This method returns the texture vertices selection color as Point3.

<void>setSelectionColor <point3>color

This method sets the color of selected texture vertices.

<point3>color: The color as a Point3.


This method returns the width of the bitmap used to render 2d/3d textures to and if the Use Bitmap Resolution bitmaps is not set the width used to render bitmap.

<void>setRenderWidth <integer>width

This method sets the width of the bitmap used to render to for display.

<integer>width: The width in pixels.


This method returns the height of the bitmap used to render 2d/3d textures to and if the Use Bitmap Resolution bitmaps is not set the height used to render bitmap.

<void>setRenderHeight <integer>height

This method sets the width of the bitmap used to render to for display.

<integer>height: The height in pixels.


This method returns the state of the Use Bitmap Resolution, if false the bitmaps are rendered using the RenderWidth/Height values.

<void>setUseBitmapRes <boolean>useRes

This method sets the state of the Use Bitmap Resolution value. If it is false the bitmaps are rendered using the RenderWidth/Height values.

<boolean>useRes: True to toggle on; False to toggle off.


This method returns the weld threshold.

<void>setWeldThreshold <float>height

This method sets the threshold values for welds.

<float>height: The welding threshold/


This method returns the state of the Constant Update value which when set true forces the veiwport to be updated on every move, otherwise it is just updated on mouse up.

<void>setConstantUpdate <boolean>update

This method Sets the state of the Constant Update value which when set true forces the viewport to be updated on every move, otherwise it is just updated on mouse up.

<boolean>update: True to toggle on; False to toggle off.


This method returns whether the selected texture vertices are also displayed in the view port.

<void>setShowSelectedVertices <boolean>show

This method sets whether the selected texture vertices are also displayed in the view port.

<boolean>show: True to toggle on; False to toggle off.


This method returns whether the mid pixels snap is used, if it is false the snap is set to the bottom right corner of the pixel, else it snaps to the center of the pixel.

<void>setMidPixelSnap <boolean>snap

This method sets whether the mid pixels snap is used, if it is false the snap is set to the bottom right corner of the pixel, else it snaps to the center of the pixel.

<boolean>snap: True to toggle on; False to toggle off.


This method returns the current material id index filter.

<void>setMatID <integer>matid

This method sets the material drop list to the index supplied.

<integer>matid: The material ID index to set.


This method returns the number of material ids in the material id filter drop down.


This method returns the current selected texture vertices in the edit floater as a bit array.

<void>selectVertices <bitArray>selection

This method selects texture vertices in the edit floater dialog.

<bitArray>selection: The selection set as a bit array.

<boolean>isVertexSelected <integer>index

This method returns whether a texture vertex is selected.

<integer>index: The index of the vertex to check.

<void>MoveSelectedVertices <point3>offset

This method moves the selected texture vertices by the offset.

<point3>offset: The offset by which you want to move the vertices.

<void>RotateSelectedVerticesCenter <float>angle

This method rotates the selected vertices around their center point.

<float>angle: The angle in radians that you want to rotate the selection by.

<void>RotateSelectedVertices <float>angle <point3>axis

This method rotates the selected vertices around a specified point.

<float>angle: The angle in radians that you want to rotate the selection by.

<point3>axis: The axis that you want to rotate the selected vertices by. This is in the space of the window.

<void>ScaleSelectedVerticesCenter <float>scale <integer>dir

This method scales the selected points around their center.

<float>scale: The amount that you want to scale by

<integer>dir: The direction; 1 for uniform scaling, 2 for X, and 3 for Y.

<void>ScaleSelectedVertices <float>scale <integer>dir <point3>axis

This method scales the selected points around a specified point.

<float>scale: The amount that you want to scale by

<integer>dir: The direction; 1 for uniform scaling, 2 for X, and 3 for Y.

<point3>axis: The axis that you want to scale the selected vertices by. This is in the space of the window.

<point3>GetVertexPosition <time>time <integer>index

This method returns the position of the vertex.

<time>time: The time at which you want to get the vertex.

<integer>index: The index of the vertex.


This method returns the number of texture vertices

<void>moveX <float>p

This method sets the selected vertices x values in absolute coordinates.

<float>p: The absolute position along the x axis

<void>moveY <float>p

This method sets the selected vertices y values in absolute coordinates.

