Taper : Modifier


taper ...


<Taper>.amount       Float    default: 1.0      -- animatable

The extent to which the ends are scaled. Amount is a relative value with a maximum of 10.

<Taper>.curve        Float    default: 0.0      -- animatable, alias: curvature

Applies a curvature to the sides of the Taper gizmo, thus affecting the shape of the tapered object. Positive values produce an outward curve along the tapered sides, negative values an inward curve. At 0, the sides are unchanged.

<Taper>.primaryaxis  Integer  default: 2

The central axis or spine of the taper:

0- X

1- Y

2- Z

<Taper>.effectaxis   Integer  default: 2

The axis, or pair of axes, indicating the direction of the taper from the primary axis. The available choices are determined by the choice of primary axis. The effect axis can be either of the two remaining axes, or their combination. If the primary axis is X, the effect axis can be Y, Z, or YZ.

0- Z

1- Y

2- ZY

<Taper>.symmetry     Boolean  default: false    -- animatable

When on, produces a symmetrical taper around the primary axis. A taper is always symmetrical around the effect axis.

<Taper>.limit        Boolean  default: false

Enables/disables upper and lower limits for the taper effect.

<Taper>.upperlimit   Float    default: 0.0      -- animatable, alias: Upper_Limit

The upper limit boundaries in world units from the taper center point, beyond which the taper no longer affects the geometry.

<Taper>.lowerlimit   Float    default: 0.0      -- animatable, alias: Lower_Limit

The lower limit boundaries in world units from the taper center point, beyond which the taper no longer affects the geometry.

<Taper>.center       Point3   default: [0,0,0]  -- animatable

At this sub-object level, you can translate and animate the center, altering the Taper gizmo's shape, and thus the shape of the melted object

<Taper>.gizmo        SubAnim

At this sub-object level, you can transform and animate the gizmo like any other object, altering the effect of the Taper modifier. Translating the gizmo translates its center an equal distance. Rotating and scaling the gizmo takes place with respect to its center.

<Taper.Gizmo>.position  Point3  default: [0,0,0]        -- animatable

The position of the taper gizmo.

<Taper.Gizmo>.rotation  Quat    default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable

The rotation of the taper gizmo.

<Taper.Gizmo>.scale     Point3  default: [1,1,1]        -- animatable

The scale of the taper gizmo.

See also