Speckle : TextureMap


speckle ...


<Speckle>.size    Float       default: 60.0       -- animatable

Adjusts the size of the speckles. Use this to make the speckles match your geometry.

<Speckle>.color1  Color       default: (color 51 127.5 255) -- animatable, alias: Color_1

The color of the speckles.

<Speckle>.map1    TextureMap  default: undefined

The map used as the color of the speckles.

<Speckle>.map1On  Boolean     default: true       -- alias: Map1_On

Enables associated map.

<Speckle>.color2  Color       default: (color 178.5 204 204) -- animatable, alias: Color_2

The color of the background.

<Speckle>.map2    TextureMap  default: undefined

The map used as the color of the background.

<Speckle>.map2On  Boolean     default: true       -- alias: Map2_On

Enables associated map.

<Speckle>.coords  StandardXYZGen                  -- alias: Coordinates

See StandardXYZGen for the StandardXYZGen properties.

See also