3ds max Commands

The general syntax for 3ds max commands is:

max <command_name>

MAXScript allows you to invoke 3ds max menu and toolbar commands from within scripts using the max construct. For example:

max file open

max unhide all

max hold

max time play

The keyword max is followed by one or more words that describe the command. The available commands can be displayed using the '?' character in a partial max command:

max time ?  -- show all the time-related commands

max sel ?   -- show all the commands with 'sel' in them as a substring

max ?       -- show all the commands (there are a lot!)

The max command always returns the system value ok.

Note: The max spacebar max command appears to do nothing when invoked from the Listener window, because the spacebar command is window-specific and only locks selections in the active window. Because it is the Listener window that is active, 3ds max effectively ignores this command.

3ds max Command Name

Command description

max ? 

Displays all max commands to listener 

max accel pan 

Activates viewport Pan mode 

max acthomegrid
max activate home grid 

Makes home grid the active grid 

max activate grid object 

Makes selected grid the active grid 

max adaptive persp grid
max adaptive perspective grid toggle 

Changes look of grid in non-orthographic viewports. 

max align 

Activates Align mode 

max align normals
max alignnormals 

Activates Align Normals mode 

max align camera 

Places you in Align Camera mode 

max angle snap toggle 

Toggles Angle Snap toggle 

max apply ik 

Same as clicking Apply IK button in Hierarchy/IK panel 

max array 

Displays Array dialog 

max backface
max backface cull toggle 

Toggles Backface Cull for selected objects 

max background
max background display toggle 

Displays Viewport Background dialog 

max bind space warp mode
max bindwsm 

Activates Bind to Space Warp mode 

max box mode
max box mode selected 

Toggles Display as Box for selected objects 

max box mode toggle
max box toggle 

Toggles active viewport's shading mode to/from Bounding Box 

max configure paths 

Displays Configure Paths dialog 

max create mode 

Sets Create command mode active 

max customize UI 

Displays Customize User Interface dialog 

max cycle select 

Cycles through Selection Region types û Rectangular, Circular, Fence 

max cycle sublevel
max cycle subobject level 

Cycles through sub-object levels. Must be in Modify panel with Sub-Object active. 

max default lighting toggle
max def lgt toggle 

Toggles between default viewport lights and scene lights for viewport rendering 

max delete 

Deletes selected objects or sub-objects 

max display floater 

Displays Display Floater dialog 

max display mode 

Sets Display command mode active 

max dolly
max dolly mode 

Activates Zoom/Dolly mode 

max drawingaids
max drawing aids 

Displays Grid and Snap Setting dialog 

max fetch 

Activates Edit/Fetch û displays About to Fetch dialog 

max file archive 

Activates File/Archive û performs a scene file archive operation 

max file export selected 

Activates File/Export Selected û displays Select File to Export dialog 

max file import 

Activates File/Import û displays Select File to Import dialog 

max file insert tracks 

Activates File/Merge û displays Merge Animation dialog 

max file merge 

Activates File/Merge û displays Merge File dialog 

max file new 

Activates File/New 

max file open 

Activates File/Open û displays Open File dialog 

max file preferences 

Activates Customize/Preferences û displays Preference Settings dialog 

max file replace 

Activates File/Replace û displays Replace File dialog 

max file save 

Activates File/Save 

max file saveas 

Activates File/Save As û displays Save File As dialog 

max file xref object 

Activates File/XRef Objects - displays XRef Objects dialog 

max file xref scene 

Activates File/XRef Scenes - displays XRef Scenes dialog 

max fov 

Activates Region Zoom/FOV/Falloff mode 

max freeze inv 

Freezes non-selected objects. Same as clicking Freeze Unselected in Display panel. 

max freeze selection 

Freezes selected objects. Same as clicking Freeze Selected in Display panel. 

max fullinteract 

No operation 

max grid nudge down 

Nudges active grid down 

max grid nudge up 

Nudges active grid up 

max grid toggle 

Toggles display of active grid in active viewport 

max grids align 

Aligns active grid to active viewport 

max group attach 

Enters Attach Object to Group mode û user clicks on group to attach selected objects to the group 

max group close 

Closes active group 

max group detach 

Detaches selected objects from group 

max group group 

Groups selected objects û displays Group dialog 

max group open 

Opens selected group 

max group ungroup 

Ungroups objects in selected group 

max help about 

Activates Help/About û displays the About 3ds max dialog 

max hide camera toggle 

Toggles Camera in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hide command panel toggle 

