Repel_Behavior : MAXObject


Repel_Behavior ...

RepelBehavior ...


<Repel_Behavior>.name                  String      Default: "Repel"

<Repel_Behavior>.repulsionSources   ArrayParameter Default: #() -- node array

See Notes below

<Repel_Behavior>.targetComp            Integer     Default: 0

0-Closest Source : Each delegate is repelled by the closest of the assigned sources. Use this to have delegates assigned a single Repel behavior move away from sources in different directions.

1-Average of Sources : All delegates head to a common point determined by averaging all sources' locations.

<Repel_Behavior>.repelMethod           Integer     Default: 0 -- animatable

0-Angle : Applies a force to the delegate based on the angle between the delegate's current direction and the direction it would need to take in order to be moving directly away from the source. If the behavior's Weight is set to 1, the delegate will be given a force that points directly away from the source. If Weight is set to .5, the force will bisect the angle between its current direction and the direction opposite that of the source.

1-Force : Always applies a force directly away from the source, but at different magnitudes. If the behavior's Weight is 1, the magnitude of the force will be the average speed. If the Weight is .5, the magnitude of the force will be half the average speed.

<Repel_Behavior>.useRadii              Boolean     Default: True

When true, the behavior applies only to delegates closer to the target than the Outer Distance value.

<Repel_Behavior>.innerRadius           Float       Default: 0.0  -- animatable

The distance from the target at which the force is applied at full strength.

<Repel_Behavior>.outerRadius           Float       Default: 10.0 û animatable

The distance from the target at which the force begins to be applied.

<Repel_Behavior>.falloff               Float       Default: 2.0  -- animatable

<Repel_Behavior>.forceColor            Color       Default: (color 255 0 255)

The color used to draw the Repel force vector.

<Repel_Behavior>.showRadii             Boolean     Default: True

When true, the radii are displayed when the force is active.

<Repel_Behavior>.displayForce          Boolean     Default: True

When true, force exerted on the delegate(s) by the Repel behavior is drawn in the viewports as a vector during the simulation solution. If Use Radii is turned on, the radii are also displayed when the force is active.


You can perform the following MAXScript operations

deleteitem <array> <itemnumber>

<array> = #(item,item...)

<array> = append <array> <item>

on all of the properties containing an ArrayParamater of objects listed below. You can also undo/redo these operations.


The following MAXScript operations will cause Crowd to fail, either right away or later:

NEVER set a Crowd/Behavior ArrayParameter element to undefined.

See also