
These properties correspond to the Scatter Objects dialog displayed by clicking the Scatter Objects icon.

Clone Tab Properties

<crowd.scatter>.cloneObject            Node        Default: Undefined

Object in the scene to be cloned.

<crowd.scatter>.numClones              Integer     Default: 10

The number of clones to be generated.

<crowd.scatter>.cloneType              Integer     Default: 0  Alias (0_copy__1_reference__2_instance)

0 - copy

1 - Instance

2 - Reference

Specify how the object is cloned. It can be cloned as a copy, an instance, or a reference.

<crowd.scatter>.cloneHierarchy         Boolean     Default: True

When true, all objects linked to the selected object are cloned as well, with the hierarchical structure retained intact for each clone.

<crowd.scatter>.cloneControllers       Boolean     Default: True

Set true to clone an object when calling Scatter All. The object is cloned and then any specified transforms are applied to the clones.

Position Tab Properties

<crowd.scatter>.positionSpace          Integer     Default: 0 Alias 0_Grid__1_Box___2_Sphere__3_Surface

0 - On Grid

1 - Inside Box

2 - Inside Sphere

3 - On Surface

4 - In Radial Area

Choose position object before selecting the reference object. On Grid distributes the clones over the surface of a grid object. Inside Box and Inside Sphere distribute the clones within the volume of a primitive box or sphere object, respectively.

<crowd.scatter>.positionObject         Node        Default: Undefined  Alias: Grid_Box_Sphere_Surface

An object in the scene to be used as a reference object.


You can use only a primitive sphere, a primitive box, or a grid helper object as a reference object. A primitive sphere or box that has been converted to a editable mesh object can't be used as a reference object.

<Crowd.scatter>.surfaceOffset          Float       Default: 0.0

On Surface specifies a consistent distance above the surface using surface normals for distribution. Available only when .positionSpace is set to On Surface.

<Crowd.scatter>.centerX                Float       Default: 0.0

Specifies the X value for the center of the distribution in world coordinates.

<Crowd.scatter>.centerY                Float       Default: 0.0

Specifies the Y value for the center of the distribution in world coordinates.

<Crowd.scatter>.centerZ                Float       Default: 0.0

Specifies the Z value for the center of the distribution in world coordinates.

<Crowd.scatter>.radius                 Float       Default: 10.0

Specifies the maximum distance from the center within which clones are to be positioned.

<Crowd.scatter>.XYPlane                Boolean     Default: False

Specifies that clones are to be distributed on the world XY plane only, resulting in a disc-like array.

<crowd.scatter>.childBbox              Boolean     Default: True       Alias: Include_childrens__bounding_boxes_in_spacing_calculations

When true, all of a hierarchical object's sub-objects are considered when determining spacing. When false, only the selected object is considered.

<crowd.scatter>.spacing                Float       Default: 1.0        Alias: Bounding_Box_Multiplier_for_Position_Spacing

Specifies the minimum distance between cloned objects. The Spacing setting is multiplied by the size of the object's bounding sphere to determine how close objects can get. If Spacing is left at 1.0, the default, objects normally cannot be positioned within each others' bounding spheres. If Spacing is set to 2.0, objects are separated by a distance equal to or greater than the size of the bounding sphere.

<crowd.scatter>.positionSeed           Integer     Default: 0

Specifies a seed value for randomizing the clones' locations. If a scene has more than one crowd, each should use a different seed to avoid having identical configurations.

Rotation Tab Properties

<Crowd.scatter>.forwardAxisSign        Boolean     Default: True

If true, the forward axis is in the positive direction. If false the forward axis is in the negative direction.

<crowd.scatter>.forwardAxis            Integer     Default: 1

0 - X

1 - Y

2 - Z

Specifies which axis of the cloned objects points forward, for use with the Look At Target option.

<crowd.scatter>.UpAxisSign             Boolean     Default: True

If true the up axis is in the positive direction. If false the up axis is in the negative direction.

<crowd.scatter>.UpAxis                 Integer     Default: 2

0 - X

1 - Y

2 - Z

Axis of the cloned objects points upward; this axis is aligned with the world Z axis.


