Deflector : SpacewarpObject


deflector ...

Note: This class is not available in 3D Studio VIZ.


<Deflector>.bounce    Float  default: 1.0    -- animatable

Controls the speed at which particles bounce off the deflector. At a setting of 1.0, particles bounce off the deflector at the same speed they struck it. At 0.0, particles do not bounce at all. At values between 0.0 and 1.0, particles bounce off the deflector at a speed reduced from their initial speed. At values greater than 1.0, particles bounce off the deflector at a speed greater than their initial speed.

<Deflector>.width     Float  default: 10.0   -- animatable

The deflector's width.

<Deflector>.length    Float  default: 10.0   -- animatable

The deflector's length.

<Deflector>.variation    Float  default: 0.0    --  animatable

The bounce variation.

<Deflector>.chaos        Float  default: 0.0    --  animatable

Angle variation after bounce.

<Deflector>.friction     Float  default: 0.0    --  animatable

Amount of friction applied to particle.

<Deflector>.inheritVelocity Float default: 0.0    --  animatable

Percentage of deflector's motion inherited by the particle.

Associated Methods

bindSpaceWarp <particlesys_node> <deflector_node>

Associated Binding Modifier


This modifier is automatically created by the bindSpaceWarp() method, and is not otherwise creatable by MAXScript. There are no properties associated with this binding modifier.

See also