Command panels > Create panel
The Create panel provides the controls for creating objects. This is the first step in building a new scene in gmax.
The Create panel groups the kinds of objects you create into six categories. Each category has its own button. Within each category there can be several different subcategories of objects. A drop-down list lets you choose among object subcategories, and each kind of object has its own button, which you click to begin creation.
These are the categories of objects that the Create panel provides:
Geometry is the renderable geometry of the scene. There are geometry primitives such as Box, Sphere, Pyramid, Booleans, and Lofts.
Shapes are spline curves. They have only one local dimension, although they can exist in 2D space, such as a Rectangle shape, or 3D space, such as a Helix.
You use shapes for constructing other objects such as Lofts, or for motion trajectories.
Lights illuminate the scene and improve its realism. There are several kinds of lights, each of which models different types of lighting in the real world.
Camera objects provide a view of the scene. The advantages of cameras over the views in the standard viewports are that cameras have controls similar to real-world cameras, and that you can animate a camera's position.
Helper objects are aids to constructing a scene. They help you position, measure, and animate the scene's geometry.
Systems combine objects, controllers, and hierarchies to provide geometry associated with some kind of behavior.