Toggles display of command panel 

max hide floating toolbars toggle 

Toggles display of floating toolbars 

max hide helper toggle 

Toggles Helpers in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hide inv 

Hides un-selected objects. Same as clicking Hide Unselected in Display panel. 

max hide light toggle 

Toggles Lights in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hide main toolbar toggle 

Toggles display of main toolbar 

max hide object toggle 

Toggles Geometry in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hide tab panel toggle 

Toggles display of Tab Panel 

max hide selection 

Hides selected objects. Same as clicking Hide Selected in Display panel. 

max hide shape toggle 

Toggles Shapes in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hide system toggle 

Toggles Particle Systems in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hide wsm toggle 

Toggles Space Warps in Hide by Category rollout in Display panel. 

max hierarchy mode 

Sets Hierarchy command mode active 

max hold 

Activates Edit/Hold  

max ik terminator 

Toggles Terminator in Hierarchy/IK, Object Parameters rollout 

max ipan 

Interactive Pan û places center of active viewport at current mouse location 

max izoom in 

Interactive Zoom In û zooms in active viewport at current mouse location 

max izoom out 

Interactive Zoom Out û zooms out active viewport at current mouse location 

max key mode 

Toggles Key Mode Toggle 

max link 

Activates Link mode 

max load custom UI 

Activates Customize/Load Custom UI û displays Load UI File dialog 

max lock UI layout 

Toggles locking of the UI layout 

max material browser 

Displays the Material/Map Browser dialog 

max mirror 

Activates Mirror mode û displays Mirror dialog 

max modify mode 

Sets Modify command mode active 

max motion mode 

Sets Motion command mode active 

max move 

Activates Select and Move mode 

max mtledit 

Activates Tools/Material Editor û displays Material Editor dialog 

max next mod 

Moves up one level in modifier stack 

max override 

Toggles Degradation Override. Executing this command works on the active window only, so if executed from Listener does nothing. 

max pancamera 

Activates Arc Rotate/Orbit mode 

max panview 

Activates Pan/Truck mode 

max persp 

Activates Zoom All/Perspective/Hotspot mode 

max prev mod 

Moves down one level in modifier stack 

max preview 

Activates Rendering/Make Preview û displays Make Preview dialog 

max properties 

Displays Object Properties dialog 

max quick render 

Performs Quick Render 

max redo 

Performs Redo operation 

max renamepreview 

Activates Rendering/Rename Preview û displays Save Preview As dialog 

max render last 

Performs Render Last 

max render scene 

Activate Render Scene û displays Render Scene dialog 

max reset file 

Activates File/Reset 

max revert custom UI 

Activates Customize/Revert to Startup UI û displays confirmation dialog 

max rns 

Activates Edit/Edit Named Selections û displays Edit Named Selection dialog 

max roll 

Activates Roll mode û active viewport must camera or light viewport 

max rotate 

Activates Select and Rotate mode 

max rotateview 

Activates Arc Rotate/Orbit mode 

max save custom UI as 

Activates Customize/Save Custom UI As - displays Save UI File as dialog 

max safeframe toggle 

Toggles viewport Show Safe Frames  

max saveplus 

Activates File/Save As in incremental file naming mode 

max scale 

Activates Select and Scale mode 

max scale cycle 

Cycles through Scale modes û Scale, Non-Uniform Scale, Squash 

max select 

Activates Select mode 

max select all 

Activates Edit/Select All û selects all objects 

max select by color 

Activates Edit/Select by Color û user then picks object, all objects with same wireframe color selected 

max select child 

Selects all 1st level children of currently selected objects 

max select invert 

Activates Edit/Select Invert 

max select none 

Activates Edit/Select None 

max select parent 

Selects parents of currently selected objects 

max selection floater 

Displays Selection Floater dialog 

max shade selected 

Toggles Views/Shade Selected 

max show last img 

Displays last rendered image 

max showaxisicon 

Toggles Views/Show Transform Gizmo 

max showhomegrid 

Toggles display of home grid 

max snap toggle 

Toggles Snap Toggle 

max spacebar 

Toggles Lock Selection Set. Executing this command works on the active window only, so if executed from Listener does nothing. 

