Donut : Shape


donut ...


<Donut>.radius1      Float    default: 35.0  -- animatable

Sets the radius of the first circle.

<Donut>.radius2      Float    default: 25.0  -- animatable

Sets the radius of the second circle.

<Donut>.steps       Integer  default: 6

The number of divisions between each vertex.

<Donut>.optimize    Boolean  default: true

When on, removes unneeded steps from straight segments in the spline

<Donut>.adaptive    Boolean  default: false

When on, adaptive sets the number of steps for each spline to produce a smooth curve. Straight segments always receive 0 steps.

<Donut>.angle       Float    default: 0.0   --  animatable

The rotational position of the cross-section in the renderer.

<Donut>.thickness   Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable

Diameter of the rendered spline.

<Donut>.sides      Float    default: 12.0  --  animatable

Sets the number of sides for the spline mesh in the renderer. A value of 4 will give you a square cross section, for example.

<Donut>.viewport_thickness Float    default: 1.0   

Diameter of the viewport spline.

<Donut>.viewport_sides      Integer  default: 12    

Sets the number of sides for the spline mesh in the viewports. A value of 4 will give you a square cross section, for example.

<Donut>.viewport_angle      Float    default: 0.0   

The rotational position of the cross-section in the viewports.

<Donut>.DisplayRenderMesh   Boolean default: false

When on, displays the mesh generated by the spline in the viewports.

<Donut>.UseViewportSettings   Boolean  default: false   

When on, displays the mesh generated by the Viewport settings.

<Donut>.DisplayRenderSettings  Boolean  default: true   

When on, displays the mesh generated by the render settings.

<Donut>.renderable    Boolean  default: true

When on, the spline is displayed in the rendered scene.

<Donut>.mapCoords Boolean  default: false

Turn this on to apply mapping coordinates. The U coordinate wraps once around the thickness of the spline; the V coordinate is mapped once along the length of the spline.

See also