Section : Shape


section ...


<Section>.length     Float     default: 0.0  -- animatable

The length of the displayed section rectangle.

<Section>.width      Float     default: 0.0  -- animatable

The width of the displayed section rectangle.


The Section Parameters rollout item properties are not accessible to MAXScript in 3ds max 4.

A bug prevents a Section shape from being properly collapsed to a SplineShape in some cases. This only happens when a Section shape is created inside a loop and is being converted to a SplineShape. To collapse to a SplineShape, a viewport redraw must be performed after the Section shape is created. An example of creating contour lines from an object is:


meshSelected = sphere() -- object to create contours of

minZ = meshSelected.min.z   -- get min and max Z positions

maxZ = meshSelected.max.z

numLevels = 10              -- the number of contours

delta = (maxZ - minZ) / (numLevels + 1) -- the number of steps

for currentZ = minZ to maxZ by delta doùstart loop...


s = section pos:[0, 0, currentZ] -- create Section

max views redraw -- this line needed to get around bug

convertToSplineShape s -- convert Section to SplineShape

s.renderable = true -- set to renderable


See also