You cannot specify the same axis as Local Forward and Local Up simultaneously. If you choose an axis for one that's already chosen for the other, the software switches the other to a different axis.

<crowd.scatter>.lookFrom               Integer     Default: 0

0 - Look From Self

1 - Look From Selected Object

Determines the direction from which the clones look. By default, each clone looks from its own position (Self), so that when several clones are looking at a single target, each is oriented differently. To orient each clone so that it's parallel to an imaginary line between two objects (the "from" object and the "to" object), choose Selected Object and specify the object with the (None) button.

<crowd.scatter>.lookFromObject         Node        Default: Undefined

An object from which the clones are to look if lookFrom = 1.

<crowds.scatter>.LookTowards           Integer     Default: 0

0 - Look Toward Self

1 - Look Toward Selected Object

Determines the direction toward which the scatter objects look. By default, each object retains its current orientation.

<crowd.scatter>.lookAtTarget           Node        Default: Undefined

An object toward which the clones are to look.

<crowd.scatter>.sideDeviation          Float       Default: 0.0

Sets a maximum deviation angle in degrees for the clones' sideways orientation. If clones should look in an object's general direction but may look at a spot to either side of the target, use Sideways Deviation to set the maximum amount by which they can deviate from the calculated angle. The actual deviation amount for each clone is calculated at random, based on the Deviation settings and the Rand Seed setting. Range=0.0 to 180.0.

<crowd.scatter>.upDownDeviation        Float       Default: 0.0

Sets a maximum deviation angle in degrees for the clones' up/down orientation. If clones should look in an object's general direction but may look at a spot above or below the target, use Up/Down Deviation to set the maximum amount by which they can deviate from the calculated angle. The actual deviation amount for each clone is calculated at random, based on the Deviation settings and the Rand Seed setting. Range=0.0 to 180.0.

<crowd.scatter>.rotationSeed           Integer     Default: 0

Specifies a seed value for randomizing the clones' orientations, based on the Deviation settings. If a scene has more than one crowd, each should use a different seed to avoid having identical configurations.

Scale Tab Properties

Contains options for scaling object clones. For each scaling axis you can specify alternative forward and up axes, plus a target object toward which the clones will point. In addition, you can specify a source object; when using both source and target objects, the clones are rotated so they're parallel to the line between the two.

<crowd.scatter>.xScale                 Float       Default: 1.0

Sets scaling on the X axis as a multiplier.

<crowd.scatter>.xScaleDeviation        Float       Default: 0.0

Sets the maximum factor for randomization of scaling. For each clone, Deviation is multiplied by a random number between 0.0 and 1.0, and then added to the Scale multiplier.

<crowd.scatter>.matchXtoYscale         Boolean     Default: False

Lets you use the same scaling as on the Y axis, whether explicit or randomized. When you specify an axis, the parameters group for that axis becomes unavailable.

<crowd.scatter>.matchXtoZscale         Boolean     Default: False

Lets you use the same scaling as on the Z axis, whether explicit or randomized. When you specify an axis, the parameters group for that axis becomes unavailable.

<crowd.scatter>.yScale                 Float       Default: 1.0

Sets scaling on the Y axis as a multiplier.

<crowd.scatter>.yScaleDeviation        Float       Default: 0.0

Sets the maximum factor for randomization of scaling. For each clone, Deviation is multiplied by a random number between 0.0 and 1.0, and then added to the Scale multiplier.

<crowd.scatter>.matchYtoXscale         Boolean     Default: False

Lets you use the same scaling as on the X axis, whether explicit or randomized. When you specify an axis, the parameters group for that axis becomes unavailable

<crowd.scatter>.matchYtoZscale         Boolean     Default: False

Lets you use the same scaling as on the Z axis, whether explicit or randomized. When you specify an axis, the parameters group for that axis becomes unavailable

<crowd.scatter>.zScale                 Float       Default: 1.0

Sets scaling on the Z axis as a multiplier.

<crowd.scatter>.zScaleDeviation        Float       Default: 0.0

Sets the maximum factor for randomization of scaling. For each clone, Deviation is multiplied by a random number between 0.0 and 1.0, and then added to the Scale multiplier.

