Loading Other Scripts

The software comes with many scripts pre-installed in the scripts directory. Or, you might find MAXScript files on the World Wide Web that other MAXScript users have posted. To load any of those script files isn't different from loading your own scripts:

To load a script:

If you want to study a script before running it, open it first:

  1. In the MAXScript rollout, click the Open Script button.

  2. Select the script you want to study and click Open.

    The Script Editor window opens. It shows the text of the script you selected. You can now read the commands and see if you get an understanding of what the script might do when you run it.

To run a script:

  1. In the MAXScript rollout, click the Run Script button.

    The Choose Editor File dialog appears.

  2. Select the script file you want to run, and click Open.

    MAXScript immediately carries out the commands that are contained in the script file.

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Learning MAXScript by Walking Through a Script