<float>p: The absolute position along the y axis

<void>moveZ <float>p

This method sets the selected vertices z values in absolute coordinates.

<float>p: The absolute position along the s axis


This method returns the selected polygons in the view port as a bit array.

<void>selectPolygons <bitArray>selection

This method selects the polygons in the view ports.

<bitArray>selection: The polygons you wish to select.

<boolean>isPolygonSelected <integer>index

This method returns whether a polygon is selected or not.

<integer>index: The index of the polygon to check.


This method returns the number of polygons in the object.


This method detaches any vertex that is not completely surrounded by selected vertices. This is similar to a polygon selection detach except it uses the vertex selection to determine what is detached.


This method will press the Flip Horizontal button in the edit floater.


This method will press the Flip Vertical button in the edit floater.


This method returns whether the edit window aspect ratio is locked or not, if the aspect ratio is not locked the image will try stretch to fit the aspect ratio of the window. Returns True if locked; False if unlocked.

<void>setLockAspect <boolean>aspect

This method sets the Lock Aspect Ratio value

<boolean>aspect: True to lock; False to unlock.


This method returns the scaling factor when the user applies a planar map. The smaller the value the more planar map is scaled down.

<void>setMapScale <float>scale

This method sets the scaling factor when the user applies a planar map. The smaller the value the more planar map is scaled down

<float>scale: The scaling factor for planar map.


This method takes the current polygon selection and uses it to select the texture vertices that are associated with it.

<void>forceUpdate <boolean>update

This method sets a flag to determines how Unwrap will behave when a topology change occurs. If update is True the mapping gets reset, otherwise unwrap skips mapping the object if it has a different topology. It is sometimes useful to turn this off if you have MeshSmooth or other topology changing modifiers below Unwrap that have different topologies when rendering.

<boolean>update: This determines whether the mapping is reset on topology change. True to update, otherwise False.

<void>zoomToGizmo <boolean>all

This method zooms the selected or all the viewports to zoom to the current planar map gizmo.

<boolean>all: This determines whether the active or all the viewports get zoomed. True to zoom all viewports, False to view the active viewport.

<void>setVertexPosition <time>time <integer>index <point3>pos

This method sets the position of a UVW vertex at a specific time.

<time>time : The time at what you want to set the position.

<integer>index : The index of the vertex.

<point3>pos: The position of the vertex in UVW space.

<void>markAsDead <integer>index

This method marks a vertex that it is dead, and no longer in use. Vertices are not actually deleted they are just marked and recycled when needed. That means when a vertex is added vertices marked as dead will be the first ones checked. If there are no dead vertices, the vertex is appended to the end of the list. Using this function carefully since marking a vertex as dead that is actually in use will cause strange results.

<integer>index: The index of the vertex to mark as dead.

<integer>numberPointsInFace <integer>index

This method retrieves the numbers of vertices that a face contains. A face can contain 3 to N number of points depending on what type of topology Unwrap is working on. For Tri Meshes this is always 3, for patches this can be 3 or 4, and for polygons this can be 3 or greater. Unwrap abstracts all three object types into one generic format.

<integer>index: The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>getVertexIndexFromFace <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex

<integer>faceIndex : The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>ithVertex: The I-th vertex of that you want to retrieve. This value should range from 1 to the number of vertices that the face contains.

<integer>getHandleIndexFromFace <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex

This method retrieves the index of a handle, from a face. A face contains 0 to N number of handles. So to retrieve a particular handle index, you give it the face index and the I-th handle that you want to inspect. So if you wanted to look at the 3 handle on face 1 you would call GetHandleIndexFromFace(1,3). This only applies for patch meshes.

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>ithVertex: The I-th handle of that you want to retrieve. This value should range from 1 to the number of vertices*2 that the face contains.

<integer>getInteriorIndexFromFace <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex

This method retrieves the index of a interior handle, from a face. A face contains 0 to N number of interior handles. So to retrieve a particular interior handle index, you give it the face index and the I-th interior handle that you want to inspect. So if you wanted to look at the 3 interior handle on face 1 you would call GetInteriorIndexFromFace(1,3). This only applies for patch meshes.

<integer>faceIndex : The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>ithVertex: The I-th interior handle of that you want to retrieve. This value should range from 1 to the number of vertices that the face contains.

