Schematic View

The Schematic View window functions are in a structure package named schematicView. These functions operate on named Schematic Views, and in many cases you identify the Schematic View window by this name. The Schematic View functions are: <name_string>

Opens an existing Schematic View with the specified name, or creates a new Schematic View with specified name. Returns the value true.

schematicView.zoomSelected <name_string>

Zooms the named Schematic View on the currently selected objects. The display is zoomed such that all of the selected objects are displayed. If there are no selected objects, no operation occurs. This method will return true, except when the named Schematic View does not exist or is not open, when it returns false.

schematicView.close <name_string>

Closes the named Schematic View. This method will return true, except when the named Schematic View does not exist or is not open, when it returns false.


Returns the number of named Schematic Views defined

schematicView.getSchematicViewName <index_integer>

Returns the name of the indexed Schematic View as a String. Index values are 1-based.