Biped Motion Capture

All motion capture properties in Biped are global parameters and cannot be varied from Biped to Biped. Hence they are exposed as system globals residing in the mocap struct.


mocap.fsExtractionMode                 Integer     Default: 0

0 - None: Freeform

No footsteps are extracted.

1 - On

Extract footsteps.

2 - Fit to existing

For motion data that has both footstep motion and flying, swimming, falling, or tumbling motions.

mocap.fsConversionMode                 Integer     Default: 0

0 - No Key Reduction

Do not reduce keys. Use this on files that are already key reduced or if you want to work with all the data in a raw motion capture file.

1 - Use Key Reduction

Reduce keys for simpler key editing.

2 - Load Buffer Only

Do not apply the data to the biped, load the data to the motion capture buffer only. Use this to either compare your edited version with the original or to paste postures from the motion capture buffer to the biped in the scene.

mocap.upVector                         Integer     Default: 2

Set the vertical axis used in the motion capture data.

0 - X

1 - Y

2 - Z

mocap.scaleFactor                      Float       Default: 1.0

Multiply the stored talent size by this value and size the biped accordingly.

-- range: 1+

-- Footstep Extraction

mocap.fsExtractionTol                  Float       Default: 0.05

Set the sensitivity of footstep extraction. Biped determines if the footstep is there by checking that the foot does not move beyond the distance determined by the Extraction Tolerance value. Smaller numbers are more sensitive and extract more footsteps. Value is a percentage of foot length.

-- range: 0+

mocap.fsSlidingDist                    Float       Default: 0.0

Create a sliding footstep when positional tolerance is reached. This value is a percentage of foot length. By default the foot must slide its own distance (100), before a sliding footstep is created.

-- range: 0+

mocap.fsSlidingAngle                   Float       Default: 0.0

Create a sliding footstep when rotational tolerance is reached. This value is in degrees. If this is set high (360 degrees), the foot must make a complete turn before a sliding footstep is created.

-- range: 0-360

mocap.fsUseVerticalTol                 Boolean     Default: False

Turn on Z-axis Tolerance. The control filters out footsteps that do not fall within a given range of the ground plane. Use this when filtering motions, such as hopping or pitching a baseball, in which a foot may come off the ground and remain stationary, but its position is not intended as a footstep.

mocap.fsVerticalTol                    Float       Default: 0.5

Value is a percentage of leg length

-- range: 0+

mocap.fsZLevel                         Float       Default: 0.0

Set a Z value (ground).

mocap.fsUseFlatten                     Boolean     Default: False

Extracted footsteps are moved to Z=0. Use this to flatten out minor differences in the height of the extracted footsteps.

-- Load Frames

mocap.startFrame                       Integer     Default: 0

Start importing at this frame. Default is frame 0, the first frame.

mocap.endFrame                         Integer     Default:0

Stop importing at this frame. Default is the last frame of the clip.

mocap.loop                             Boolean     Default: False

Loop the data by the value set here.

This is relative. Succeeding loops start where the previous loop left off. The clips are not blended and may require editing unless the original clip was designed to loop.

Use this for clips designed to loop.


This often works best if Footstep Extraction is tuned off.

mocap.loopFrameCount                   Integer     Default: 0

-- range: 0+

Key Reduction Settings

Tolerance: Set the maximum angular or positional deviation for a track.

Values are in degrees for rotation tracks. Values are in units of translation for position tracks.

Minimum Key Spacing: Set the minimum number of frames between keys.

Tolerance is computed first, then Minimum Key Spacing computes further key reduction.

A Minimum Key Spacing value of 10 for the head track ensures that no two keys are closer than 10 frames for this track.

Set All: Force all tracks to the values set in these fields.

Higher values here can determine how much key reduction is possible while preserving the original motion.

Filter: Clear to prevent filtering of the motion capture data into a track. If this is cleared, there will be no key reduction for the track.

mocap.allTol                           Float       Default: 0.0

-- range: 0+

mocap.allSpacing                       Integer     Default: 3

-- range: 0+

mocap.allFilter                        Boolean     Default: False

mocap.horzTol                          Float       Default: 1.0

-- range: 0+

mocap.horzSpacing                      Integer     Default: 3

-- range: 0+

mocap.horzFilter                       Boolean     Default: True

mocap.rotTol                           Float       Default: 1.0

-- range: 0+

mocap.rotSpacing                       Integer     Default: 3

-- range: 0+

mocap.rotFilter                        Boolean     Default: True

mocap.vertTol                          Float       Default: 1.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.vertSpacing                      Integer     Default: 4          

