Render Scene Dialog

Note: Changing the render scene dialog settings via the scripter should be done with the actual render scene dialog in a closed state. Leaving the dialog open will make the attempted scripter modifications non-sticky.

The following methods get and set options in the Render Scene dialog:


Get the Aperture Width in millimeters for the current renderer.


Get the Image Aspect Ratio for the current renderer.


Returns true if the Draft renderer is the default renderer, false if the Production renderer is the default renderer.

SetUseDraftRenderer <boolean>

Specifies which renderer is active -- draft or production. Pass true to use the draft renderer and false to use the production renderer.

The following 3ds max system global variables are applicable to the Render Scene dialog:


Lets you switch between the draft and production renderers and test which one is active. A Name value that accepts and contains the values #draft or #production, for example:

if renderer == #draft then ...

renderer = #production

render camera:c ...


Lets you get and set whether to perform displacement mapping during a render. A Boolean value - true if displacement mapping is to be performed, false if not.


Lets you get and set whether to perform Render Effects after a scene render. A Boolean value - true if Render Effects are to be performed, false if not.


Lets you get and set an Integer value that defines the output size height for the active renderer.


Lets you get and set an Integer value that defines the output pixel aspect for the active renderer.


Lets you get and set an Integer value that defines the output size width for the active renderer.


Lets you get and set a String value that defines the output file name for the active renderer. It contains the corresponding value set in the Render Scene dialog. If this global variable is set to "" then Save File check box in the Render Scene dialog is unchecked.


Lets you get and set whether to skip rendered frames during a render. A Boolean Value û true if rendered frames are to be skipped, false if not.

Note: The following globals should not be used if the Render Scene dialog is open. These globals do not update the dialog if it is open, and closing the dialog or rendering from the dialog will cause the displayed settings to be stored and used.

rendTimeType -- integer

Get/set the type of time range to be rendered. One of the following values:

1 - A single frame.

2 - The active time segment.

3 - The user specified range.

4 - The user specified frame pickup string (for example "1,3,5-12").

rendStart -- time

Get/set the renderer's start time setting.

rendEnd -- time

Get/set the renderer's end time setting.

rendNThFrame -- integer

Get/set the renderer's 'n-th' frame setting. Minimum value = 1

rendShowVFB -- boolean

Get/set the state of the renderer's show virtual frame buffer flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendSaveFile -- boolean

Get/set the state of the renderer's save file flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendUseDevice -- boolean

Get/set the state of the renderer's use device flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendUseNet -- boolean

Get/set the state of the renderer's use net flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendFieldRender -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's field render flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendColorCheck -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's color check flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendSuperBlack -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's super black flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendHidden -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's render hidden objects flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendForce2Side -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's force two-sided flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendAtmosphere -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's uses atmospheric effects flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendDitherTrue -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's dither true color flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendDither256 -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's dither 256 color flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendMultiThread -- boolean

Get/set the renderer's multi-threaded flag. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendNThSerial -- boolean

Get/set the output file sequencing nth serial numbering setting. TRUE = on; FALSE = off

rendVidCorrectMethod -- integer

Get/set the video color check method. One of the following values:

1 = FLAG



rendFieldOrder -- integer

Get/set the rendering field order. One of the following values:

1 is Even

2 is Odd

rendNTSC_PAL -- integer

Get/set the video color check NTSC or PAL setting. One of the following values:

1 is NTSC

2 is PAL

rendSuperBlackThresh -- integer

Get/set the super black threshold setting. Range 0 to 255.

rendFileNumberBase -- integer

Get/set the File Number Base in the 'Common Parameters' rollup of the Render Scene dialog.

rendPickupFrames -- string

Get/set the Frames string in the 'Common Parameters' rollup of the Render Scene dialog.

The following 3ds max system global variables are applicable to the Renderer, but corresponds to the Gbuffer Layers Maximum Number parameter in the Rendering page of the Preference Settings dialog:


Lets you get and set an Integer value that specifies the maximum number of g-buffer layers generated during a render.

The following 3ds max system global variables are specific to 3ds max's default scanline A-Buffer renderer. These variables return undefined if the current renderer is not 3ds max's default scanline A-Buffer renderer.


Lets you get and set the anti-aliasing filter. For a list of all of the anti-aliasing filters you can say:

showClass "*:filter*"

For example:

scanlineRender.antiAliasFilter = quadratic()

The anti-aliasing filters and their parameters are described in 3ds max Scanline A-Buffer Renderer Anti-Aliasing Filters.


Contains a float value that defines the anti-aliasing filter size.


Lets you enables and disables global super sampling. A Boolean value - true if Disable all Samplers is off, false if on.


Changing the render scene dialog settings via the scripter should be done with the actual render scene dialog in a closed state. Leaving the dialog open will make the attempted scripter modifications non-sticky.