The menu bar is located directly under the main windowÆs title bar. The title of each menu indicates the purpose of the commands on the menu. Each menu uses standard Microsoft Windows conventions.
When you choose a menu, a drop-down menu opens showing a number of commands.
As an alternative to using your mouse (or other pointing device), each menu name includes an underlined character. Pressing that character key while holding down the ALT key opens the menu. Commands in the open menu usually have an underlined character as well. While the menu is open, pressing that character key invokes the command.
An ellipsis (à) after a command name indicates a dialog will appear.
A right-pointing triangle after a command name indicates a submenu will appear.
If a command has a keyboard shortcut, the menu displays it to the right of the command name.
Menu commands that are on/off toggles use a checkmark to indicate their status.