MultiMaterial : Material


multimaterial  [ numsubs:<integer> ]

multiSubMaterial  [ numsubs:<integer> ]




the number of sub-materials in the multimaterial.

<multimaterial>.materialList  ArrayParameter  default: #(Standard, Standard, ... Standard, Standard)

<multisubmaterial>.materialList  ArrayParameter  default: #(Standard, Standard, ... Standard, Standard)

Stores the Material for each sub-material.

<multimaterial>.mapEnabled    ArrayParameter  default: #(true, true, ...  true, true)

<multisubmaterial>.mapEnabled    ArrayParameter  default: #(true, true, ...  true, true)

Stores whether the sub-material is enabled.

<multimaterial>.names         ArrayParameter  default: #("", "", ... "", "")

<multisubmaterial>.names         ArrayParameter  default: #("", "", ... "", "")

Stores the sub-material slot name (not the sub-material name).

<Multimaterial>.materialIDList     ArrayParameter    default: #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)   --  int array; Index

<Multisubmaterial>.materialIDList     ArrayParameter    default: #(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)   --  int array; Index

Stores the sub-material ID's.

<Multimaterial>.material1     Standardmaterial    default: Standard   --  alias for materialList[0]; SubAnim

<Multisubmaterial>.material1     Standardmaterial    default: Standard   --  alias for materialList[0]; SubAnim

Stores the material.


MultiSubMaterial is obsolete and is visible only for backward compatibility.

Each of the arrays contains numsubs elements. The materialList array stores the Material for each sub-material, the mapEnabled array stores whether that sub-material is enabled, and the names array stores the sub-material slot name (not the sub-material name).

MultiMaterials have sub-materials arranged in a table, so MAXScript also allows you to access these sub-materials using the array indexing accessor:

mm = multimaterial numsubs:3

mm[1] = $foo.material

$baz.material = mm[2]

If the numsubs named parameter is not specified, the default numsubs value is 10.

The number of sub-materials can be changed after material creation by changing the numsubs property value.

The number of sub-materials can also be changed by setting the count property for the materialList, mapEnabled, or names property to the desired number.

material1 is an alias for materialList[1].

See also