Transform Managers

To the right of the transform buttons on the Main toolbar are six controls, collectively referred to as the transform managers. These controls modify the action of the three transform buttons.

You use the transform manager controls to specify:


Certain terms are used in the description of transforms and the transform managers.

Using the transform managers on the main toolbar, you can specify any combination of axes, transform coordinate systems, and transform centers.

Axis Tripod Icon

An axis tripod appears in the viewports when you select one or more objects, to assist you visually in your transforms. This tripod consists of three lines, labeled X, Y, and Z, and shows you three things:

Note: The Transform gizmo normally supplants the axis tripod for selections when a transform mode is active. Besides providing all of the above functions, it lets you specify the transform axis or axes without explicitly setting constraints; see Using the Axis Constraints. For more on the Transform gizmo, see Using the Transform Gizmo.

You can toggle the display of the axis tripod in all viewports by choosing Views menu > Show Transform Gizmo, or by pressing the X key.

Transform Manager Settings

The state of the three transform managers (coordinate system, center, and axis constraints) is stored with each type of transform. When you switch from Move to Rotate to Scale, the transform managers change to whatever combination they were in when you last used that transform.

For example, if you click Rotate and set the transform managers to Screen, Selection Center, and Y constraint, when you click Move, the controls might shift to View, Pivot Point, and XY constraint (whichever combination was set the last time you used the Move button). When you go back to Rotate, the controls revert to Screen, Selection Center, and Y constraint.

Tip: To avoid surprises, always click the transform button first, and then set the transform managers. If, instead, you first set the transform managers, their settings are likely to change as soon as you choose a new transform button. One way to remember this is always to set the transform and managers by working from left to right on the main toolbar. Alternatively, you can turn on Customize menu > Preferences > General tab > Reference Coordinate System group > Constant, which keeps the transform manager settings the same for all transforms.