Filters Dialog (Track View)

Main toolbar > Open Track View > Track View toolbar > Filters > Filters Dialog

Graph Editors menu > Track View > Open Track View > Track View toolbar > Filters > Filters Dialog

Use Track View's Filters dialog to choose what to display in Track View. For example, view only animated tracks, or tracks for selected objects.


To select filter options quickly, do one of the following:


Show group

All: Sets all Show check boxes to on.

None: Sets all Show check boxes to off.

Invert: Reverses the state of all Show check boxes.

Hide by Controller Type group

Hide By Controller Type contains a window displaying a list of all controllers in the program. Select one or more controllers in the list to hide its display in the Hierarchy window. You can use the standard multiple-selection methods of CTRL-click, SHIFT-click, or drag.

All/None/Invert: Selects either all items in the list, none of the items in the list, or inverts the current selection.

Note: When you hide a controller, its subcontrollers (if any) are hidden as well. For example, if you hide a PRS Transform controller, its Position, Rotation, and Scale controllers are also hidden.

Hide by Category group

Contains a list of check boxes that let you hide tracks based on categories similar to those found in the Display branch. Checking one of these hides the entire node and all of its sub-components.

Show Only group

Animated Tracks: Displays only items that contain animation. When a parameter is animated, that parameter and items on all levels above it are considered to contain animation.

Selected Objects: Displays only items for objects selected in the scene. As you select objects in the scene, the display in the Hierarchy list changes to show the current selection. The display of sound and materials branches are not affected by this filter.

Selected Tracks: Displays only items that you select prior to setting this filter. All of the displayed items are left-justified in the Hierarchy list regardless of their level in the hierarchy.

Visible Objects: Determines whether objects that are hidden in the viewports will appear in the Track View Hierarchy. This does not consider objects with tracks, but only objects that have been hidden. Default=on.

Function Curve Display group

Suppresses the display of function curves.