NURBSChamferCurve : NURBSCurve

This class defines a dependent Chamfer curve. A Chamfer is a curve that creates a straight line corner between two parent curves.


NURBSChamferCurve [<property>:<val>]...

Any of the object's properties may be set via optional keyword arguments on the constructor.

getObject <nurbsset> <index>


<nurbschamfercurve>.parent1    : integer

The 1st parent curve by NURBSet index.

<nurbschamfercurve>.parent1ID  : integer

The 1st parent curve by NURBSId.

<nurbschamfercurve>.parent2    : integer

The 2nd parent curve by NURBSet index.

<nurbschamfercurve>.parent2ID  : integer

The 2nd parent curve by NURBSId.

<nurbschamfercurve>.length1    : float

The length for 1st parent curve back from the end that defines the beginning of the chamfer.

<nurbschamfercurve>.length2    : float

The length for 2nd parent curve back from the end that defines the beginning of the chamfer.

<nurbschamfercurve>.flip1      : boolean

true to use the end of 1st parent curve; false to use the beginning, defaults to false.

<nurbschamfercurve>.flip2      : boolean

true to use the end of 2nd parent curve; false to use the beginning, defaults to false.

<nurbschamfercurve>.trim1      : boolean

Sets whether 1st parent curve is trimmed. true if the curve is trimmed; otherwise false.

<nurbschamfercurve>.trim2      : boolean

Sets whether 2nd parent curve is trimmed. true if the curve is trimmed; otherwise false.

<nurbschamfercurve>.flipTrim1  : boolean

If true the 1st parent curve is trimmed from the point towards low parameter space. If false the curve is trimmed from the point towards high parameter space.

<nurbschamfercurve>.flipTrim2  : boolean

If true the 2nd parent curve is trimmed from the point towards low parameter space. If false the curve is trimmed from the point towards high parameter space.

See also