Select Bitmap Image File Dialog

Material Editor > Any component tab > Component's Map group > Click Open New Map File.

The Select Bitmap Image dialog allows you to choose a file or sequence of files for a map.


To select a bitmap image for a map:

  1. In the Material Editor, go to a component's tab.

  2. Click Open New Map File.

    This assigns a map to the component. For example, clicking Open New Map File in the Diffuse tab creates a diffuse or "texture" map.

  3. In the Select Bitmap Image dialog, navigate the Look In field to select the appropriate directory.

  4. Highlight the file name in the file list window.

  5. Click Open to close the dialog.


History: Displays a list of the most recent directories searched. Whenever an image is selected, the path used is added to the top of the history list as the most recently used path. The history information is saved in the file gmax.ini.

Look In: Opens a navigation list to browse other directories or drives.

Up One Level: Moves you up a level in the directory structure.

Create New Folder: Lets you create a new folder while in this dialog.

List: Displays the contents of a directory without the details.

Details: Displays the contents of a directory with all the details.

List Window: When details are turned on, the contents of the directory are displayed with Name, Size, Type, Date Modified, and Attributes. You can sort based on each of these columns by clicking the column label.

File Name: Displays the file name of the file selected in the list.

Files of Type: Displays all the file types that can be displayed. This serves as a filter for the list.

Open: Selects the highlighted file and closes the dialog.

Cancel: Cancels the selection and closes the dialog.

Setup: (Not available in gmax.)

Info: Displays expanded information about the file, such as frame rate, compression quality, file size, and resolution. The information here depends on the type of information that is saved with the file type.

View: Displays the file at its actual resolution. If the file is a movie, the Media Player is opened so the file can be played.

Gamma Group

Gamma: Selects the type of gamma to be used for the selected file. This is unavailable unless Enable Gamma Correction is turned on in the Gamma panel of the Preferences dialog.

Use ImageÆs Own Gamma: Uses the gamma of the incoming bitmap.

Use system Default Gamma: Ignores the imageÆs own gamma and uses the system default gamma instead, as set in the Gamma panel of the Preferences dialog.

Override: Defines a new gamma for the bitmap that is neither the imageÆs own, nor the system default.


Preview: Displays the image as a thumbnail in the image window.

Image Window: Displays a thumbnail of the selected file.

Statistics: Displays the resolution, color depth, file type, and number of frames of the selected file.

Location: Displays the full path for the file. With this information at the bottom of the dialog, you always know exactly where you are.