Symbolic Pathnames

Topic: version 4 MAXScript Language Improvements/Language Improvements

Support for $<name> symbolic pathnames to all the places that filenames can be supplied for opening things in MAXScript. Any filename you give to MAXScript in the following situations can begin with a '$' followed by one of the symbolic directory names below.


fileIn "$scripts\"

This example will open the file "" in the current MAX scripts directory.

The situations in which MAXScript honors '$' symbolic directories are as follows:




createBitmap()  in the fileName: parameter

render()        in the outputFile: parameter

Compiler directives:

include <filename_string>


Any bitmap image file names for buttons, checkbuttons, bitmap

The following symbolic names are recognized:

$max - main MAX executable directory

$maps - first directory in Maps directory config

$scenes - scenes directory

$fonts - fonts directory

$imports - imports directory

$sounds - sounds directory

$matlibs - matlibs directory

$scripts - scripts

$startupScripts - auto-load startup scripts

$plugins - first in the Plug-ins directory config

$plugcfg - plugcfg

$images - images

$ui - UI

$macroScripts - macroScripts in UI directory

$web - web directory

$temp - system temp directory

Please note that these are similar to the 3D Studio MAX System Globals filetype_names which start with a "#".

See also