Zoom All

Viewport Navigation controls > Zoom All

Zoom All lets you adjust view magnification in all non-Camera viewports.

By default, Zoom All zooms in and out of the center of the viewports.


To zoom all views:

  1. Activate a Perspective or Orthographic viewport.

  2. Click Zoom All.

    The button turns green when it is on.

  3. Drag in a viewport to change magnification in all viewports.

  4. Press ESC or right-click to turn off the button.

To zoom all viewports except the Perspective viewport:

  1. Hold down the CTRL key and click Zoom All.

  2. Drag in a viewport to zoom all the viewports except the Perspective.

    Note: You can drag in a Perspective viewport, but you only see the zoom in Orthographic viewports.