DirectionalLight : Light


directionalLight ...


<DirectionalLight>.aspect            Float     default: 1.0   -- animatable, alias: Aspect_Ratio

The aspect ratio for the rectangular light beam.

<DirectionalLight>.falloff           Float     default: 45.0  -- animatable

The size of a light's falloff. The Falloff value is measured in 3ds max units.

<DirectionalLight>.showCone          Boolean   default: false

Turns display of the cone on or off.

<DirectionalLight>.hotspot           Float     default: 43.0  -- animatable

The size of a light's cone. The Hotspot value is measured in 3ds max units.

<DirectionalLight>.overShoot         Boolean   default: false

When overshoot is on, the light casts light in all directions. However, projections and shadows occur only within its falloff cone.

<DirectionalLight>.coneShape         Integer   default: 1     -- alias: lightShape

The shape of the falloff and hotspot areas:

1- Circle

2- Rectangle

See also