Link_Constraint - superclass: Matrix3Controller

Link_Constraint - superclass: Matrix3Controller; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 2:1 - classID: #(-2025855132, -1430354431)

A Link constraint is used to animate an object linking from one target object to another.

The Link constraint causes an object to inherit the position, rotation and scale of its target object.


Link_Constraint ...


<Link_Constraint>.key_mode     Integer    default: 0   --  integer; Link_KeyMode

You can choose between 3 different Key Modes which will determine how keyframes are written on the linked objects as part of the link constraint. These options will provide the following:

0: No Key Mode: No keys are created any of the objects involved.

1: Key Nodes: Sets keys for some of the objects.

2: Child: Applied keys to the child object only.

3: Parents: Applies keys to both parents and the child object.

4: Key Entire Hierarchy:This applies keyframes to the chosen nodes and their entire hierarchies.

5: Child: Keys the chosen object and the nodes in its hierarchy up to the world.

6: Parents: Keys both parents and the child and all three hierarchies up to the world.

<Link_Constraint>.link_params  SubAnim    default: SubAnim:Link_Params   --  transform

See also