-- range: 0+

mocap.vertFilter                       Boolean     Default: True

mocap.pelvisTol                        Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.pelvisSpacing                    Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.pelvisFilter                     Boolean     Default: True

mocap.spineTol                         Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.spineSpacing                     Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.spineFilter                      Boolean     Default: True

mocap.neckTol                          Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.neckSpacing                      Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.neckFilter                       Boolean     Default: True

mocap.leftArmTol                       Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.leftArmSpacing                   Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.leftArmFilter                    Boolean     Default: True

mocap.rightArmTol                      Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.rightArmSpacing                  Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.rightArmFilter                   Boolean     Default: True

mocap.leftLegTol                       Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.leftLegSpacing                   Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.leftLegFilter                    Boolean     Default: True

mocap.rightLegTol                      Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.rightLegSpacing                  Integer     Default: 3          

-- range: 0+

mocap.rightLegFilter                   Boolean     Default: True

mocap.tailTol                          Float       Default: 6.0     

-- range: 0+

mocap.tailSpacing                      Integer     Default: 3

-- range: 0+

mocap.tailFilter                       Boolean     Default: True

-- Limb orientation

Angle: Move the knee or Elbow position to create the biped joint key.

Point: Rotate the shoulder-elbow-wrist or hip-knee-ankle to create the biped joint key.

Auto: Auto reads exact hand and foot positions from the motion capture data, character studio then places the knees and elbows in a natural position. For marker files involving running and walking, this option can clean up the data nearly instantly, regardless of how many markers were used (and where they were placed).

mocap.kneeOrient                       Integer     Default: 0

0 - angle

1 - point

2 - auto

The biped knee hinge joints are perpendicular to the triangles formed by the hip-knee-ankle. Resolve errors in the motion capture data that break this rule by using either the angle or point method.

mocap.elbowOrient                      Integer     Default: 0

0 - angle

1 - point

2 - auto

The biped elbow hinge joints are perpendicular to the triangles formed by the shoulder-elbow-wrist. Resolve errors in the motion capture data that break this rule by using either the angle or point method.

mocap.footOrient                       Integer     Default: 0

0 - angle

1 - auto

The biped foot hinge joints are perpendicular to the triangles formed by the hip-knee-ankle respectively. Resolve errors in the motion capture data that break this rule by using either the angle or point method.

mocap.handOrient                       Integer     Default: 0

0 - angle

1 - auto

The biped hand hinge joints are perpendicular to the triangles formed by the shoulder-elbow-wrist. Resolve errors in the motion capture data that break this rule by using either the angle or point method.

-- Talent Definition

mocap.talentFigStrucFile               String      Default: ""          -- figure structure file (.fig)

A .fig file containing changes made to the biped scale while in Talent Figure mode.

mocap.useTalentFigStrucFile            Boolean     Default: False

Turn on useTalentFigStrucFile to use the file whose string is defined in mocap.talentFigStrucFile.

mocap.talentPoseAdjFile                String      Default: ""          -- pose adjustment file (.cal)

A .cal file containing changes made to the biped while in Adjust Talent Pose mode.

mocap.useTalentPoseAdjFile             Boolean     Default: False

Turn on useTalentPoseAdjFile to use the file whose string is defined in mocap. talentPoseAdjFile.

-- Marker Name Files

mocap.markerNameFile                   String      Default: ""          -- csm marker name file (.mnm)

A Marker Name file to map incoming marker names in motion capture files (.bvh or .csm) to the character studio marker naming convention.

mocap.useMarkerNameFile                Boolean     Default: False

When set to true, use the file defined in mocap.markerNameFile.

mocap.jointNameFile                    String      Default: ""          -- bvh marker name file (.mnm)

A Marker Name file to map incoming marker names in motion capture files (.bvh or .csm) to the character studio marker naming convention.

mocap.useJointNameFile                 Boolean     Default: False

When set to true, use the file defined in mocap.jointNameFile.

-- Marker Display Options

Marker and marker names are displayed around the biped. Discrepencies like the biped elbow position relative to the elbow marker can be spotted and adjusted.

mocap.dispKnownMarkers                 Boolean     Default: False

mocap.dispKnownMarkersType             Boolean     Default: False

true û on all props

false û on selected props

mocap.dispPropMarkers                  Boolean     Default: False

mocap.dispUnKnownMarkers               Boolean     Default: False

-- Load Save Methods

mocap.loadParameters <file_name>

mocap.saveParameters <file_name>

Load/Save a motion capture parameter (.MOC) file