Menus Panel

Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Menus panel

The Menus panel lets you customize the menus in the software. You can edit existing menus or create your own. You can customize menu labels, functionality, and layout.


To create a new menu:

  1. Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Menus tab

  2. Click New.

    The New Menu dialog appears.

  3. Enter the name of the menu and click OK.

    The new menu appears in the menu list.

To add a command to a menu:

  1. Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Menus tab.

  2. Select the Menu you want to edit from the drop-down list.

    If you want to change the name of the menu, click Rename and enter a new name in the Rename Menu dialog.

  3. Select the appropriate Group and Category from the respective drop-down lists.

  4. Select a command from the action list and drag it into the Menu window.

    Use the same procedure to add menus and separators to your menu.

To delete a menu:

  1. Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Menus tab.

  2. Select the Menu you want to delete from the drop-down list.

  3. Press Delete.

To remove a command from a menu:

  1. Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Menus tab.

  2. Select the menu you want to edit from the drop-down list.

  3. Select the command you want to remove.

  4. Press the Delete key.

    Use the same procedure to remove menus and separators from your menus.

To move a command in a menu:


Group: Displays a drop-down list that lets you select the context you want to customize, such as Main UI or Track View.

Category: Displays a drop-down list of the available categories of user interface actions for the selected context.

Action Window: Displays all the available actions for the selected group and category. To add an action to a specific menu, select it and drag it to the menu window on the right side of this dialog. Right-click on an action in this window to edit the macro script that defines this action (if there is one).

Separator Window: Displays a separator line that can be used to separate groups of menu items. To add a separator to a specific menu, select it and drag it to the menu window on the right side of this dialog.

Menu Window: Displays the names of all menus. To add a menu to another menu (shown in the Menu List), select and drag it to the menu window on the right side of this dialog. Right-click on a menu in this window to delete the menu, rename it, or create a new, empty menu.

Menu List: Displays the default menus as well as any new ones you create or load.

New: Displays the New Menu dialog. Enter the name of the menu you want to create and click OK. The new menu appears in the menu window on the left side of the dialog as well as in the Menu List.

Delete: Deletes the item displayed in the menu list window.

Rename: Displays the Edit Menu Item Name dialog. Select a command in the menu list window and click Rename. This dialog lets you specify a custom name that will be displayed in the menu. If you precede a letter in the custom name with the ô&ö (ampersand) character, that letter will be used as a menu accelerator.

Menu Window: Displays the menu options for the menu currently selected in the menu list. To add menus and commands (actions), simply select and drag the options from the Action and Menus windows to this window.

There are several actions available when you right-click on any item in the menu window:

Delete Menu Item: Removes the selected action, separator, or menu from the quad menu.

Edit Menu Item Name: Opens the Edit Menu Item Name dialog. The customize name checkbox must be on to edit the name. Enter the desired name in the name text field and press OK. The itemÆs name is changed in the quad menu, but not in the quad menu window. If you precede a letter in the custom name with the ô&ö (ampersand) character, that letter will be used as a menu accelerator.

Edit MacroScript: Opens the macroscript for the selected action in a MAXScript editor window.

Load: Displays the Load Menu File dialog. Allows you to load custom menu files into your scene.

Save: Displays the Save Menu File As dialog. Allows you to save any changes youÆve made to the menus to a .mnu file.

Reset: Resets any changes youÆve made to the menus to the default setup. (defaultui.mnu)