There are many new MAXScript functions exposed in maxops:
Takes a single integer argument:
0: turns off transparency in the active viewport
1: sets it to screendoor
2: sets it to blended transparency.
maxOps.setSelectionType <boolean> <integer>
true 1: Enables auto Win/Cross: moving left-to-right is crossing selection
true 0: Enables auto Win/Cross: moving right-to-left is crossing selection
false 1: Disables auto Win/Cross, turns ON crossing selection
false 0: Disables auto Win/Cross, turns OFF crossing selection
The integer relates to the radiobutton index in Customize/Preferences.
The enum values returned are as follows:
#productVersionDevel - debug build, or licensed in-house
#productVersionTrial - trial license
#productVersionOrdinary - commercial license
#productVersionNFR - not for resale
#productVersionEdu - educational or student license
The property is read-only, with a boolean value: true means a network license, false means a local license.
The enum values returned are as follows:
#licenseBehaviorPermanent - permanent license, or hardware lock
#licenseBehaviorExtendable - term license, can be extended
#licenseBehaviorNonextendable - term license, cannot be extended
Its return value is an integer indicating the number of full days left in the term of the license. A value of 0 means that today is the last day of validity. For permanent licenses, a fixed value is returned indicating greater than 10 years are left.
Note: It should be noted that the all copies of 3ds max return a hardwarelockid of "-1" while under the grace period and until they have been authorized. You can check for that number and initiate your own demo mode .
This example displays the values of your Cdilla license.
rollout CdillaOPS "License Properties" width:220 height:270
groupBox grp1 "License Values" pos:[18,18] width:180 height:265
button btn5 "Days until Expiration" pos:[50,45] width:119 height:18
editText edt5 "" pos:[50,75] width:119 height:18
button btn6 "License Version" pos:[50,105] width:119 height:18
editText edt6 "" pos:[50,135] width:119 height:18
button btn7 "License Behavior" pos:[50,165] width:119 height:18
editText edt7 "" pos:[50,195] width:119 height:18
button btn8 "Hardware Lock ID" pos:[50,225] width:119 height:18
editText edt8 "" pos:[50,255] width:119 height:18
on btn5 pressed do
edt5.text = (maxOps.licenseDaysLeft as string)
on btn6 pressed do
version = maxOps.productVersion as string
edt6.text = substring version 15 version.count
on btn7 pressed do
version = maxOps.licenseBehavior as string
edt7.text = substring version 16 version.count
on btn8 pressed do
edt8.text = (hardwarelockid as string)
rof = newRolloutFloater "License_Status" 230 380
addRollout CdillaOPS rof
Returns the node associated with the id passed in.
maxOps.setSelectionType <auto> <method>
True or False
Valid values or method are #window, #crossing, #leftToRight, #rightToLeft. #window or #crossing is to be used if the first argument (auto) is false. #leftToRight or #rightToLeft is to be used when auto is true.
Note: The following properties require a redraw, but in some cases hiding and unhiding the trackbar gives a better result.
tbar = maxops.trackbar
tbar.showframes = false
tbar.redraw() -- Notice the result so far
tbar.visible = false
tbar.visible = true -- Notice the difference
CloneNodes <&node array>nodes offset: <point3> expandHierarchy:<boolean> cloneType:<enum> actualNodeList:<node array> newNodes:<node array>
nodes is In parameter
This is the list of nodes that you want to clone.
offset is In parameter
The positional offset that will be applied to the cloned nodes.
expandHierarchy default value: false
Indicates if children will be cloned in hierarchies. Default is false.
cloneType enums: {#copy|#instance|#reference}
default value: #copy
actualNodeList default value: #()
This node array will be filled in with the original nodes to be cloned. The reason for this is that there can be dependencies between nodes that causes other nodes to be added to the list. For example light/camera targets, nodes part of systems, part of groups or expanded hierarchies etc.
newNodes default value: #()
This node array will be filled in with the new cloned nodes. There is a one to one relationship between the nodes in the resultSource and the resultTraget.
This method will return true if successful, otherwise it will return false.
maxOps.CollapseNode node noWarnings
maxOps.CollapseNodeTo node modIndex noWarnings
See also