Track View

The Track View window functions are in a structure package named trackView. These functions operate on named Track Views, and in many cases you identify the Track View window by this name. The Track View functions are: <name_string>

Opens an existing Track View with the specified name, or creates a new Track View with specified name. Returns the value true.

trackView.zoomSelected <name_string>

Zoom the named Track View on the currently selected object. The World track must be expanded for this function to operate. The Object track will automatically be expanded if is closed. The hierarchy display is scrolled such that the selected object's track is placed at the top of the window. If multiple objects are selected, the first object in the hierarchy that is selected will be placed at the top of the window. If there are no selected objects, no operation occurs. This method will return true, except when the named Track View does not exist or is not open, when it returns false.

trackView.close <name_string>

Closes the named Track View. This method will return true, except when the named Track View does not exist or is not open, when it returns false.


Returns the number of named Track Views defined

trackView.getTrackViewName <index_integer>

Returns the name of the indexed Track View as a String. Index values are 1-based.

trackView.setFilter "name_string" {<filter_flag_name>} [#noRedraw]

trackView.clearFilter "name_string" {<filter_flag_name>} [#noRedraw]

These methods allow you to set and clear display filters flags to control what is visible in a named Track View. This method will return true, except when the named Track View does not exist or is not open, when it returns false. You can supply as many filter flags as desired per call. The valid filter flag names are:

#all -- set or clear all flags

#default -- set default view flags










































The following 3ds max system global variables are applicable to Track View:


Contains a MAXTVNode value that defines the top-level Global Tracks node in Track View. See Track View Nodes. This variable is read-only.


Contains a MAXTVNode value that defines top-level World node in Track View. See Track View Nodes. This variable is read-only.


Contains a MAXTVNode value that defines the top-level Video Post Track View node. See Track View Nodes. This variable is read-only. This variable contains the value undefined in 3D Studio VIZ.