UDeflector : SpacewarpObject


uDeflector ...

Note: This class is not available in 3D Studio VIZ.


<UDeflector>.bounce                Float  default: 1.0  -- animatable

The speed with which particles bounce off the deflector. At 1.0, the particles bounce at the same speed as they approach. At 0, they don't deflect at all.

<UDeflector>.bouncevar        Float  default: 0.0  -- animatable

The amount by which each particle can vary from the Bounce setting.

<UDeflector>.chaos                 Float  default: 0.0  -- animatable

The amount of variation from the perfect angle of reflection (found when Chaos is set to 0.0). 100% induces a variation in reflection angle of up to 90 degrees.

<UDeflector>.Friction              Float  default: 0.0  -- animatable, percentage

Determines the amount of tangential "stick" at the surface as particles bounce off the deflector.

<UDeflector>.inheritVelocity       Float  default: 1.0  -- animatable; alias: velocity_inheritance

When greater than 0, the motion of the deflector affects particles as well as the other settings. For example, to animate the SDeflector passing through a passive array of particles, increase this value to affect the particles.

<UDeflector>.radius        Float  default: 0.0  -- animatable; alias: icon_size

The size of the Udeflector icon.


There is no way to set the Deflector object using MAXScript in 3ds max 4.

Associated Methods

bindSpaceWarp <particlesys_node> <uDeflector_node>

Associated Binding Modifier


This modifier is automatically created by the bindSpaceWarp() method, and is not otherwise creatable by MAXScript. There are no properties associated with this binding modifier.

See also