NURBSExtrudeSurface : NURBSSurface

This class defines a dependent Extrude surface. An Extrude surface is extruded from a curve sub-object. It is similar to a surface created with the Extrude modifier. The advantage is that an extrude sub-object is part of the NURBS model, so you can use it to construct other curve and surface sub-objects.


NURBSExtrudeSurface [<property>:<val>]...

Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.

getObject <nurbsset> <index>


<nurbsextrudesurface>.parent           : integer

The parent curve by NURBSet index.

<nurbsextrudesurface>.parentID         : integer

The parent curve by NURBSId.

<nurbsextrudesurface>.distance         : float

The length of extrusion.

<nurbsextrudesurface>.axisTM           : matrix3

The extrusion axis.

<nurbsextrudesurface>.curveStartPoint  : float

The start point on the parent curve. This value is only applicable if the curve is closed.

See also