Controlling the Renderer

You can use the render() function to invoke the 3ds max renderer. It can take many optional parameters to control the rendering.


  [ camera: <camera_node> ]

Defaults to active viewport.

  [ frame: <number> | #current ]

Defaults to #current.

  [ framerange: <interval> | #active ]

  [ fromframe: <number> ]

  [ toframe: <number> ]

  [ nthframe: <number> ]

Defaults to unsupplied, and the frame value controls which frames to render.

  [ outputwidth: <number> ]

Defaults to current render width.

  [ outputheight: <number> ]

Defaults to current render height.

  [ outputSize: <point2> ]

An alternative way to specify the output size of the rendered image. The point2 value is in the form: [width,height]

  [ pixelaspect: <number> ]

Defaults to 1.0.

  [ renderhiddenobjects: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Render Hidden Objects state.

  [ superblack: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Superblack state.

  [ force2sided: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Force 2 Sided state.

  [ renderatmosphericeffects: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Render Atmospheric Effects state.

  [ renderfields: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Render Fields state.

  [ fieldorder: #odd | #even ]

Defaults to current renderer preferences Field Order state.

  [ outputfile: <string> ]

The frame number is appended to the filename if the file image type is a single image type (.bmp, .jpg, .tga, etc.), and a frame range is being rendered. Defaults to rendering to just the virtual frame buffer.

  [ vfb: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Show VFB state.

  [ netrender: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Net Render state.

  [ renderer: #draft | #production]

Allows the selection of draft or production renderer. By default, the currently selected renderer is used.

  [ renderType: #normal | #region | #regionCrop | #blowup | #selection ]

  [ region: #(left,top,right,bottom) ]

Provides control over the type of rendering, corresponding to the Render Type menu in the 3ds max toolbar. If #region or #blowUp is selected, the region: parameter may be used to override the currently set regions for the active viewport, specified as pixel coordinates relative to the top-left corner in the bitmap (VFB). Note that #region and #blowUp can only be selected for an active viewport rendering. An error will be reported if they are specified for a camera rendering. Defaults to #normal.

  [ to: <bitmap> ]

Specifies an existing bitmap to render into. The render() function takes image size and other parameter settings from the existing bitmap. If not supplied, a new bitmap is created and returned by the render() function.

  [ channels: <array_of_channel_names> ]

Specifies which g-buffer channels should be created during the rendering. For example:

bm = render camera:$cam2 channels:#(#zDepth, #coverage, #objectID)

causes $cam2 to be rendered into a new bitmap that will contain z-depth, pixel coverage and object g-buffer ID channels. The channels: argument must always be an array of channels identifiers, chosen from the following:













Defaults to no g-buffer channels.

  [ aperture: <float> ]

Defaults to current renderer Aperture Width value.

  [ ditherTrueColor: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current rendering preferences Dither True Color state.

  [ ditherPaletted: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current rendering preferences Dither Paletted state.

  [ videocolorcheck: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Video Color Check state.

  [ renderPAL: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current rendering preferences Video Color Check NTSC/PAL state. If true, and video color checking is enabled, PAL video color checking is performed.

  [ superBlackThreshold: <integer> ]

Defaults to current rendering preferences Super Black Threshold value.

  [ maxPixelSize: <float> ]

All correspond to items in the 3ds max Render Scene setup dialogs.

The following are also available if the 3ds max standard scanline renderer is being used:

  [ antiAliasing: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Anti-Aliasing state.

  [ antiAliasFilterSize: <float> ]

Defaults to current renderer Anti-Aliasing Filter Size value.

  [ antiAliasFilter: <filter> ]

Defaults to current renderer Anti-Aliasing filter.

  [ enablePixelSampler: <boolean> ]

Defaults to the current renderer Global SuperSampling state. This state is true if Disable all Samplers is checked, otherwise false.

  [ mapping: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Mapping state.

  [ shadows: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Shadows state.

  [ autoReflect: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Auto-Reflect/Refract and Mirrors state.

  [ forceWireframe: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Force Wireframe state.

  [ wireThickness: <float> ]

Defaults to 1.0.

  [ filterMaps: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Anti-Aliasing Filter Maps state.

  [ objectMotionBlur: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Object Motion Blur Apply state.

  [ objectBlurDuration: <float> ]

Defaults to 0.5.

  [ objectBlurSamples: <integer> ]

Defaults to 10.

  [ objectBlurSubdivisions: <integer> ]

Defaults to 10.

  [ imageMotionBlur: <boolean> ]

Defaults to current renderer Image Motion Blur Apply state.

  [ imageBlurDuration: <float> ]

Defaults to 0.5.

  [ autoReflectLevels: <integer> ]

Defaults to 1.

You can invoke the renderer and have it do one or more of four things with the rendered output:

Note: The render() function interruptible mid-frame using the ESC key.


render camera:$cam01 outputwidth:320 outputheight:240

for c in cameras do render c outputFile:( + ".bmp") vfb:off

rollout1.image.bitmap = render camera:$cam01 ...