<crowd.scatter>.matchZtoXScale         Boolean     Default: False

Lets you use the same scaling as on the X axis, whether explicit or randomized. When you specify an axis, the parameters group for that axis becomes unavailable.

<crowd.scatter>.matchZtoYScale         Boolean     Default: False

Lets you use the same scaling as on the Y axis, whether explicit or randomized. When you specify an axis, the parameters group for that axis becomes unavailable.

<crowd.scatter>.scaleSeed              Integer     Default: 0

Specifies a seed value for randomizing the clones' scales, based on the Deviation settings.

All Ops Tab Properties

<crowd.scatter>.ComputeClones          Boolean     Default: False

Set true to clone an object when calling Scatter All. The object is cloned, then any specified transforms are applied to the clones.

Turning on Clones makes the Select Objects to Transform button unavailable. The object to clone and cloning parameters must be specified on the with .ComputeClone.

<crowd.scatter>.ComputePositions       Boolean     Default: False

When true and crowds.scatterall is called, the transforms are applied according to the settings in the Position panel.

<crowd.scatter>.ComputeRotations       Boolean     Default: False

When true and crowds.scatterall is called, the transforms are applied according to the settings in the Rotation panel.

<crowd.scatter>.ComputeScales          Boolean     Default: False

When true and crowds.scatterall is called, the transforms are applied according to the settings in the Scale panel.

<Crowd.scatter>.IncPosSeed             Boolean     Default: False

When true, add 1 to the .positionSeed value, and redistributes the objects using the new random seed.

<Crowd.scatter>.IncRotSeed             Boolean     Default: False

When true, add 1 to the .rotationSeed value, and redistributes the objects using the new random seed.

<Crowd.scatter>.IncSclSeed             Boolean     Default: False

When true, add 1 to the .scaleSeed value, and redistributes the objects using the new random seed.

<crowd.scatter>.ObjectsToScatter    ArrayParameter Default: #()        

Objects to be affected by calling crowds.scatterall

ObjAssoc Properties

These properties correspond to the Object / Delegate dialog displayed by clicking the Associate Objects with Delegates icon.

<ObjAssoc>.objects                  ArrayParameter Default: #()   -- node array

Array of linked Objects.

<ObjAssoc>.delegates                ArrayParameter Default: #()   -- node array

Array of linked delegates.

<ObjAssoc>.alignScale                  Boolean     Default: True

When true, Align Objects with Delegates sets each object's absolute scaling factor to that of its corresponding delegates. This is useful if, for example, you've randomized delegates' sizes with the Scatter Objects Scale panel, and want the associated objects to match.

Smooth Properties

These properties correspond to the Smoothing dialog displayed by clicking the Smooth Paths button in the Solve rollout.

<Crowd.smooth>.objects              ArrayParameter Default: #()   -- node array; Alias: Objects_to_Smooth

Specify which objects' positions and/or rotations to smooth.

<Crowd.smooth>.filterDelegates         Boolean     Default: True   Alias: Filter_Delegate_Selection

When true, the Select dialog opened by the Select Objects to Smooth button shows only delegates. When off, it shows all scene objects.

<Crowd.smooth>.wholeAnim               Integer     Default: 0

0 - Whole Animation: Smoothes all animation frames.

1 - Animation Segment: Smoothes only the frame ranges specified in the From and To fields.

<Crowd.smooth>.from                    Integer     Default: 0      Alias: smooth_from_frame

When Animation Segment is chosen, specifies the first animation frame for smoothing.

<Crowd.smooth>.to                      Integer     Default: 0      Alias: smooth_to_frame

When Animation Segment is chosen, specifies the last animation frame for smoothing.

<Crowd.smooth>.positions               Boolean     Default: True   Alias: Smooth_positions

When true, selected objects' animation paths generated via the simulation are smoothed after the simulation has finished.

<Crowd.smooth>.rotations               Boolean     Default: True  Alias: Smooth_rotations

When true, selected objects' rotations generated via the simulation are smoothed after the simulation has finished.