CrowdTransition : MAXObject


CrowdTransition ...

Transition ...  


<crowdtransition>.priority             Integer     Default: 0

Sets the transition's priority.

<crowdtransition>.duration             Integer     Default: 25

The number of frames the software takes to affect the transition between states.

<crowdtransition>.easeIn               Float       Default: 0.5

Ease in value for the source clip.

<crowdtransition>.easeOut              Float       Default: 0.5

Ease out value for the destination clip.

<crowdtransition>.functionName         String      Default: "transFunc"   Alias: Script_Context_Name

The name of the MAXScript conditional that specifies when/how the transition is to occur.

<crowdtransition>.script               String      Default: Undefined

<crowdtransition>.from                 CrowdState  Default: Undefined     Alias: FromState

The state that the transition originated from.

<crowdtransition>.to                   CrowdState  Default: Undefined     Alias: ToState

The state that the transition is destined for.


The <CrowdTransition>.functionName value must match the name of the function defined in <CrowdTransition>.script.

The script function is compiled with the function name in global scope. The function name cannot be the same as a MAXScript-defined global variable name.

The <CrowdTransition>.script is of the form:

fn transFunc del trans t =

( if t < 50 then 0 else 1


where del is the delegate node, trans is the CrowdTransition value, and t is the time value of the frame being evaluated. The 3ds max time context will also be frame being evaluated. The return value must be an integer value. If the return value is 0, the transition is not taken. For any other return value, the transition is taken.

The <CrowdTransition>.script is not evaluated for a delegate while the delegate is in transition between states.

The following MAXScript operations will cause Crowd to fail, either right away or later:

NEVER set the from or to properties to undefined.

NEVER set the from or to properties to anything other than a CrowdState object.

See also