<integer>getVertexGeomIndexFromFace <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex

This method retrieves the index of a geometric vertex, from a face. This the vertex that is attached to the mesh and not the texture faces. A face contains 0 to N number of vertices. So to retrieve a particular vertex index, you give it the face index and the I-th vertex that you want to inspect. So if you wanted to look at the 3 vertex on face 1 you would call GetVertexGeomIndexFromFace(1,3).

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>ithVertex: The I-th vertex of that you want to retrieve. This value should range from 1 to the number of vertices that the face contains.

<integer>getHandleGeomIndexFromFace <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex

This method retrieves the index of a geometric handle from a patch. This the handle that is attached to the patch and not the texture faces. A face contains 0 to N number of handle. So to retrieve a particular handle index, you give it the face index and the I-th handle that you want to inspect. So if you wanted to look at the 3 handle on face 1 you would call GetHandleGeomIndexFromFace(1,3).

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>ithVertex: The I-th handle of that you want to retrieve. This value should range from 1 to the number of vertices*2 that the face contains.

<integer>getInteriorGeomIndexFromFace <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex

This method retrieves the index of a geometric interior handle from a patch. This the interior handle that is attached to the patch and not the texture faces. A face contains 0 to N number of interior handle. So to retrieve a particular interior handle index, you give it the face index and the I-th interior handle that you want to inspect. So if you wanted to look at the 3 interior handle on face 1 you would call GetInteriorGeomIndexFromFace(1,3).

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face to inspect.

<integer>ithVertex: The I-th interior handle of that you want to retrieve. This value should range from 1 to the number of vertices that the face contains.

<void>setFaceVertex <point3>pos <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex <boolean>sel

This method allows you to manipulate the position of vertex attached to a face. Basically it detaches the vertex if multiple faces share that vertex and then moves it to the position specified. So if you want to move the 3rd vertex of face 1 to .5,.5,.0 you would do setFaceVertex [.5 .5 .0] 1 3. If you don't want the vertex broken use SetVertexSPosition.

<point3>pos: The position that you want to move a vertex to.

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face that you wish to work on.

<integer>ithVertex: The ith vertex of the face that you want to change

<boolean>sel: Whether or not to select the vertex after it is recreated

<void>setFaceHandle <point3>pos <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex <boolean>sel

This method is identical to SetFaceVertex except works on patch handles.

<point3>pos: The position that you want to move a vertex to.

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face that you wish to work on.

<integer>ithVertex: The ith vertex of the face that you want to change

<boolean>sel: Whether or not to select the vertex after it is recreated

<void>setFaceInterior <point3>pos <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex <boolean>sel

This method is identical to SetFaceVertex except works on patch interior handles.

<point3>pos : The position that you want to move a vertex to.

<integer>faceIndex : The index of the face that you wish to work on.

<integer>ithVertex : The ith vertex of the face that you want to change

<boolean>sel: Whether or not to select the vertex after it is recreated

<void>setFaceVertexIndex <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex <integer>vertexIndex

This method allows you to set the index of the ith vertex of a face.

<integer>faceIndex : The index of the face that you wish to work on.

<integer>ithVertex : The ith vertex of the face that you want to manipulate.

<integer>vertexIndex: The index into the vertex list that you want to set.

<void>setFaceHandleIndex <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex <integer>vertexIndex

This method is identical to setFaceVertexIndex but works on handles for patches.

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face that you wish to work on.

<integer>ithVertex: The ith vertex of the face that you want to manipulate.

<integer>vertexIndex: The index into the vertex list that you want to set to

<void>setFaceInteriorIndex <integer>faceIndex <integer>ithVertex <integer>vertexIndex

This method is identical to setFaceVertexIndex but works on interior handles for patches.

<integer>faceIndex: The index of the face that you wish to work on.

<integer>ithVertex: The ith vertex of the face that you want to manipulate.

<integer>vertexIndex: The index into the vertex list that you want to set to


This method forces the viewport and dialog to update.


This method looks at the current face selection in the stack, and copies it to the unwrap face selection. The reason this is useful is that if some one creates a new selection modifier Unwrap can use it. An example would be if you applied to Unwrap to a whole editable mesh , then you went back into the editable mesh, selected some faces by smoothing group, then turned off the face subobject selection. If you went back to Unwrap you could get this selection by calling getFaceSelectionFromStack.

See also Class IunwrapMod, in the SDK Help file accompanying this product.