Extrude : Modifier


extrude ...


<Extrude>.amount     Float    default: 25.0  -- animatable

The depth of the extrusion.

<Extrude>.segs       Integer  default: 1     -- animatable, alias: segments

The number of segments that will be created in the extruded object.

<Extrude>.capStart   Boolean  default: true

When on, generates a flat surface over the start of the extruded object.

<Extrude>.capEnd     Boolean  default: true

When on, generates a flat surface over the end of the extruded object.

<Extrude>.capType    Integer  default: 0

Cap type:

0- Morph (Arranges cap faces in a predictable, repeatable pattern, which is necessary for creating morph targets. Morph capping can generate long, thin faces that don't render or deform as well as grid capping. Use morph capping primarily if you're extruding multiple morph targets.)

1- Grid (Arranges cap faces in a square grid trimmed at the shape boundaries. This method produces a surface of evenly sized faces that can be deformed easily by other modifiers. When you choose the Grid capping option, the grid lines are hidden edges rather than visible edges.)

<Extrude>.output     Integer  default: 1

Set the output:

0- Patch (Produces an object that you can collapse to a patch object.)

1- Mesh (Produces an object that you can collapse to a mesh object.)

2- NURBS (Produces an object that you can collapse to a NURBS surface.)

<Extrude>.matIDs Boolean  default: true

When on, assigns different material IDs to the sides and the caps of the extruded object. Specifically, the sides receive ID 3, and the caps receive IDs 1 and 2.

<Extrude>.useShapeIDs Boolean default: false

When on, the software uses the material ID values assigned to segments in the modified object.

<Extrude>.smooth Boolean  default: true

When on, applies smoothing to the extruded shape.

<Extrude>.mapCoords  Boolean  default: false

Creates the extruded object with mapping coordinates already applied. When Generate Mapping Coordinates is turned on, additional mapping coordinates are applied to the end caps placing a single 1 x 1 tile on each cap.


The Generate Material IDs, Use Shape IDs, and Smooth properties are not accessible to MAXScript in 3ds max 4.

See also