SelectionSet Values

A SelectionSet represents the named scene node selection sets in the Named Selection Sets drop-down list in the 3ds max toolbar. Also see SelectionSetArray Values. SelectionSet values are mappable.


selectionSets[<set_name>]    -- set by string or name value

selectionSets[<index>]       -- set by order in drop-down list


<selectionset>[<integer>]    -- retrieve nth object in set


<selectionset>.center        : Point3, read-only

Returns center of bounding box of all objects in set.

<selectionset>.max           : Point3, read-only

Returns maximum corner of bounding box.

<selectionset>.min           : Point3, read-only

Returns minimum corner of bounding box.

<selectionset>.count         : Integer, read-only

Returns number of objects in set.

Note: Unlike ObjectSet, you cannot use SelectionSet as the root of a pathname.

The order of sequencing is consistent in a stable scene but somewhat arbitrary - it depends on how 3ds max stores its object hierarchy internally which is effected mostly by order of additions and deletions to and from the scene.