SDynaFlect : SpacewarpObject


SDynaFlect ...

Note: This class is not available in 3D Studio VIZ.


<SDynaFlect>.'time on'        Integer  default: 0     --  animatable; alias: time_on

The time at which the deflection begins.

<SDynaFlect>.'time off'        Integer  default: 16000 --  animatable; alias: time_off

The time at which the deflection ends.

<SDynaFlect>.affects        Float    default: 10000.0   --  animatable; percentage; alias: reflects

The percentage of particles to be reflected by the PDynaFlect.

<SDynaFlect>.bouncevar           Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable; percentage; alias: bounce_variation

The variation of Bounce applied to the range of particles.

<SDynaFlect>.inheritVelocity       Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable: alias: velocity_inheritance

Determines how much of a moving PDynaFlect's speed is applied to reflected or refracted particles.

<SDynaFlect>.mass        Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; alias: particle_mass

The mass based on the chosen unit.

<SDynaFlect>.'mass units'        Integer  default: 0     --  animatable; alias: particle_mass_units

The unit to use for particle mass values:

0- Gram

1- Kilogram

2- Pound

<SDynaFlect>.number        Integer  default: 0     --  animatable

Number of particles.

<SDynaFlect>.friction        Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable

When set to 0.0 (the default), the surface of the deflector is treated as frictionless, and there's no change in the particle behavior. As the friction value increases, particles begin to rebound at incorrect angles and with greater speed.

<SDynaFlect>.bounce                Float    default: 1.0   -- animatable

Multiplier that specifies how much of the initial speed of the particle is maintained after collision with the SDynaFlect.

<SDynaFlect>.chaos                 Float    default: 0.0   -- animatable

Applies a random variation to the bounce angle.

<SDynaFlect>.radius                Float    default: 0.0   -- animatable

Radius of the SdynaFlect icon. This setting also alters the effect of the deflection, because particles bounce off the perimeter of the icon.

Associated Methods

bindSpaceWarp <node> <SDynaFlect_node>

Associated Binding Modifier


This modifier is automatically created by the bindSpaceWarp() method, and is not otherwise creatable by MAXScript. There are no properties associated with this binding modifier.

See also