Dolly Camera, Target, or Both

Activate a Camera viewport. > Viewport navigation controls > Dolly Camera or Dolly Target or Dolly Camera + Target

Dollying a camera

The buttons on this flyout replace the Zoom button when a Camera viewport is active. Use them to move the camera and/or its target along the camera's main axis, toward or away from what the camera is pointing at.

A free camera moves along its depth axis in the direction its lens is pointing. Unlike a target camera, its target distance remains fixed, no matter how far you dolly.

Note: The three buttons of the Dolly Camera flyout are available when a target camera viewport is active. When a free camera viewport is active, the button appears as a flyout, but only Dolly Camera is available for this type of camera. If you activate a target camera viewport, the three buttons are again available.

See also


To dolly a camera:

  1. Activate a Camera viewport.

  2. Click one of the buttons on the Dolly Camera flyout.

    The button turns green when it is on.

  3. Drag to move the camera.

  4. Press ESC or right-click to turn off the button.


The Dolly Camera flyout consists of the following individual buttons:

Dolly Camera: Moves only the camera to and from its target. If you go past the target, the camera flips 180 degrees and moves away from its target.

Dolly Target: Moves only the target to and from the camera. You see no visual change in the camera viewport, unless you dolly the target to where it passes through the camera to the other side, at which point the camera view is reversed. However, changing the relative position of the target to the camera affects other adjustments, such as Orbit Camera, which uses the target as its rotational pivot.

Dolly Camera + Target: Moves both the target and the camera to and from the camera.