Time Configuration Dialog

The following methods get and set options in the Time Configuration dialog:


setKeyStepsPos <boolean>

Get and set whether to jump to next position key when Key Mode Toggle is on.


setKeyStepsRot <boolean>

Get and set whether to jump to next rotation key when Key Mode Toggle is on.


setKeyStepsScale <boolean>

Get and set whether to jump to next scale key when Key Mode Toggle is on.


setKeyStepsSelOnly <boolean>

Get and set whether to use Selected Objects Only when Key Mode Toggle is on.


setKeyStepsUseTrans <boolean>

Get and set whether to Use Current Transform when Key Mode Toggle is on.

The following 3ds max system global variables are applicable to the Time Configuration dialog:


Lets you get and set an Interval value that defines the start and end of the current active animation range. It contains the corresponding values set in the Time Configuration dialog.


Lets you get and set an Integer value that defines the current scene frame rate in frames-per-second. It contains the corresponding value set in the Time Configuration dialog.


Lets you get and set whether to playback the active viewport only. It contains the corresponding value set in the Time Configuration dialog. A Boolean value - true if Active Viewport Only is on, false if off.


Lets you get and set whether to playback in real time mode. It contains the corresponding value set in the Time Configuration dialog. A Boolean value - true if Real Time is on, false if off.


Lets you get and set whether to playback the active viewport only. It contains the corresponding value set in the Time Configuration dialog. A Boolean value - true if Active Viewport Only is on, false if off.


Get/set viewport playback speed as an indexed <integer>. The valid values for the integer are: 1 - 1/4x, 2 - 1/2x, 3 - 1x, 4 - 2x, 5 - 4x.


Lets you get and set whether to playback in real time mode. It contains the corresponding value set in the Time Configuration dialog. A Boolean value - true if Real Time is on, false if off.


Lets you get and set the state of the Time Configuration dialog 'Key Steps / Use TrackBar' check box. A Boolean Value û true if checked, false if not.