max spacing tool 

Displays Spacing Tool dialog 

max spinsnap toggle 

Toggles Spinner Snap Toggle 

max subobject sel 

Toggles Sub-Object button in Modify panel 

max swap layouts 

No operation û no A/B layout any more 

max texture correct 

Toggles viewport Texture Correction 

max time back 

Sets time slider to previous frame or keyframe (Previous Frame/Previous Key) 

max time config 

Displays Time Configuration dialog 

max time end 

Sets time slider to end frame (Go to End) 

max time forward 

Sets time slider to next frame or keyframe (Next Frame/Next Key) 

max time play 

Plays animation 

max time start 

Sets time slider to start frame (Go to Start) 

max toggle key mode 

No operation 

max toggle keyboard shortcuts 

Toggles Plug-in Keyboard Shortcut Toggle 

max toggle ik 

Toggles IK Toggle 

max toggle sound 

Toggles Active in Audio group of Sound Options dialog 

max tool animmode 

Taggles Animate button 

max tool center 

Cycles through transform centers û Pivot Point, Selection, Transform 

max tool dualplanes 

Toggles state of Use Dual Planes in Preference Settings dialog, Viewports tab. 

max tool hlist 

Activates Select by Name û displays Select Objects dialog 

max tool maximize 

Maximizes/Minimizes active viewport 

max tool x 

Activates Restrict to X 

max tool xy 

Activates Restrict to XY 

max tool y 

Activates Restrict to Y 

max tool z 

Activates Restrict to Z 

max tool zoom 

Activates Zoom/Dolly mode 

max tool zoomall 

Activates Zoom All 

max tool zoomextents 

Activates Zoom Extents 

max tool zoomextents all 

Activates Zoom Extents All 

max tool zoomregion 

Activates Zoom Region/FOV/Falloff mode 

max trajectories 

Toggles trajectory display for selected objects 

max treeview 

Activates Track View/Open Track View û displays Track View dialog 

max truck 

Activates Pan/Truck mode 

max tti 

Activates Tools/Transform Type-In û display Transform Type-In dialog 

max undo 

Performs undo operation 

max unfreeze all 

Unfreezes all objects. Same as clicking Unfreeze All in Display panel. 

max unfreeze by hit 

Activates Unfreeze by Hit mode. Same as clicking Unfreeze by Hit in Display panel. 

max unfreeze by name 

Displays Unfreeze Objects dialog. Same as clicking Unfreeze by Name in Display panel. 

max unhide all 

Unhides all objects. Same as clicking Unhide All in Display panel. 

max unhide by name 

Displays Unhide Objects dialog. Same as clicking Unhide by Name in Display panel. 

max unitsetup 

Activates Customize/Units Setup û displays Units Setup dialog 

max unlink 

Unlinks selected objects from their parents 

max utility mode 

Sets Utility command mode active 

max videopost 

Activates Rendering/Video Post û displays Video Post dialog 

max view file 

Activates File/View File û displays View File dialog 

max view redo 

Performs viewport redo operation 

max viewpreview 

Activates Rendering/View Preview û displays last preview 

max views redraw 

Redraws all viewports 

max views undo 

Performs viewport undo operation 

max vpt back 

Sets active viewport to Back 

max vpt bottom 

Sets active viewport to Bottom 

max vpt camera 

Sets active viewport to Camera. If only 1 camera in scene, or a camera is selected, that camera will be used for the viewport. If there is more than one camera, and no cameras are selected, the Select Camera dialog will be displayed. If there is no camera in the scene, a No Camera in Scene warning is displayed. 

max vpt disable 

Toggles Disabled state of active viewport 

max vpt front 

Sets active viewport to Front 

max vpt grid 

Sets active viewport to Grid 

max vpt iso user 

Sets active viewport to User 

max vpt left 

Sets active viewport to Left 

max vpt persp user 

Sets active viewport to Perspective 

max vpt right 

Sets active viewport to Right 

max vpt shape 

Sets active viewport to Shape 

max vpt spot 

Sets active viewport to Spotlight. If only 1 spotlight/directional light in scene, or a spotlight/directional light is selected, that light will be used for the viewport. If there is more than one spotlight/directional light, and no lights are selected, the Select Light dialog will be displayed. If there is no spotlight/directional light in the scene, a No Light in Scene warning is displayed. 

max vpt tab 

Cycles between Restrict to axes û X, Y, Z, XY 

max vpt top 

Sets active viewport to Top 

max vpt track 

Sets active viewport to Track View 

max vptconfig 

Activates Customize/Viewport Configuration - displays Viewport Configuration dialog 

max wire facet 

Sets active viewport shading mode to Facets + Highlights 

max wire smooth 

Sets active viewport shading mode to Wireframe 

max zoom in 2x 

Zooms in active viewport by 2x 

max zoom in 2x all 

Zooms in all viewports by 2x 

max zoom out 2x 

Zooms out active viewport by 2x 

max zoom out 2x all 

Zooms out all viewports by 2x 

max zoomext sel 

Activates Zoom Extends Selected 

max zoomext sel all 

Activates Zoom Extends All Selected